How to wash a pillow from a feather at home: in a washing machine or with hands?


  • Using a washing machine: preparation and washing
  • How best to dry the washed pen?
  • Updated pillow
  • How to wash your hands?
  • Tips for careful

Fresh bedding, the clean content of the pillow - one of the conditions of a calm, deep sleep. Who knows how to wash the feather pillow, he will be able to get rid of microscopic dust mites, living in a contaminated filler and causing allergies.

Some people prefer to shift this troublesome occupation to dry-cleaning workers. But washing at home has its advantages: saving the family budget, confidence in the use of safe means.

The best time for such an operation is spring or summer, when hot, sunny weather will be your ally.

With the washing machine: preparation and washing

How to wash the feather pillow: manually, or in a washing machine - it's up to you. Each of the two options is preceded by preparation. It is necessary to stock up in advance with covers or pouches, so large that the feather and fluff from the pillow are placed in them freely. Two or three bags are sewn from a thin fabric( sometimes for this purpose old pillow cases will approach), but only not from a gauze as it is sometimes recommended. The gauze will not hold the pen, and it will clog the washing drum of the washing machine during washing, the filter and the drain hose will clog.

Next, the contents of the pillow, gently rasporov corner of the napernik, gently rolled into pouch-cases, which immediately tightly sew up and placed in the machine. Small pillows can be washed entirely, without opening naperniki. But you should think about how to evenly distribute them in a car so as not to cause a strong vibration.

Washing Mode:

  • minimum number of revolutions - 400;
  • maximum spin;
  • maximum number of rinses;
  • water temperature 30-40 degrees;
  • washing powder for delicate washing or for woolen products.

If the detergent powder causes an allergy, it is better to use a soapy solution. Do not interfere and a few drops of fragrant oil - cypress or lavender - the smell, while it will hold, will scare off the laundry ticks.

After you have finished washing, you will find that the fluff and feather are lost in one lump. Hand evenly spread the filler over the area of ​​the cover. Roll the covers into the old towels and squeeze them well, twisting them.

How best to dry the washed pen?

The drying stage is very responsible, as the pen, which has not dried to the end, can mold, on the napernik there will appear black spots, and the pillow will spread an unpleasant smell. It is necessary to carefully spread the contents of the bags together during the washing process and arrange them in the hot season on a sunny balcony where they will receive additional ultraviolet irradiation, a sterilizing feather mass, and in winter - on heating batteries. Drying at home will have a day or two, constantly turning, shaking and whipping every 40-45 minutes. Semi-dry pouches can be hung on clothes pegs in a room with free air streams. Also, the pillows are also dried, which were wiped out intact.

To speed up the process, you can resort to using a hot hair dryer.

Updated pillow

Absolutely dry feathers and fluff are transferred to a new napernik, sewn from dense cotton fabric - teak. The edge is sewn with a double seam to avoid trickling down. You can sew or buy for napernik case, closing with a zipper, which will protect the pillow from contamination, and then washing it will become a rare "pleasure."


Before beginning the "operation", floor the floor with a large piece of cloth, for example an old sheet. No matter how hard you try to act cautiously, the fluff will inevitably fly around the room, it will be easier to assemble with such a litter. But at the final stage of cleaning without a vacuum cleaner still can not do.

How do I wash my hands?

For manual washing, you need a large capacity - a basin or a bath - filled with warm water with a soapy solution, with a completely dissolved detergent or liquid detergent. You can add a teaspoon( 5 liters) of 10% ammonia to the water - the solution will become more active. Pooh and a pen are laid out in the liquid gradually, in small portions, otherwise they will be put into a free flight through your bathroom. The contents of the pillow, which is freely placed in the tank, is soaked for one and a half to two hours. Having wrung out a pen with hands, it is necessary to shift it into a new washing solution and proceed to the washing itself. Rinse in clean water, preferably in flowing water, using an ordinary colander, it is necessary twice. But to dry the washed feather, it will have to be shifted into prepared cases or bags. Dry further as recommended above.

Tips for careful

  1. Using a colander during hand-washing, do not forget to cover the draining of the bath with a mesh so that the fluff does not hammer it.
  2. When using the machine, try to throw some toys, tennis balls or "Antistress" balls into the drum, for example. They will beat the feather filler covers, not letting it get into the lumps.
  3. New napernik grind from the inside with laundry soap. It will be less polluted, accordingly, and it will be necessary to erase less often.