How to get rid of moles?

  • Content:
  • Content:
    • Mole control
    • Mole control methods
    • Traps and traps for moles
    • Folk remedies against moles
    • Prevention of the appearance of moles in the country house

    You, of course, can be pleased with the fact that the mole lives only in a high-quality fertile layer andso if he chose your site, it means that the land on it is really suitable for the growth of all vegetables, flowers and other household crops. But do not long remain in delight that it is this subterranean neighbor who has chosen your garden or dacha. Literally in a week, he will turn your site into a rifted range of military operations. And although on the street the 21st century and technology have moved far ahead, but the question of how to get rid of moles is still relevant.

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    Moles and their control

    Pests do not care who lives above or below, they conduct their life. Mole, in comparison with other mammals, can live in places where the carbon dioxide content is high, because its blood contains twice as much hemoglobin. He is able to survive deep underground, and in fact there the oxygen content is minimal. That's what you need to know before starting military operations to resolve the issue of how to get rid of moles.

    Moles are lodged by families

    In rare cases, the mole comes alone. Most animals live in families, ranging from a few to dozens. Therefore, if you notice the appearance of a mole on your site, then somewhere there is his family. This fact sets us a very difficult task: to destroy not one mole, but a family, the number of which you do not know anything, as well as the location. That is why fighting against moles should be effective.

    Pests fall asleep

    Moles in winter peacefully sleep, like hedgehogs. They dig up large holes and arrange a warm, small rookery. You can find a den by a large amount of land on the surface. Search for the dens is on the hills - there the snow comes down faster and they warm up more quickly in the spring sun.

    Moles develop turbulent activities on your site

    Underground passages of animals consist of numerous tunnels and represent whole lines, mines and even halls under the ground. They take courses on your site hundreds and hundreds of meters, although they are located at a depth of only 5-20 cm in the most fertile layer. Tunnels moles can use repeatedly or vice versa 1 time. Therefore, you need to know how to get rid of moles, and act immediately to protect your territory from pest infestation.

    Pest diet

    Pest vegetation is not interested, it can spoil the root system of plants only by its indirect activity. They prefer to eat larvae of worms and beetles. Moles are very fond of moist soil, in which larvae and earthworms are abundant.

    Important! After the rain, their courses are located close to the surface of the earth, but during the dry period they go deep into - next to the earthworms. This gives you the opportunity to understand where to look for animals when you decide to get rid of moles.

    Mole has a strong body and paws

    Its wide front paws are turned outwards, they end with thick strong claws. Although they are blind, they still have extremely acute hearing and smell. They have velvety fur, almost invisible ears, eyes, shortened rear but very powerful forelimbs, adapted to digging the earth.

    Do not try to catch a mole with your hands: the animal will easily escape from your hands, no matter what effort you make, but it can seriously injure you, scratch with powerful claw claws or bite.

    Important! Moles move quickly enough. Their average speed is 5-6 km / h, so if the mole could get out of the trap or jump out of your hands, or maybe just decided to walk through fresh air a couple of meters, then do not overtake it, because you can not catch it,and within a few seconds he will go underground. Now you understand how difficult the fight against moles on your site can be.

    Pests are very careful and reasonable

    Moles adapt to any terrain and will not dictate rules to themselves. Simply put, the mole will easily avoid danger, especially when you use the same measures to eliminate the pest. Therefore, read all the ways to get rid of moles, and alternate them if you can not get rid of one method.

    Scales of defeat

    Moles eat a lot, but if you remember that animals come to the site by families, then, given the great need for food, within a week you can get huge damage, so we recommend immediately to start studying and applying ways to combat moles.

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    Ways to combat moles

    Although moles cause serious damage to crops in the garden, destroy flowers in the flower beds, and also damage the entire landscape design of the cottage area, yet they make a significant positive contribution to the garden garden:

    1. Their numeroustunnels, mounds improve the aeration of the soil, there is drainage.
    2. They also eat garden and garden pests - larvae of garden long legs, slugs, snails that bite roots and eat leaves of plants.

    Important! Before you decide to get rid of moles, make sure that their number is really critical. Often, there is enough deterrent action to get them to leave.


    There are many facts that say that moles are afraid of a variety of sounds and go away from noisy territory for tens of meters. They can be frightened by homemade ratchets, noise of plastic bottles in the wind and other noise that you can buy or make with your own hands.

    Disadvantages of this method:

    • Even if you decide to purchase a repeller, the most expensive and effective( in the opinion of advertising), and used it, then you can not know in what direction the animal will leave. Perhaps to your neighbor or through the dacha to your relatives. Therefore, in carrying out this action, you do not act very nobly.
    • It is not possible to install noisy deterrents to combat moles throughout the entire territory of the dacha, therefore, having left one part of the country house, they will move to another.

    Important! They say that if you make a good noise, you can drive out moles with sharp and loud sounds, but you'll wander around the site for days and knock on lids and buckets, you will not blow into the whistle. Therefore it is extremely inefficient, and pests can adapt to sounds.

    Electronic repellers

    In stores for gardeners, we offer ultrasonic, electronic repellers, with which you can also get rid of moles.

    Important! These instruments periodically produce vibrating sounds that excite the mole hearing aid excitably, leaving them noisy.

