- Do I need a SIM card?
- Which SIM card is better for the Internet on the tablet?
- How to choose the right SIM card?
Today it is not difficult to find a SIM card for a smartphone. With the same ease it will be possible to select a tariff plan that gives the user the basic functionality. But with the tablets everything is much more complicated. Requirements for the Internet for the tablets are higher and a suitable tariff with the operator has to be searched. We will understand the differences and in what SIM is better for the Internet on the phone, and what - on the tablet.
to the contents ↑Do I need a SIM card?
Many gadgets are designed so that even in the absence of access to a Wi-Fi network it was possible to use the mobile Internet if necessary - through 3g. Sometimes, hardware and software, when using a sim card in similar devices, allows you to use a gadget to make calls, as if from a normal mobile phone. A tablet equipped with a module is not in great demand, and costs more, given the monthly fee for the operator's services, but there is demand for them too.
to the contents ↑Which SIM card is better for the Internet on the tablet?
Which SIM is better for the Internet on the phone? Most likely, everyone answered this question a long time ago and uses the best and most profitable tariff for their smartphone, in their opinion. But what to do when choosing sim cards on a tablet? By what criteria should I choose? Let's sort it out a little.
When choosing you need to rely on the three most important factors:
- The amount of monthly traffic.
- Data transfer rate.
- Cost of fare.
Important! The representative of cellular communication services almost always puts a restriction on the speed of the Internet. After passing through a certain threshold on the volume of data, the speed drops to the agreed minimum value.
Review of SIM cards for tablet PCs
Which SIM card is better for the Internet on the tablet? On what to stop the choice? Let's look at some of the most popular operators offering tariff plans for tablets:
- MTS.This representative of cellular communication services offers an extensive range of tariffs for the Internet on tablets. There is a tariff set "MTS Tablet", which offers high-quality and fast Internet. The set is connected in two different forms: an additional option or a separate tariff plan "MTS Connect-4".The cost of tariffs varies from 300 to 1500 rubles.
Important! The price for connection of services is not considered.
- Megaphone. If you own a tablet Samsung, then you should familiarize yourself with the range of tariffs of this operator, as it offers advantageous options for such devices. For tablets, there are several tariff plans. For example: "Internet Tablet XS" and "Internet Tablet S".The first option does not have any monthly fee, but is limited to 600 megabytes of traffic. The second is not the highest charge - 400 rubles and is limited to traffic of 4 gigabytes. The speed is not very high.
- Beeline. The operator offers "Highway" tariffs for mobile devices. The speed at the level is 20 megabytes per second, and the balance of the ratio of the price category to the amount of monthly traffic leaves the other operators behind. This tariff includes 9 different packages, the cost of which starts from 400 rubles. Beeline is ideal for tablet PCs iPad. Also, the operator offers the function of dividing traffic between several devices.
Choosing operator
Different operators offer different tariffs, perfectly suitable for any tablet. But the leading ones are, as we already mentioned, only three operators: Beeline, MTS and Megafon. Other representatives of cellular communication services are not known for the quality and price of the services offered.
Let's not forget that the choice of a SIM card is a personal matter for each user, it all depends on the requirements of the buyer when buying. But once again we note that the tariffs of the cellular operator Beeline are especially good for mobile devices. Large traffic with high speed is not burdened with a high monthly fee. Other options are not bad, but they are inferior in price and quality to order.
Important! The quality of the connection depends on the country and region in which you are located. Read the terms and conditions of all communication providers if you are not satisfied with the above.
to the contents ↑How to choose the right SIM card?
The purchase of a tablet computer implies the use of the device to the full, it is absolutely necessary to have access to the necessary information, therefore, it is necessary to take seriously the choice of "sims".A SIM card is a module that identifies a user in cellular networks. For the vast majority of tablet computers, a sim card is required. How to choose the module with the largest functionality and what should be given more attention? Here are some tips to help you with the choice:
- First you need to check the presence of the 3g module in the gadget. It is also worth noting that there are different standards for the SIM:
- mini SIM( 25 × 15 mm), which are used in most phones;
- micro SIM( 15 × 12 mm), used in the newest smartphones and tablets.
Important! The latter become the most relevant for all mobile devices.
- It is worthwhile to understand for what purpose you are acquiring a sim card. Based on this, you can facilitate the choice of the operator and the tariff plan.
- Determine for yourself the right amount of monthly traffic - this also helps you when choosing a tariff.
Please take into account the necessary dimensions, the device suitable for the connector, as well as the model and the best tariff plans when choosing the "sim card".The actual information gathered in advance will help to facilitate the choice, significantly reducing the search limits.
Important! Remember that the tariff plans, conditions and prices depend on the country and region in which you live. One and the same tariff can cost differently in two different settlements and be sold on different terms.
The most important criterion of choice is the individual preferences of the user. Someone can miss one gigabyte for a month, and someone - will not be able to imagine his life without an unlimited Internet at his fingertips. All these things are purely individual. Carefully study the information on the product, which is advertised on the Internet and on TV.Be careful with your choice, and then you will definitely not be disappointed!