- Than to wash windows?
- How to wash the window?
- How do I use window cleaners?
- How to get rid of stains on windows?
- How to clean the double-glazed windows?
- Useful advices
The question "how to wash the windows," arises in the housewives with the arrival of heat or when the cold approaches. How to properly wash the windows, sprayed with rain, snow, covered with a layer of dust and spend the least amount of time and effort in this process? What are the best ways to clean the glasses? Some secrets and tips for looking after windows we will share with you in this article.
to the contents ↑Than to wash windows?
The windows are different, someone installed modern plastic double-glazed windows, someone else has not changed the wooden frames. Nevertheless, the procedure is the same - to wash the windows of dirt, clean out as much as possible and keep the profiles and all the tabs intact. Depending on the type, color, and age, the window frames require a certain rule of care and choice of means.
We offer a list of necessary and recommended tools for washing windows.
Domestic home remedies:
- 2 water tanks;
- duster of cotton fabric;
- woolen lint-free cloth;
- special microfiber cloth;
- sponge with abrasive side;
- old newspapers;
- detergents for dishes;
- ammonia;
- tooth powder;
- chalk;
- vinegar;
- soda;
- starch;
- salt.
Special window cleaner:
- "Mr. Muscle", "Mr. Proper", "Glass &Window Cleaner »;
- Amway Home L.O.C.- a cleaner for glass;
- Amway Home L.O.C.Plus See Spray - a cleaner for glasses;
- special scraper with a rubberized nozzle for cleaning glass.
Have you decided on the choice of means to wash the window? We proceed to the process itself.
to the contents ↑How to wash the window?
Carry out the procedure for washing windows in cloudy weather. First, when the sunlight hits the glass will dry quickly, and secondly, there will be a noticeable divorce.
As soon as the weather is right, do not delay! Start acting according to the following plan:
- Prepare the tools for cleaning the windows so that they are in a convenient location from you.
- Before starting work, remove the curtains and free the window sill from foreign objects.
- Open the plastic window, clean the clogs in loops and latches with a paintbrush or a vacuum cleaner.
- Wipe the windows and windowsill from dust with a damp cloth.
- First, wash the frame, and then the glass.
- Process the window on one side vertically, and on the other horizontally.
- Clean the glass with a clean dry cloth.
- After finishing work, wash the sill with a soap solution.
How to use window cleaner?
Let's start with the simplest options that our mothers and grandmothers used.
Method 1
- Take two containers of warm water.
- In one, make a soapy solution, soak a rag in it.
- Rinse them with glass.
- Take a microfiber napkin, soak it in clean water.
- Thoroughly clean the window.
Method 2
Replace soap with vinegar or ammonia:
- Make lightly salted solution.
- Add vinegar or ammonia to it.
- Wipe the glass with this solution.
- Polish with a dry cloth.
Method 3
A time-proven method - use chalk or dental powder.
- Open the chalk in a small container.
- Add in chalk( dental powder) water in a proportion of 2-3 tbsp.spoons for 1 glass of water.
- Stir.
- The resulting chalky solution is applied to the glass.
- Allow it to dry out a little.
- Take crumpled newspapers and smash them with glass.
- Remains of chalk from the window sill.
Method 4
Use special tools for washing windows that are sold in abundance in all hardware stores.
To do this, carefully read the instructions for using the product and specify its composition - is it really suitable for your plastic or wooden windows.
Environmentally friendly preparations from the firm Amway( Amway) are perfect for the task of removing pollution from the glass. The products do not adversely affect health and the environment, and the method of use is extremely simple:
- Apply the product to the glass.
- Polish with a clean cloth.
How to get rid of the stains on windows?
After washing the glass surfaces with household chemicals or water, unfortunately, there are often divorces. The question remains: how to wash windows without divorce?
To ensure that the glass shines with cleanliness, there are several recipes for this problem:
- Use old crumpled newspapers as polishes on glass. They perfectly grind and absorb moisture.
- Glitter of glasses will give you a solution of water and starch in the proportion of 1 tbsp.l.for 1 liter of water.
- Use the mixture of kerosene and water: 1 tbsp.l.kerosene for 3 liters of water. Carefully use a solvent on plastic windows.
To completely polish the glass and add gloss to it, use special aerosols:
- Spray the cleaner on a clean glass surface.
- Wait for a while.
- Take a woolen rag or wrinkled newspaper.
- Sand the glass in different directions.
To get rid of the divorce, an effective special cleaner WV50 from Kercher will come to your rescue:
- Take the atomizer, apply the chemical on the glass.
- Remove dirt with a special scraper with a rubberized nozzle.
- Hold the scraper at an angle of 20-30 degrees and work on a horizontal line so that the water flows down on its side.
- Wipe the window frames from the product.
How to clean the double-glazed windows?
Not only the glass, but also the window profiles need high-quality cleaning. How to do it quickly?- Follow these recommendations:
- To wash plastic windows, use rags made of microfiber - they do not leave any lint on the glass.
- First, wash the profile with a soap solution or window cleaner.
- Take a new dry rag and carefully wipe clean areas.
- Do not ignore the corners of the double-glazed windows.
- Buy a special set for the care of plastic windows. This includes tools for lubricating seals, removing contaminants, for glossing and spray-cleaning for fittings.
- If the plastic on the windows requires serious cleaning, buy in the hardware store special tools for plastic without abrasive content. We offer several products from well-known manufacturers: Top Job, Joy, Palmolive, Windex with Ammonia D, Formula 40.
- To remove old dirt from plastic frames, you will need a solvent for cleaning PVC spray WD40.It removes all kinds of stains from the plastic surface, after its use, the surface shines with purity and brilliance. But note, it can not be applied to the glass. In addition, if it hits the rubber sealant, the solvent may damage it.
- Be sure to pay attention to drainage holes and drainage channels, dirt accumulates here most. To eliminate it:
- Take a paintbrush.
- Sweep the dust from the corners.
- Wash with a damp cloth.
- Dry thoroughly.
- Use a vacuum cleaner to clean hard-to-reach places.
Useful advices
- For white profile, use only white cloth when washing windows.
- Do not use hot water, as it causes yellowing of the plastic.
- It is not recommended to use detergent or soda in washing the profile, as abrasive particles will damage the plastic and create scratches.
- Do not use solvents when washing plastic, they can change color or damage the material.
- Do not forget to wash the glass on both sides.
- Do not use solvents or chemicals in hot air or direct sunlight.
- To avoid sudden slamming of the frame in drafts, close the doors tightly.
- Adhere to safety measures - do not make sudden movements.
- Work with chemical agents in protective gloves.
Following our recommendations, you will clean the windows effortlessly and with pleasure. The cleanliness and comfort of your home will delight you for a long time!