The washing machine has become an indispensable tool in everyday life, freeing housewives from a variety of troubles and freeing time for other household chores. However, as in any technique, it can fail, for example, to heat water in the wash. For those who are professionally engaged in repair of washing machines he knows all the possible causes of this failure and can identify them easily. But this failure is a catastrophe because difficult to wash laundry in cold water for ordinary users.
- fault checking
- Causes of problems
- elimination of breakage
fault checking
Before you begin to repair, not hurt to make sure if the washing machine does not warm the water and what else could it be related.
What is important to know:
- Diagnose malfunctions of the machine can cool glass hatch, running a pre-wash temperature for each mode. Usually after 20-30 minutes the water has warmed up to the desired mark, so the glass is hot.
- On some models, you can not open the door to a full cycle is complete. In such cases, it helps to determine the presence of breakage linen - it is poorly washed off and will have an unpleasant musty odor. It also indicates that the washing machine does not heat water.
- Visual inspection of the components will also help in the diagnosis of failure. The water level sensor, heater, wiring, thermostat - these parts should be checked first of all, if the liquid is heated.
- It should take into account the specific features of factory machines. For example, the models of firms Samsung and Indesit no hot water for washing sports shoes, silk and delicate operation.
- On some models of LG washing machines provided the use of the two regulators - temperature and mode. And in the passport is already registered for the various possible combinations of washing options. We can only set the program correctly.
- It is logical that clothes washed in hot or warm water. However, it all depends on the specific model of the machine, so you should look into the manual. If you have any other questions, you can contact the customer support of the manufacturer.
If a problem is detected, it is important to take measures for its elimination, first figure out why the machine-Machine does not heat water. With some exceptions cold water wash meaningless and will not bring the desired result.
Causes of problems
Most cases of the situation, when the washing machine does not heat water for washing, can be explained by the presence of some technical failure. These include:
Burnout heater. Tubular electric plays a major role in the process of warming the water, its failure is possible for several reasons: manufacturing defects, closure, power surges, powders of poor quality, and the life (the average "age" of this element is 3-5 years).
- Broken wires in the heater circuit. This is facilitated by a strong vibrating machines during pressing and drying, so that the wiring is most often located in close proximity to the body. Wires fray and can break that will prevent the heater to perform its functions. If the problem is associated with the heater, usually a car notifies an errorStopping scrolling linen. On a simple model that does not happen, but the washing is completed without rinsing and spin-drying.
- Scale on the heating element. This leads to the fact that the proper Tene water still is not heated, because it prevents formed in large quantity scale.
- the control unit fails. It is due to the ingress of moisture, condensation or oxidation, breaking contacts. As a result, TEN does not receive the appropriate "team" to heat the water.
- The failure of the thermostat. For this reason stiralka can also heat the water. A sensor that monitors the temperature of the liquid in the washing machine simply can not detect it, so warm and does not occur. Among the main reasons secrete the scum on the element, its failure or burnout.
- Malfunction of the water level sensor. This detail is important to start the warm-up liquid - to TEN involved in the work, the water should reach a certain level, after which the circuit is closed and the process starts. Typically failure occurs after clogging debris sensor (pieces of fabric, threads, hair), which prevents water to enter the tank.
In addition to technical reasons, it is necessary to allocate incorrect connection of the machine (More often in order to save), causing a violation of water runoff into drains. The fluid does not have time to reach a predetermined degree, and continuously discharged from the tank, which is simultaneously filled cold.
Thus, the causes of failure are not so much. The main thing - to identify it correctly in each case.
elimination of breakage
If the reason for the lack of warm water in the washing machine is detected, it is wise to remove it immediately to "return life" miracle technique, and most importantly - to avoid possible consequences. For every reason there is his decision:
Replace heater. Buy a new element is important strictly to a particular car model. Replacement is better left to professionals, since improper installation parts may cause a fire. Removing the heating element is also necessary to be able, otherwise likely to damage the tank.
- When the washing machine does not warm heater, and this is due to chain termination, you must solder the broken wires. If the problem persists, it must be completely replaced.
- Scum on heater can be eliminated independently by boiling item using citric acid. And the purpose of special facilities for washing machines should be used prevention.
- Replace the control unit. module repair can be more expensive than buying a new one, plus a possible software failures (when changing only one part), so experts advise to change the fee immediately to a more reliable and modern.
- Replace the thermostat. The sensor sets the heating program, so it is important to understand whether it is functioning. If during the inspection revealed violations, it is necessary to change the item.
- Clean tube pressure switch (water level sensor). In most cases, it helps if the problem persists, have to buy a new one.
If the washing machine does not heat water, it is important correctly identify the cause of failureTo eliminate it as quickly as possible. It does not hurt to get acquainted with the instructions for the machine, which contains a lot of useful information. House Call an expert can save you time, besides a competent master with accurate answers to all questions of concern.
That in the future the situation will not repeat itself, it is worth remembering about the preventive measures: the use of special additivesDo not pour too much powder, connect the voltage monitoring relays, do not load too much laundry in the drum and not venturing a laundry after another.