How to wash white laces at home?


  • Soak or not?
  • Effective tools and solutions for cleaning and whitening laces
  • How to manipulate correctly?

Many housewives do not even think about how to wash white shoelaces, and just soak them or load them into the machine along with the shoes. As a result of this approach, the surface of the sneakers is covered with divorces, or everything is evenly cleaned, but the laces gradually lose their original color, acquiring a gray tinge.

To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to wash the functional elements separately. Moreover, manipulation should mean not only the classical cleaning, but also the bleaching of the material. To do this, you can use both ready-made professional tools, and equally effective homemade compounds.

Soak the products or not?

The answer to this question depends on the degree of contamination of objects. In the event that they are literally covered with mud, it is better to postpone soaking for later. First it is necessary to send the shoelaces for one cycle in the washing machine, wrapping them in an unnecessary white pillowcase, which will absorb at least some of the dirt and then withdraw it.

We then evaluate the result without drying the products. If it is satisfactory, soak the products in one of the whitening solutions, then wash it by hand. In the case where the first machine wash did not help, you need to run one more and so until the desired result is achieved.

If the shoelaces simply lost their original whiteness, they should be soaked in a special whitening solution before the usual washing. The choice of a suitable tool depends on what was available at the moment.

Effective tools and solutions for cleaning and whitening shoelaces

At home, white shoelaces can be cleaned and bleached with a variety of effective tools and approaches:

  • Before washing their products, it is recommended to boil them in white. Here the main thing is not to exceed the recommended dosages on the package and do not keep the material in the composition longer than necessary.

Tip: Practice shows that if you do not lazy and wash your white laces at least once a week or after every serious contamination, the dirt will not have time to soak deeply into the structure of the fibers. Products will be washed off quickly and without significant effort.

  • If dirt is literally ingrained in the fibers of the laces and white sneakers create a disadvantageous background for them, a more serious impact will be required. To do this, we take refined gasoline, bleach without chlorine, cotton wool discs and wet wipes without perfume. First, the disk is wetted in gasoline, we handle especially problematic places. Then wipe them with wet napkins, removing most of the composition. Next, soak the shoelaces in the bleach( you can replace the stain remover) and wait a quarter of an hour. Next, rinse the elements in cool water and wash in the usual way.
  • If white accessories have acquired a gray-yellow hue, you can use a product made from vinegar, 3% hydrogen peroxide and detergent. All these ingredients are combined in equal proportions and thoroughly kneaded. Should be a medium-grade paste. We take a toothbrush with a very soft bristle or dishwashing sponge and use the selected tool to rub the surface of the laces with the resulting paste. First, you can simply apply a mass to the products and wait five minutes, after which you need to start mechanical cleaning. After the elements are processed along the entire length, they need to be soaked in warm water and washed in a typewriter.

It should be noted that the above techniques are best able to cope with problems on the braids of loose and large weaving. If you have to deal with tight versions of products, then the forces and time to restore their color will have to spend a lot more.

How to manipulate correctly?

There are several points, compliance with which will get the fastest and most positive result by updating accessories for shoes:

  • If the products are erased in the machine, then the speed should be minimal, otherwise the shoelaces will quickly become disheveled and lose their original attractiveness. Drying is not used!
  • The temperature can be set to the maximum, if the brilliant elements are not stretched through the white elements. In this case, the temperature should not exceed 40 ° C( well, such products can not be boiled either).

  • Do not try to treat the fiber with toothpaste in the same way as sneakers. A positive result can at first and please, but the particles of the composition will be hammered between the fibers, they will begin to attract dirt and very soon the material will become dirtier than before washing. But to restore such laces will be very problematic.
  • It is necessary not only to be able to clean the shoelaces, but also to look after them properly. If even the elements are clean, but they are wet, they need not just be dried, but pre-stripped. And for drying it is better to choose fresh air, rather than heating appliances( from which the fibers begin to turn yellow).
  • If the shoelaces are only soiled and have not yet dried, then they just need to be washed by hand using soap( household or Antipyatin).Be sure to rinse after this product in cool water until the foam is completely washed away.

And yet, even after such troublesome and lengthy manipulations, a positive result is not guaranteed. If it is not possible to regularly wash the shoelaces with a preventive purpose, it is better to purchase several pairs in advance and change them regularly. It's not so expensive, as it seems, from a financial point of view, and sneakers will always look like new.