Cameras with Wi-Fi to help move pictures around on iOS- or Android-powered phones and tablets, some pictures are sent directly to the pages of social networking.
And for those who need pictures on business issues and urgently, this camera will allow the right to send pictures by e-mail.
- Characteristics
- How to choose a digital camera with Wi-Fi
- Equipment
- Problems

Photo resolution is measured by the number of pixels in the image length and width. Pictures are sharper with the increase in this indicator.
However, when the number of pixels increases and the size (volume) images. Therefore, when sending data through the photos in the camera built in Wi-Fi, it is necessary to take into account the data rate. The more images the weight and lower the rate - the longer the photos will be sent.
For normal pictures will be sufficient to 1280 × 960 and 4: 3 or 3: 2. If photos for family archives are stored and viewed on computer devices - not less than 1920 × 1080 and 16: 9 format.
Some models are equipped with a camera function of choosing the format and screen resolution. On this depends the occupied one photo memory capacity and the number of pictures that fit on a thumb drive.
On the other hand, the presence of Wi-Fi on the size of the images can be ignored - they can immediately be downloaded to a PC or to the "cloud service".
How to choose a digital camera with Wi-Fi

The display and the viewfinder
Almost all models of today's digital cameras with Wi-Fi received the LCD-display to preview photos. Preference should be given to the display apparatus at least 4 inches. The screen displays settings, control functions, including viewing the footage.
The expensive models have a viewfinder, it immediately displays a real view of the future picture, before clicking on the "take a picture".
The entry-level cells is absent and is replaced by a display on which, in real time, the image is displayed.
Types of viewfinders:
- Optic;
- mirror;
- Electronic.
Reflex viewfinder is better - the photographer can immediately see the real, undistorted image, and promptly can adjust the aperture or focus.
Zoom and Focus

Optical Zoom - brings visual image. If you want to take a picture of only a certain object, with this function it can be "closer", standing on the spot.
Digital Zoom - is the "stretching" of the image from the center of the screen to the edges. At each step increase is reduced picture resolution and quality.
Digital cameras with Wi-Fi can be equipped with a variety of detection technologies.
autofocus - automatic focus adjustment at a camera pointing at the subject.
AF face - System automatically finds and focuses on their sharpness.
Some companies are equipped with Wi-Fi devices functions "Triggering a smile," and Auto adjust the frame after shooting.
For advanced users you can select "Manual Focus". This option allows you to accurately direct the sharpness and make other advanced settings.
white balance

White balance - an option to adjust the work under the type of lighting camera: day, night, cloudy, sunny. Almost every device is equipped with automatic white balance correction, which come in handy for beginners.
The semi-professional and professional cameras can adjust the white balance in full manual mode.
image stabilizer

The technology of digital cameras with Wi-Fi allows you to get rid of blur images if the camera trembling for some reasons: tremors in the hands, movement, etc. thus preserved sharpness picture.
optical stabilization - it is based on the incorporation of the lens movable stabilizing element, which changes the movement of the light beam in the right direction.
technology cons : Reduction of the lens aperture, the increase in cost.
Anti-shake - in this technology lens remains stable (static) and the movable element - matrix. Plus, this approach - the ability to work with any optics.
shooting modes

Burst - at one time the camera performs a series of shots with the minimum time interval. This makes it possible to obtain "movement in the pictures" or make a selection of a successful photo. You can adjust the number of frames per unit of time.
Macro - allows shooting objects of small dimensions, or fragments of objects on a larger scale, in a higher resolution. Photographing is performed with the distance to the subject, not more than 0.2 m.
Remote - just install the camera with Wi-Fi in any place and to do with it images remotely. This requires a smartphone and attunement to the camera, then you can remotely control all the shooting parameters.
video recording - Video recording mode that makes the camera versatile device. If this option is needed, then pay attention to the resolution of the video that the camera can shoot, and the number of frames per unit time.

Memory card
From its volume depends on the number of photos that can be done and stored prior to shipment by using the built-in Wi-Fi. Advanced device models support multiple types of memory cards may also be limited by their maximum volume memory.
As noted earlier - cameras with Wi-Fi allow you to immediately transfer pictures to another device or to the Internet, so in some cases the amount of memory is of little importance.
The battery is designed to perform at least 300 photos, without taking into account the transfer to another carrier or use Wi-Fi. Besides of digital cameras with Wi-Fi are beginning to strongly discharge the battery when the Wi-Fi, and especially during the transfer pictures.
If you often shoot at night or in low light, it is better to buy the device extra battery.
When choosing pay attention to the type and capacity of the battery. The devices are equipped with 2 types of batteries: AA or from the manufacturer.
AA-slot battery is preferable, as if completely discharged, you can temporarily set the batteries of this type. Device manufacturer bigger and better than AA. Less of this option - difficult to find a suitable model for some cameras.

When using the remote mode, the device allows access and another device, with the same communication protocol. To prevent this, set a password on the channel of communication with the camera.
Work in social networks, send it by e-mail, in the cloud storage - fraught with the danger of computer viruses that have a negative impact on the operation of this camera. Security is achieved only at a connection with trusted sites or devices with antivirus software.

Failure of the matrix
Destroy matrix can laser beam, caught in the camera lens.
Another problem matrices from Wi-Fi cameras - dead pixels. A small number of them does not affect the picture. But with the increase in their number - the matrix gradually "die" and soon will require complete replacement.
fault display
A common cause - the display is divided, or crushed due to careless handling. There are times when the display shows white picture or the picture is not visible on the display.
This may be due to ingress of fluid into the apparatus, the electric pulse or mechanical damage: plume gap cleaved edge of the screen. In such cases, the screen is completely changed.
problem with the lens
problem with the lens in the device is 40% of calls to the service. The most common cause of failure - dropping device that mechanically damages and displaces elements can split lens internal constituents.
The camera can inadvertently engage in a bag / pouch and begins the movement of the lens and bag / pouch prevent this. Result - failure of the internal lens elements and guides.
Another reason - the ingress of sand. Enough of one grain of sand lens jamming. Sand getting into the silicone lubricant, makes it difficult to clean the parts, as required complete disassembly, cleaning and lubrication.
When wet damaged camera electronics. If serious problems have arisen, after drying on the surface of the lens may appear stains and spots.
In some cases, the owners are trying to push hands or slide the lens can fill the lens inside the grease or alcohol. This leads to a complete failure of the device, and the impossibility of its repair.
Before purchasing the camera, it is desirable to find pictures on the Internet devaysom made data. Read reviews of the owners specific device model, the advantages and disadvantages, the overall impression of the camera.
Pay attention to the device features: wider it is, the more varied will be the photos. Both amateurs and professionals to correctly choose the device models that have as many manual settings possible.