💡 Crafts from waste material: with their hands out of the garbage candy

There is a secret that everyone knows who makes crafts from waste material by hand. It's like magic, as their talent and creativity, you can turn literally garbage into a piece of art. And it's not a joke, it's just the skill and imagination, which are all masters. Interesting examples of handicrafts made of any material - in the review of new products from HouseChief edition.

Sometimes from debris to works of art - one shagFOTO: cdn.fishki.net
Sometimes from debris to a work of art - a step
PHOTO: cdn.fishki.net

Read article

  • 1 Waste material: raw material or debris
  • 2 Creative Kindergarten: crafts from waste material
    • 2.1 Toys from trash
    • 2.2 Flowers for decoration
    • 2.3 Competitive crafts from waste material in the garden: how to get a prize
  • 3 Carnival clothing from the recycled materials
    • 3.1 Robots from cardboard boxes
    • 3.2 Costumes of the packages, newspapers and other debris
  • 4 Useful and beautiful homemade crafts from the waste with their own hands
    • 4.1 How to make a picture of nails and thread with your hands: a small workshop
    • 4.2 Crafts from bottles of shampoo and other materials with their own hands
    • 4.3 Interesting crafts with their hands out colorful plastic bags
  • 5 Crafts from waste material for decorating garden
    • 5.1 Tires for suburban arrangement
    • 5.2 Toys for adults: sculptures from car parts
  • 6 How to make crafts from trash looked like a work of art

Waste material: raw material or debris

Is there a distinction between those that can be used for craft projects - and what can not? Many believe that what has got into the trash - there has already left. There is a slim logical conclusions that lead a person to the philosophical understanding of the role of garbage in his life's well-being. Feng Shui and many other eastern course taught us that you can not collect anything that would not be helpful in the house and carried a negative energy. And that really makes sense, because the old things, to which man is bound, but which do not bring into his life anything useful, literally litter the space.

You open the closet: despite the fact that it is full, you have nothing to wear, because things are either in need of repair, or out of modyFOTO: iconic.school
You open the closet: despite the fact that it is full, you have nothing to wear, because things are either in need of repair, or out of fashion
PHOTO: iconic.school

You fill your balcony rubbish, which only theoretically might someday come in handy, and can not enjoy the view from a height. And if you have a pantry - you will not even notice that it is filled with the things of which you have many years not even remembered.

To take and throw it all without regret parting with the past? So does the majority of people who want to change their lives for the better. But this coin has another side. Old things that are dear to you as memories and just little things with which you parted ways every day, do not disappear just like that.

Incredible things with their hands from waste material: crafts, alterations
They are rotting in landfills, poisoning the environment and will get in the sad legacy of your descendants
PHOTO: images.helionews.ru

Is it possible this is something to do here and now? Of course, while you can get a lot of pleasure from the process of manufacture of handicrafts from recycled materials. That is what many masters that give the old and a one-off things a second life. This is both a cost savings, because you get a useful and beautiful products out of nothing, and home decoration and garden exclusive handmade and invaluable help in getting rid of the planet garbage.

Make for yourself and choose from, and if you are on the side of progress, then roll up your sleeves: a lot of work.

Creative Kindergarten: crafts from waste material

You will not believe, but the greatest number of people with imagination and passion for handmade craft works... in kindergartens. This is logical: after all, teachers are taught to instill in children a love for creativity from the first years of life. And they manage to instill this love not only children but also their parents. No one is working on the crafts of waste material, as parents preschoolers.

It was in kindergarten you can find the most creative ideas. There is even a target competitions under the auspices of the "second life of things", which are measured crafts made with their own hands. Consider the examples of such works.

Toys from trash

Is it possible to make crafts from waste material in order to attract children's attention? Of course, with such masterpieces can do with their children. Here are some examples of toys from waste material, which actually make their own hands.

Who would have thought that a couple of disposable spoons may become maracas that will be useful Little musician? They can be filled with peas, and use acrylic paints for painting. To this original musical instrument was easy to handle, it should wrap cotton nityuFOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
Who would have thought that a couple of disposable spoons may become maracas that will be useful Little musician? They can be filled with peas, and use acrylic paints for painting. To this original musical instrument was easy to handle, it should wrap cotton thread
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
This simple toy from a milk bottle will take your child for a long time. And just to tie it on a thread a small ball. A great exercise to koordinatsiyuFOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
This simple toy from a milk bottle will take your child for a long time. And just to tie it on a thread a small ball. A great exercise to coordinate
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
This is just the cover of bottles and cans. To create such a funny octopus addition junk raw materials, needed only a couple of pieces of wire and a peephole on samokleynoy osnoveFOTO: trashmagination.com
This is just the cover of bottles and cans. To create such a funny octopus addition junk raw materials, needed only a couple of pieces of wire and a peephole on the basis samokleynoy
PHOTO: trashmagination.com
These colorful ladybugs turned from plastic bottles. Your child can assemble a squad and play these fun beetles with their druzyamiFOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
These colorful ladybugs turned from plastic bottles. Your child can assemble a squad and play these fun bugs with your friends
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
From waste material can make toys and Christmas tree. For example, these snowmen are made of old lampochekFOTO: passionforum.ru
From waste material can make toys and Christmas tree. For example, these snowmen are made of old bulbs
PHOTO: passionforum.ru
And this is a toy for adults. The creation of such a figure has left a stack of CDs and a day of hard rabotyFOTO: images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com
And this is a toy for adults. The creation of such a figure has left a stack of CDs and a day of hard work
PHOTO: images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com

