How to vanish to clean the carpet at home: basic rules and nuances


  • Features of using Vanishes for cleaning floor coverings
  • Carpet cleaning technology with Vanish
  • Useful advices and recommendations that will improve the efficiency of the

approach On the surface of the carpet, even with regular dry cleaning, dust is constantly accumulating, drops of moisture and dirt,sand settles between the villi. Often, contaminants cover the product in such a dense layer that there is nothing left but to clean the carpet by Vanish.

This is a universal tool for increased efficiency, which at home can save almost any contamination. It can be used for the processing of carpets with long and short nap, carpets of synthetic and natural materials, while cleaning of products of any color is allowed.

Features of using Vanishes for cleaning floor coverings

Like any other representative of the group of household chemicals, Vanish has a certain specificity. To obtain a positive result and not to provoke the development of side effects, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  1. The product is available in the form of powder and shampoo. To clean the carpet, it is better to take a liquid preparation. He will not settle between the villi and give a thicker and thicker foam.
  2. Do not rush with applying the composition to the surface of the product. First you need to remove all the dirt from under the cover, vacuuming it with the wrong part. Only after this, you can use a vacuum cleaner to treat the pile and proceed directly to the cleaning process.
  3. During machining, it is necessary to move about the periphery of the product to its center. At the same time it is strictly forbidden to rub the carpet, this will only promote the spread of dirt and its deeper penetration.

Tip: If you need to clean a particularly stubborn stain and plan to use folk remedies, then Wanish can only be used after the entire drying of the treated area. Combine the two chemicals is strictly prohibited.

  1. The assembly of the cleaning compound should be carried out in the direction of the pile, otherwise there is a risk of breaking the texture of the coating.
  2. Carpet should be washed in a well-ventilated area. In the absence of fresh air, the material "suffocates" and begins to exude an unpleasant musty smell. At home, getting rid of this phenomenon is very difficult.
  3. During processing, use foam only. The ingress onto the pile and the fabric lining of the moisture is fraught with the onset of putrefactive processes and the appearance of new spots.
  4. After cleaning the Vanish product, it is necessary to thoroughly dry the carpet. It is best to do it in a suspended state. In extreme cases, first we hold the product in reverse, then turn and dry the pile.

Otherwise, to clean the household product, you must act strictly according to the instructions on the bottle label with Vanishes for carpet cleaning. It is undesirable to depart from recommendations, it can lead to the formation of persistent stains or pile rolling, which is very difficult to eliminate at home.

Carpet Cleaning Technology with Vanish

The very procedure for cleaning carpets and carpets consists of several stages and looks like this:

  • First, a thorough dry cleaning of the product is carried out. It's best to knock out the carpet, then there will not be any problems with the divorce.
  • Next we prepare the working staff. For this, we take one part of the active liquid into nine parts of water. The temperature of the product should not exceed 35 ° C.Beat the mixture until a thick, uniform foam appears. To wash the objects covered with a pile, it is necessary foam, differently it is possible to face shrinkage of an object.
  • To clean the carpet you need to take a soft brush or a porous sponge. We select Vanish on the chosen tool, distribute the surface of the product, not rubbing and not driving. Whip the composition to get a new foam.
  • For carpets without obvious persistent impurities this will be enough. In those cases where there is a need for deeper and more intensive cleaning, we begin to rub the foam into the pile structure with soft circular motions. If you need to clean the spots, then on their surface can apply a clean Vanish. We are waiting no more than half an hour and resume processing in the problem area.

Tip: To clean carpets with pile in the form of swirling loops, you can not use brushes, they are able to dishevel the product and give it a worn, untidy appearance. It is better to dispense with an ordinary rag-napkin.

  • Next, you need to let the foam dry. The duration of this stage is different for carpets with long and short nap. At home, this period does not exceed 1-2 hours. The main thing is that at this time no one would walk on the surface of the product. It is strictly forbidden to influence Vanish with artificial heat sources. Instead, it is better to open the window and provide the product with good ventilation.
  • At the last step the carpet needs to be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. Do not press on the brush, it is better to spend a little more time on the procedure, but the nap will not be damaged.

After removing the detergent, you need to check the moisture level of the pile. If uncovered areas are uncovered, efforts will have to be made to effect their drying. At home, the hair dryer can handle it. First, we dry with wet napkins the wrong side of the carpet, then we direct a stream of cold air to the wet zone. We alternate approaches until we achieve the required degree of dryness. It is not recommended to influence the pile, it can deform.

It is possible to start the exploitation of carpets, purified by Vanish, only after the elimination of the slightest signs of moisture. For this purpose, it is better to wait at least 12 hours after cleaning.

Useful advices and recommendations that will increase the effectiveness of the

approach Positive results will be maximized and the risk of damage to the product is minimal if you consider the following:

  1. Carpet can also be cleaned by Vanish, but only if the product contains synthetic additives. The humidity level should be minimal and the drying time should be longer.
  2. After cleaning the carpet with the help of household chemicals, the product is recommended to vacuum at least 1-2 times a week.
  3. Coating treatment should be carried out at the first signs of contamination, do not accumulate dirt to "remove it then in one fell swoop."
  4. Work should be carried out in a well-ventilated room, this not only reduces the level of discomfort, but increases the effectiveness of the approach.

Vanish application for carpet cleaning is absolutely justified. The drug does not differ in high cost and gives the necessary result.