    To determine the appropriate model, consider the following:

    1. Electronic repellers come in different capacities, so vibrating sounds spread over the earth at different distances.
    2. The number of repellents will depend on the size of your site and the power of the devices.
    3. You can install the device in the early spring and leave it there until the end of the season.
    4. The main advantage of using electronic repellers is the humane method of getting rid of pests. After the operation of such equipment, moles do not die, but simply leave the site.
    5. Such a device is inexpensive, as most models are designed in Russia.
    6. The shortcomings of the device can be attributed to its fragility, since it has to be installed outdoors. The downside is also the stretching of the scaring process, which can last several months.

    Planting scaring plants

    These animals have an ideal sense of smell, which will help you reduce their number. Use in the fight against moles their sensitivity to certain flavors. Here are some recommendations:

    1. Black beans. Animals do not like black beans, so plant them around the perimeter of your site and the moles will leave. Planting plants should be at a distance of 30 cm from each other, this will help you drive away uninvited guests.
    2. Garlic and onions. Gardeners are advised to plant garlic and onions on the site, but this method will help you get rid of moles only for the period while the plants are on the site. Once you remove the plantations of garlic and onions, moles will return.
    3. Nuts. Ironically, moles do not like nuts and try to escape from them in every possible way. You can, of course, plant a nut in the dacha section, but the scaring area will be quite small, because the whole garden will not be planted with nuts.

    Using repellent fragrances-repellents

    To combat moles, repellents can be used - substances that repel mammals, birds, insects, mites. To help you get rid of moles, they should contain castor oil. It is necessary to spray them on all the tunnels of the mole.

    Recommended recipe:

    1. Prepare a mixture of 2 tbsp.l.liquid soap( dishwashing detergent) and 1 tbsp.castor oil.
    2. Add 4.5 liters of water to this mixture.
    3. The prepared mixture shake well and spray on the soil surface along the rodents.

    Important! Repeat the procedure must be done monthly throughout the entire season, and after each rain.

    Special means from moles

    Stores for pest control offer "Mole repellent".The manufacturer is the German company Detia Degesch Gmbh. This product is absolutely harmless to the environment and is a natural preparation in the form of yellow balls, consisting of an extract of lavender, essential oils, and various bioactive substances.

    Important! It is recommended to lay out such balls in rows on the surface of the soil or, by deepening them by 20 cm( 1 ball - per 1 m2).In moles moves to lay balls is not necessary, because the animals are very sensitive sense of smell and they do not like the smell of lavender, this will be an obstacle to laying new tunnels on the site.

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    Traps and traps for moles

    If you have just one animal, you can use a trap or a trap to fight it, but first of all, always isolate the place where you installed the device so as not to get into it yourself,and also not to get a relative into it.

    There are several models of traps:

    1. Devices made in the form of a pipe and two covers on either side, but they work extremely badly: the mole traps the traps, discovering a foreign object in its territory. And he does not go into such a trap, because all his way consists of pushing away from the rough walls of the earth tunnel, and in the pipe of the trap the walls are smooth.
    2. Trap intended for a mole: the diameter is the size of the hole, the surface inside is rough, and the special valves do not let the animal out. These traps are more effective, but they are more expensive.

    Important! Using a trap is not the most humane way, but one of the most qualitative, if the trap has the right design. Standard mechanics will not work. Install the trap directly in the mine shaft and sprinkle it with a little ground. Passing by, the mole touches the valve or spring and the trap is triggered. If everything was so perfect, then the snares would snap like "hot pies", but the whole problem is that the device may not work or it will work just to shed the earth. And the mole is not so stupid as to go to certain death, most likely, he will bypass the trap on a new lateral or more in-depth mine. So - for sure get rid of moles in this way you will not always succeed.

    Calling out the stripping service of the

    site Special brigades can poison rats and mice, but to save you from moles is a problem. It's all about the professionalism of service workers, as an applied preparation, and also in the system of tunnels of underground residents.

    Important! If the employees of the service do everything right, the problem will be solved in a few hours, if not, then the moles will leave your site for a while and then, as soon as it becomes safe in the holes, they will return.

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    Folk remedies against moles

    Fighting moles in the garden, as well as in the country, should be carried out without using any poisons, so try the following old, time-tested ways:

    • in the moves of the animals, pour balls from fresh pork or goat droppings;
    • sticks in worm heaps or near them bird-cherry pins;
    • pour into the moles passages of the herring brine or a mixture of kerosene and water;
    • cut off branches of gooseberries chop and bury along with the manure in the tunnels of the animals;
    • , many advise trivial to fill the tunnels with cold or hot water, but this method has its drawbacks: to get rid of the animals requires a significant amount of water, if overdo it - then the entire site will turn into a swamp, together with moles you will expel worms that are useful for soil.
    • Finely chop the onions and garlic and fill the moves with this mixture - the more moves you fill, the faster the moles leave your site.
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    Prevention of the appearance of moles at the dacha

    To effective national methods of combating moles and preventing them include digging a site with a metal mesh. This work is labor-intensive, but it is one of the most humane and effective ways to get rid of small animals. At a depth of 50 cm, bury a special metal mesh - from the ground, it should protrude to a height of 30 cm.

    Important! Moles can not overcome the barrier, but worms are easy, so there will be enough worms on the site, unlike large living creatures.

    Instead of steel galvanized wire mesh, you can use for this purpose slate, sheet of sheet metal or roofing material, folded in several layers.

    Important! You will not have an easy job, but such qualitative preventive measures will prevent the animals from moving to your territory.

    In the fight against moles in the country, use the most appropriate and safe ways and methods. Please note that any of the above methods is not a 100% guarantee of getting rid of animals, so use a comprehensive approach. It is better to prevent the problem than to solve it later.