Flowers for decoration

Hot Topic for interior decoration - different colors from waste material with his own hands, and compositions thereof. Flowers can be made of different materials:

Lovely flowers in various embodiments, are obtained from plastic spoons. From tulips to lilies - all depends on your fantaziiFOTO: img11.postila.ru
Lovely flowers in various embodiments, are obtained from plastic spoons. From tulips to lilies - all depends on your imagination
PHOTO: img11.postila.ru
Incredible things with their hands from waste material: crafts, alterations
Very nice tree of happiness may be obtained from conventional paper napkins
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-pdb
Plastic bottles - an excellent material to create flower arrangements. They may be similar to steklyannyeFOTO: i.pinimg.com
Plastic bottles - an excellent material to create flower arrangements. They may be similar to glass
PHOTO: i.pinimg.com

Competitive crafts from waste material in the garden: how to get a prize

Kindergarten love to spend various competitions. And there is no reason to hide that involved not only the children, as their parents in these competitions. See what the masterpieces they sometimes do:

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PHOTO: i1.wp.com

PHOTO: i1.wp.com

PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net

PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net

PHOTO: www.wikihow.com

PHOTO: www.wikihow.com

PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net

PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net

PHOTO: dachavremya.ru

PHOTO: dachavremya.ru

PHOTO: pp.userapi.com

PHOTO: pp.userapi.com

The secret of success in the creative approach to solving the problem. Wonderful, if a result of a hand and a child, it will allow him to have a nice time with their parents and join the joy of creation.

Carnival clothing from the recycled materials

Children's matinees and carnival parties - an excellent opportunity to practice in the art of modeling. From bags and other disposable material can get very interesting model, which will surely attract attention. The next step carnival crafts from garbage with his own hands for children and adults.

Robots from cardboard boxes

Box - a very popular material for creating carnival costumes for boys. Robots and transformers of different types and sizes - the most favorite topics.

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Group of the boy at the carnival could easily reach the pope in this original videFOTO: d3tixod1wp885b.cloudfront.net

Group of the boy at the carnival could easily reach the pope in this original form
PHOTO: d3tixod1wp885b.cloudfront.net

That's such a suit - have bid for victory in konkurseFOTO: i.pinimg.com

That's such a suit - have bid for victory in the contest
PHOTO: i.pinimg.com

Of the boxes can be made not only the robot, but that's so funny dinozavraFOTO: i.pinimg.com

Of the boxes can be made not only the robot, but that's so funny dinosaur
PHOTO: i.pinimg.com

The box can serve as a basis for collective kostyumaFOTO: i.pinimg.com

The box can be the basis for a collective suit
PHOTO: i.pinimg.com

Costumes of the packages, newspapers and other debris

Not only the box may become material to create original outfits. There are many other interesting options.

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Discs can also be the basis for creating a carnival kostyumaFOTO: prazdnik-ks.ru

Discs can also be the basis for creating a carnival costume
PHOTO: prazdnik-ks.ru

Old magazines can become original plateFOTO: catersnews.com

Old magazines can be turned into an original dress
PHOTO: catersnews.com

Bright garbage bags provide a large amount and structure for weightless lush naryadovFOTO: i.pinimg.com.

Bright garbage bags and produce a large amount of weightless structure for finery
PHOTO: i.pinimg.com.

To sew a dress to be present sladkoezhkoyFOTO: art-mumu.ru

To sew a dress need to be a real sweet tooth
PHOTO: art-mumu.ru

a wealth of options is impressive, agree. And you can use literally any materials from burlap to paper plates.

Useful and beautiful homemade crafts from the waste with their own hands

Using junk material is suitable not only for the creation of children and for children. It is possible to use it in a purely utilitarian purposes. A lot of useful things for the home are obtained from regular garbage from interior decorations to practical things for every day.

