- A little bit about
- material and safety measures How to clean the sofa from dust?
- Folk remedies for cleaning of different types of dirt
Without any upholstered furniture, no house can do, it creates coziness and comfort. On the sofas and armchairs we relax, we receive guests, sometimes we snack, so it's no surprise that after a while the sofa gets fresh stains from tea, coffee, juice, fat or wine. If there are small children in the house, they will certainly contribute, and marks from pencils, markers or paints will appear on the couch, bringing the day when you have to think seriously about the best means for cleaning the sofa. The simplest way to keep the furniture covered intact is to buy a sofa with a removable upholstery or cover it with a blanket or blanket. But if the problem has already been drawn, then you can use the services of professionals. But you can cope with this yourself, let's consider how to clean the velvet sofa at home.
to the contents ↑A bit about the materials and safety measures of
The most important thing here is not to spoil the coatings, so you need to know what material is its surface. The simplest method of cleaning is to use chemical agents designed to remove stains and clean the upholstery. They have a pleasant smell, have an antibacterial effect, quickly dry out.
To apply any of the concentrates on the market, it is necessary to be guided by the following algorithm of work:
- The product is diluted in water according to the instructions and whipped into foam. To apply foam, you can use a rag or sponge.
- When cleaning, you should try not to skip the sections, otherwise - they will remain dirty.
- The pile needs to be rubbed in one direction, then there will be no stains on the surface.
- After the whole surface of the sofa has been treated, it is necessary to wash off the cleaning agent from the surface and dry the furniture.
Important! Many modern sofas have removable covers that you can simply take off and wash. The main thing here is not to spoil the locks or buttons and wash at low temperature so that the covers do not decrease in size.
Leather and leatherette sofas should be wiped with a special solution for such coatings. To remove dirt and stains, there is enough soap solution - this is especially good when there are small children in the house. And the marks from the pens or markers are removed with the help of alcohol.
When choosing a cleanser for the sofa, remember about your own safety:
- If the instructions say that the product has a strong odor and it is better to clean the respirator and then need to ventilate the room for a long time, then you better abandon this tool even if you are promised 100%getting rid of dirt, stains and dust. Such drugs can cause allergies, especially in young children.
- Do not mix different compounds, trying to get superfood. It is better to conduct experiments in the laboratory, and not at home on your favorite things.
Important! Any cleaning agent for a fabric sofa is best tested on a small, unobtrusive place - so you will save yourself from unnecessary disappointment, and your furniture from premature damage.
to the contents ↑How to clean the sofa from dust?
Dust settles on the upholstered furniture, accumulates, and this is especially noticeable on the velor sofas, as the fine rub is hammered among the villi. To avoid this, the sofas need to be cleaned. There are two ways to remove the sofa from dust:
- Cover the surface with a damp cloth and beat out. The result will be more noticeable if the cloth is moistened in salt solution with the addition of vinegar.1 liter of water is 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 2 teaspoons of salt. The fabric needs to be moistened periodically.
- You can use a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle. If there is none, then you can wrap the usual nozzle with a piece of gauze moistened with salt solution.
Important! For velor and velvet coverings, vacuuming is not recommended, as this can lead to deformation of the pile. If you use it, drive with a brush in one direction - along the pile, and not against it.
to content ↑Folk remedies for cleaning different types of contaminants
The cleaning method is selected depending on what type of stain you have managed to plant. Consider what kind of cleansers can be used for a sofa made of fabric.
Tea, coffee
Spots from tea, coffee and other beverages will help laundry soap. It must be rubbed, foamed and put a foam on the stain. Leave for 10 minutes, then rinse off with a wet sponge.
Important! Stains from coffee can be washed off with warm salt water. Dissolve the salt in water and apply the solution to the contamination. Good rub, let dry naturally.
If the trowel spreads over the upholstery, then to start the stain it is necessary to get wet with a normal napkin, then abundantly fill it with salt and leave for 10-15 minutes. Salt will draw out all the moisture. Then the salt is cleaned with a brush, and the spot itself is treated with a napkin with vodka or alcohol. Divorce can be removed with soapy water and brushed.
When grease spots appear, you should immediately fill them with soda, salt or starch. The substances are left for a few minutes and then cleaned. Next, you need to drop on the sponge a dish detergent and apply to the stain for 15 minutes, then rinse with a wet sponge.
To remove traces of ink from the upholstery of the sofa, you need to use acetone, a solvent or a liquid to remove varnish. On a cotton swab or a disc, we apply a remedy, wipe the problem areas and let them dry out. Remains of the ballpoint pen can be rubbed with a rubber band.
Important! Other complex spots can be removed with a solution of vinegar and ammonia, mixed in a ratio of 1 to 1. Simply moisten the cloth in the solution and wipe the contaminated areas.
Wax can be removed by ironing through a napkin with a hot iron. If there is a trace, it can be removed with a solution of soap.
Chewing gum
To remove adhered chewing gum, it must be frozen beforehand. Use ice cubes, applying them until it hardens, then gently remove it with a blunt object, and place it with a damp cloth.
Lipstick, blood:
- Traces of lipstick will help to remove a mixture of lemon juice and soda.
- A fresh stain from the blood can be removed with hydrogen peroxide. Pour the peroxide onto the stain and wipe off the foam with a napkin. Do this until the stain comes off. Then wipe with a damp cloth and dry.
- The old blood spot can be removed with aspirin. To do this, dissolve one tablet in a glass of water and moisten the tampon. Wipe until the spot disappears.
How do I clean a sofa from velor at home?
This material itself is rather capricious, not all means for it are good. How can I clean the velvet sofa? A sofa with such an upholstery rarely looks perfectly clean, as it is a record holder's material for attracting a variety of garbage: here you have hair, hair, and even the dust on it will be perfectly visible. Many of the above methods are suitable, just use them very carefully.
Important! As a universal cleanser, a microfiber cloth and a solution of vinegar in water are suitable.1 liter of water is 1 teaspoon of vinegar. To wipe a velor surface it is necessary easily, without pressing too strongly, moving in a nap direction.
From this article, you learned different ways to keep your upholstered furniture in the neatest state. Choose for yourself a couple of more convenient options, and you will always be ready to cope with any surprises, without denying yourself in those or other habits of hanging out at home.