"Hephaestus" or "Burning": that is the question

Stylish design and wide functionality are the basic requirements for modern kitchen stoves. Today it's not just a device for cooking, but real designer masterpieces, equipped with the latest technology.

Gas stoves: selection rules

All the manufacturers guarantee the functionality and reliability of their products, so the following parameters should serve as a guide for choosing a gas cooker:

  • size and number of burners;
  • material from which the hob is made;
  • characteristics of the oven;
  • availability of additional functions.

We choose the brand

It should be noted that each brand "acts" in a certain price category. For example, the popular brand Bosch has a tendency to rather expensive products, but such companies as Slovenian Gorenie and Byelorussian Hephaestus have gained popularity thanks to their inexpensive and reliable solutions.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the gas cookers of these manufacturers, and what kind of equipment deserves more attention - "Hephaestus" or "Burning", we will find out by comparative analysis of several new models.

So, the competition will consist of three nominations:

  • Best budget model
  • Best professional model
  • Best model in terms of optional equipment

Best budget model

Model Estimated cost Additional functions Advantages of Disadvantages
Hephaestus 3200-08 6 thous.500 rubles. - Affordable price, simplicity, reliability, excellent work of the oven, the presence of a compartment for dishes. No backlight in the oven, nor any additional functions.
Hephaestus 3200-06 8 thousand 500 rub. Gas control of the oven, electric ignition. Affordable price, compact size( 50x57), adjustable feet, automated functions. Unsatisfactory operation of the oven.

Best professional model

Model Estimated cost Additional functions Advantages of Disadvantages of
Combustion GI 52339 RW 21 thousand 500 rub. Gas control of the oven and hob, function control from the display, autom.electric ignition, electronic sound timer, 5-mode operation of the oven. Many additional features, attractive design, the presence of a compartment for dishes, a spacious oven with lighting. High cost.
Burner GI 52339 RBR 19 thousand 700 rub. Gas control, electric ignition, sound timer, grill. Burners with non-stick coating, additional functions. Fixed minimum gas flow.

The best model in terms of optional equipment

Model Estimated Additional Advantages of Disadvantages of
Hephaestus 3500 12 thousand 850 r. Electronic sound timer, gas control of the oven, electric ignition Acceptable price, glass ceramic hob, good functionality. -
Burning G51103 AW 15 thousand rubles. Thermostat, gas control for burners and oven, electric ignition An acceptable price, oven with double glazing, stylish design. No convection in the oven, incorrect operation of the gas control system.
Burning G51103 AX 15 thousand 500 p. Gas control, electric ignition, thermostat. Additional equipment with deep tray and cast-iron grate. The whole plate body is heated while the oven is operating.
Burner GI53378 AW 17 thousand rubles. Gas control, sound timer, electric ignition, gas grill. Double glazed oven, grill, 3 additional baking trays. The absence of a hot food hotplate, the "braked" operation of the electric ignition, the incorrect operation of the oven.

Having considered these models in detail, it is possible to determine the leaders in each nomination. So, the winner of the most inexpensive gas stoves was the Hephaestus 3200-08 model, because, despite the total absence of additional functions, it differs from the "advanced" Hephaestus plate 3200-06.

In the category of the best professional models, of course, the gas furnace Burner GI 52339 RW is leading, tk. Has received a full set of additional functions and is very convenient in operation. Of course, the price is too high, but it is justified by the capabilities of this model.

It is rather difficult to determine the winner in the last nomination.each oven has its own unique features. However, the absence of flaws and the acceptable cost of the Hephaestus 3500 model gives it the chance to take the first place in the ranking of the most complete inexpensive slabs.