- First steps to ordering
- How to teach your child to order and cleanliness?
It's always difficult to get rid of bad habits, and in the absence of self-discipline and self-organization, this is even more difficult. So, you need to start with yourself, you need to teach your body to obey the commands of the brain implicitly. From this article you will learn how to accustom yourself to order and cleanliness and useful advice on organizing the regime of the day and the life of your child.
to the contents ↑The first steps to the order
To accustom yourself to the order, in fact you do not need enormous efforts on yourself:
- Start with the smallest, for example, get up every morning early on the first alarm sound, then brush your teeth, wash, docharging. This first small step will help start the day right and set the rhythm.
- Then, of course, you should not give up. No matter how boring the filling of the diary seemed, do not delay this matter. Planning is a very important task in the life of an adult. If you can not write plans for a whole week, then make a list of cases for at least one day. And after a while, believe me, you will learn and be able to record tasks for a month ahead, even a year. Write down in the evening your plans for the next day, and waking up in the morning, proceed to their fulfillment. A person who does not have tasks for the day has no incentive in life.
- During the day, try to follow the meal schedule. Always eat breakfast, lunch, supper at the same time. In the evening it is necessary to go to bed not too late. If you go to bed at ten in the evening, and get up at six in the morning, you will get the most optimal option for a vigorous energetic awakening. But remember that sleep should be strong - to do this, remove all irritants, create a comfortable environment in the bedroom.
Important! So, let's outline the basic rules:
- Going to bed is not too late and have a full sleep.
- Wake up early, do exercises.
- Stick to power mode.
- Write plans for the day.
- Do not deviate from the tasks.
These are not complex, but very effective tips that will help develop self-discipline. And you will no longer have a question, how to accustom yourself to order and purity. A disciplined person will not allow himself to live in a dirty cluttered space, he always follows his body.
Important! People who know how to accustom themselves to the order, bring order and in the life of others, achieve their goals faster, adapt more easily in life. Be neat and decent cleansers and many life issues will be solved by themselves without problems.
to the contents ↑How to teach a child to order and cleanliness?
While a child is the smallest, it is easiest to form a correct culture of behavior. Do not think that in two years the kid does not understand anything and does not remember. This is not true. He pays attention to every gesture and word of adults. Therefore it is very important to start with yourself. Above, the recommendations were set out, how to learn to be disciplined and organized.
If you do not already have these useful habits, then it's too early to teach a child. First of all, the child adopts the habits of parents, their behavior pattern becomes him. Every year, mom and dad will increasingly notice the similarity of the child's gestures and expressions with their own. And this means that it's time to say goodbye to the negative habits of life and to have new ones useful for the whole family if in the future you want to see a cultured decent person next to you.
We accustom to the order of the child 2-3 years:
- At this age, always do everything with the baby. It's too early to wait for an independent decision to remove toys after yourself. Show how it should be done. At the same time, voice actions, slowly put the scattered objects in their places, so that the child knows that each thing has its place and purpose.
- To accustom a little person to cleanliness, perform the same rituals every day. For example:
- In the morning after sleep, immediately wash it with cool water.
- Then make a joint charge.
- After the street, always wash your hands with soap and water.
- Before going to bed, let the baby take a bath or a light shower.
We accustom to the order of the child 4-8 years:
- The child already knows that every thing has its place, but does not want to add up as parents showed it? Then let me define the place for his things myself. Or take a photo of the shelves with properly laid out things, give the child a picture. After things have been disposed of, check the correctness, but not as a strict warden. Let it be like a game "find ten differences."If the work is done correctly, note this cheerful "hurray" and always always praise your child. Praise is loved by everyone, especially when you longed to get it.
- Get rid of a lot of things. The accumulation of large stocks of dolls, cars and other small things is usually the main cause of confusion in the house.
- To accustom a child to order and cleanliness, always pay attention to the culture of behavior at the table, learn to eat properly. The table, clothes and hands after eating should be kept as clean as possible. Find and show a colorful cartoon about how to behave at the table, how to use the devices. Perhaps this option will impress the baby more.
Allow the child to help adults, perform simple work. - Closer to the age of eight, still try to give more will, so that the child's actions are independent and one does not need to remind each time of the order in the children's room.
Important! If you began to learn to order and cleanliness from early childhood, then after four years the process goes to the automatic level. The child understands that if today he does not collect his toys, then tomorrow he will not be able to find among his favorite .
We accustom to the order of the child of 9-14 years:
- Show your easy attitude towards putting things in order. If children see that parents gather and sigh for a long time, before vacuuming carpets, they will also perceive cleaning as a painful exercise. Therefore, maintaining the order in the house is better to perceive, as part of family life - as natural as buying food or a traditional movie trip on weekends.
- Define for yourself and children what the term "clean room" means. Make a list, for example, of the following items: neatly folded clothes, a clean desk, a tucked bed. And try to always adhere to its fulfillment.
- You already have a full-fledged assistant, who can be entrusted with more complex tasks. Thus, you teach him to be useful, decent and educated. Do not be afraid to ask your son or daughter to help you with household chores, even if you have to remodel after them work or fix some mistakes. Choose the tasks that are feasible for them. For example, wipe the shelves of dust or sort out the laundry in color before the upcoming washing. So they learn from adults how to conduct economic affairs, and feel a mutual interest in solving a common problem. It is very important for a child to feel that he is useful.
- At this age, the child must be completely self-aware of the cleanliness of his body. Be able to brush your teeth, comb your hair and dress neatly without reminding your elders.
- If you instill love for cleanliness and order gradually from childhood, show your correct attitude to these vital processes, then the child by the age of nine is already in a habit. Clean up after yourself and monitor the purity of the body occurs in a completely familiar and unobtrusive mode.
Now you know how to teach your child to order and cleanliness, and that you need to set a good example yourself. Lay the foundation of good manners from childhood and you will get an excellent result in the future!