How to make a picture of nails and thread with your hands: a small workshop

String Art - this is a new art form that can take anyone. For it will only have a board or piece of plywood, small nails and thread. Here are a master class of how to make a picture for the interior decoration:

IllustrationDescription of the action
Incredible things with their hands from waste material: crafts, alterations Prepare the board, paper and markers to create a template, scissors, hammer, nails and thread
Incredible things with their hands from waste material: crafts, alterationsSelect and drag on the drawing paper. You can find ready-made templates for similar jobs or create your own
Incredible things with their hands from waste material: crafts, alterationsTemplate you want to cut along the contour
Incredible things with their hands from waste material: crafts, alterationsOn the basis of which can be any board, tamp the perimeter nails with an equal distance
Incredible things with their hands from waste material: crafts, alterationsAccording to the circuit pattern also need to hammer nails
Incredible things with their hands from waste material: crafts, alterationsFix the end of the thread on one of the nail unit, and cut the tip
Incredible things with their hands from waste material: crafts, alterationsWithout breaking the thread, catch her by the nail heads in any direction
Incredible things with their hands from waste material: crafts, alterationsThe more lines you spend - the more interesting and brighter will look finished panels
Incredible things with their hands from waste material: crafts, alterationsYou can use the yarn in a contrasting color to highlight some objects
Incredible things with their hands from waste material: crafts, alterationsThe picture is ready: it will be an original decoration of a room or kitchen

Crafts from bottles of shampoo and other materials with their own hands

One of the available waste materials, which is in every house - a plastic container. Mineral water, juices, soft drinks, shampoos and dishwashing detergent - all this regularly sent to the trash. And yet, out of all this, you can do a lot of interesting and useful things.

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Plastic from bottles can be a good broom for uborkiFOTO: stroy-podskazka.ru

Plastic from bottles can be a good broom for cleaning
PHOTO: stroy-podskazka.ru

Packaging of detergent can become an organizer for storage melocheyFOTO: oz90.ru

Packaging of detergent can become an organizer for storage of small things
PHOTO: oz90.ru

You can use a container and charging smartfonaFOTO: ilovehobby.club

You can use such a container and to charge a smartphone
PHOTO: ilovehobby.club

Plastic bottles can be turned into original kashpoFOTO: i.pinimg.com

Plastic bottles can be turned into original pots
PHOTO: i.pinimg.com

From plastic bottles can be made even zanaveskiFOTO: krrot.net

From plastic bottles can even make curtains
PHOTO: krrot.net

Craftsmen weave of this material bags and korzinyFOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net

Craftsmen weave of this material bags and baskets
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net

Bulky canisters of plastic can become the tool box in garazheFOTO: gillion.club

Bulky canisters of plastic can become the tool box in the garage
PHOTO: gillion.club

Interesting crafts with their hands out colorful plastic bags

Plastic bags provide space fantasy to anyone who knows how to knit or weave. Of them can make a lot of interesting things:

Bags and baskets of these packages are very strong and yarkieFOTO: passionforum.ru
Bags and baskets of these packages are very strong and vibrant
PHOTO: passionforum.ru
Of the packages can be connected puffs and fill them with the same packages uprugostiFOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
Because packets can be associated Puffs and fill them with the same packages elasticity
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
From the same material can be attributed to weave a rug hook or its traditional sposobomFOTO: vniiam.ru
From the same material can be attributed to weave a rug hook or its traditional way
PHOTO: vniiam.ru

Round rug weaving technology in this footage:

Crafts from waste material for decorating garden

At their summer cottage, you can turn around in terms of decoration and arrangement. Here waste material rarely goes in the trash, it is constantly coming up with new uses.

Tires for suburban arrangement

Tire - a vast field for activity. The material of which the tire is not simply consists of durable rubber, but also reinforced with metallic thread.

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The tires can be the basis for the manufacture of garden mebeliFOTO: i.pinimg.com

The tires can be the basis for the manufacture of garden furniture
PHOTO: i.pinimg.com

Interesting idea - the creation of original flower beds on this osnoveFOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net

Interesting idea - the creation of original flower beds on this basis,
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net

Stunning sculptures may be obtained from pieces avtoshinFOTO: gorod24.online

Stunning sculptures may be obtained from pieces of tires
PHOTO: gorod24.online

Of tires can make a home trampoline for detvoryFOTO: i.ytimg.com

Of tires can make a home trampoline for kids
PHOTO: i.ytimg.com

Casings are used for long-lasting practical moscheniyaFOTO: mtdata.ru

Tires used for practical durable paving
PHOTO: mtdata.ru

Toys for adults: sculptures from car parts

If you think that the bearings, candles and camshaft car suitable only for scrap, you are wrong: this can also be the basis for creativity.

Incredible things with their hands from waste material: crafts, alterations
Such details can be the basis for furniture
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
Of the many items you can collect interesting skulpturyFOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
Of the many items you can collect interesting sculptures
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
Some installations - it's just a work of art, and no one would have thought that all of this is, in fact - metallolomFOTO: i.pinimg.com
Some installations - it's just a work of art, and no one would have thought that all of this is, in fact - scrap
PHOTO: i.pinimg.com

How to make crafts from trash looked like a work of art

What distinguishes the artisanal work of costly design? Attention to detail, artistic taste and what is called talent. If you want to achieve worthwhile results - never try to take your time and carefully consider all the details. See an example of interesting works, be guided by your taste and intuition. And do not assume that you are doing something out of the garbage. This is not garbage, it is a creative material. He is waiting for your decisions and bold approach, go for it!

If you have experience of using junk material for handicrafts, share it in the comments, this is very interesting!