A tool for washing windows by oneself - an effective and affordable product

By purchasing a suitable means for washing windows, it is often necessary to make a choice between efficiency, additional brilliance and the absence of divorce. This can be avoided by preparing such preparations with our own hands. Do not underestimate the strength of familiar household chemicals. It can give a result that surpasses the quality of expensive finished products, you just need to learn how to correctly combine the ingredients and adhere strictly to the recommended dosages. Another plus of homemade products is the fact that they are absolutely safe for the atmosphere in the house and the environment.

Secrets that will allow you to keep windows as clean as possible

To keep windows clean, you need not only regularly and correctly apply a liquid for washing glasses, a good result will meet the following recommendations:

  1. Windows for a long time will retain their original cleanliness and will make them shine iffrom time to time, wipe them with slightly salted water.
  2. Few of the mistresses add starch to the preparations prepared by their own hands. Contrary to popular belief, the glass does not have a perfectly flat surface, and it is this component that gently cleans all the jags, preventing the formation of stubborn spots.
  3. Additional surface gloss will add vegetable oil. It is necessary to put a few drops on a soft napkin and carefully spread on the glass.
  4. There is a special composition that is not used for washing glasses, but for preventing their rapid contamination. Two tablespoons of glycerin with a spoon of water, add a few drops of ammonia and shake well. The mixture applied to the windows by a thin even layer not only repels dust and dirt, but also prevents icing of the windows during the winter.
  5. If you add a few drops of essential oil to the glass cleaner, made by yourself, this will not only provide a pleasant aroma in the room, but also reduce the likelihood of the appearance of stains on the transparent surface. With finished products, so do not experiment!

Tip: In addition, experienced housewives recommend occasionally to grease the borders of windows with onion juice or add this component to the glass cleaner. This manipulation will protect against the constant presence of insects on windows and in the house.

Recipes for effective and safe detergents for

glasses A ready-made window cleaner can be purchased without any problems at any hardware store, but no industrial product will produce the same result as one of the following hand-made mixtures:

  • Glass cleanerintensity of action. On a quarter of a glass of vinegar we need the same amount of technical alcohol, a tablespoon of starch and two glasses of cool water. In the bottle, first fall asleep starch, then fill all the liquid components and screw the tip with a sprayer. Before each use of the product, the bottle must be shaken, evenly distributing the particles of the starch. Spray the mass over the surface of the glass and wipe it with a cotton napkin.
  • Starch liquid for cleaning very dusty glass. Take no more than a tablespoon of starch per liter of cool water. Mix the ingredients and shake the container thoroughly. The product is distributed over problem areas and wiped with a napkin. Starch can be replaced with tooth powder or chalk.
  • Lemon mixture. With your hands, you can make a tool that will simultaneously clean the glass and fill the room with freshness. To do this, two tablespoons of lemon juice( but not acetic acid) are bred in 1-2 glasses of water and used for the intended purpose. The amount of liquid depends on the degree of contamination of the glasses. For the treatment of persistent stains, a more concentrated composition will be needed.

  • Very dirty glass cleaner. If you first need to wash off a dense layer of dirt on the surface, you need to mix a tablespoon of ammonia and vinegar in a glass of water. The product is plentifully applied to the glass and literally laundering dirt to them.
  • Lovers on the soap bubbles can make a product with their own hands, which will dissolve even greasy stains that are typical for the kitchen and will not leave a divorce after that. In two glasses of water, mix two tablespoons of vinegar and half a teaspoon of liquid soap. Spray on a transparent surface, rub it and rinse it off.
  • You can get rid of traces of paint or markers on the glass if you make a soda solution. In two liters of water, fall asleep a quarter of a glass of soda, shake and add four tablespoons of vinegar. We apply the product on the dense side of the household sponge and three impurities. Then wipe the remnants of the remedy with a soft cloth.
  • Few people know that from the mud on the glasses the tea infusion saves. Do not be afraid that such a tool will cause the appearance of a dark plaque on a transparent surface, it is easily washed off completely. In a cup of strong tea, you need to dissolve three tablespoons of vinegar. The finished mixture is sprayed into problem areas and immediately wiped with a dry cloth. Do not wait until the mass dries, this can complicate the work.

Homemade window cleaning products are not only a significant saving of the family budget, but also a guarantee of a positive result, a lack of allergy in the home, the ability to remove stains of any complexity.