Many residents of high-rise buildings are dreaming about installing fireplace in his apartment. In today's world, such a dream can easily become a reality. Who makes electric fireplaces on any floor and in every room of his apartment.

Creating a fireplace in the apartment with his own hands, you can execute it in any style and any configuration.
Of course, the use of natural wood fireplaces for installation in apartment buildings is prohibited, as they are very heavy and require a strong foundation, and chimney and strict conditions fire. Therefore lightweight artificial fireplace in the apartment acquire its popularity, decorating the interior and providing an additional heating.
More often than city dwellers prefer to install an electric fireplace with living flame effect. Such designs have a different design, well-blended into the interior of any room, regardless of style and atmosphere in the space.
Features of the heater
Electric fireplaces have the following advantages:
- To carry out the installation, everyone can. Enough to provide a reliable connection of heat-resistant wires to a power outlet.
- no need to build a chimney and foundation for performance.
- No need to use heavy building materials and learn the intricacies of the furnace case.
- For operation there is no need to cut firewood or coal, a working fireplace from the usual outlets.
- It consumes a small amount of energy and warms well small premises, maintaining a comfortable temperature. Current models are equipped with a temperature sensor, which switches off the equipment when the temperature exceeds the specified indications. This switch saves energy.
- Equipment refers to devices with a low level of fire safety - this is an important argument.
Fireplace with flame effect electric safe to install in any place of the living space.
- In comparison with other varieties of fireplaces it has a low cost. Only with optional portals made of expensive and valuable species, the cost can be much higher. The average price category you can find a reliable, attractive and functional electric fireplaces.
- Usually, they are compact, have low weight and dimensions. Easily transportable and can be carried from room to room, if not built in a decorative pedestal.
- For operation there is no need to issue permission and coordination with municipal services.
- There are different modes of operation. The equipment can be switched on either for heating or for projections of fire - maintaining electricity while consuming about 100 watts per hour.
- Often successfully used as a simulation chamber for installation in artificial fireplaces.
Electric heater has the following disadvantages:
- Large electricity consumption. Although fireplaces use small amount of electricity, but regular operation costs exceed use gas heating.
- However, some power can not withstand the simultaneous inclusion of multiple instruments. This suggests that it is necessary to have a reliable and modern wiring, and in its absence will need to change the electrification system.
- The presence of additional noise. Because the electric heater is used to stir the ventilation air heated by several heating coils, the audible fan blades work.
- Flame looks unnatural. The illusion of fire creates a visual likeness of a natural focus. Thus it is possible to observe the frequency and fixation flame movement and periodically repeating pattern.
How to choose electric heater?
If you chose to use the heater, you should consider some of the details to determine the appropriate design.
When the room heating function, you should pay attention to indicators of capacity. The best matching variant is 1 kW to 1 m2 living area (given the standard height ceilings).

Important! before buying the model, consult an electrician, you must agree on the corresponding cable section with other devices connected to the mains. It is recommended to leave headroom for wiring.
Should look at the average cost of the equipment. The lowest price category are units with a simple and limited functions. Among the high-value segment are machines with many additional, necessary and unnecessary elements that increase the cost of equipment. It is necessary to look at the functionality and finish, you can build yourself and to your liking.
You also need to pay attention to the manufacturer. Purchase only well-known brands. Learn whether there are service centers that serve the data model of the place of residence.
Creating a portal of plasterboard
To simulate a fire in the apartment, made with your own hands, you can build a decorative pedestal. Such a task can perform any person who does not even have construction skills.
It is simple to manufacture and has a low cost. In this case, you can very quickly assemble any configuration from sheets of drywall.
You must select a location for the construction of accommodation, to evenly spread the heated air while the fireplace fits into your existing space style.
Having defined the size and dimensions of structures, draw diagram of paper to determine the basic details of construction.
Further it is necessary to make the frame from aluminum profile. It is necessary to attach the rack to the wall with dowels and rigidly bond the entire structure together.
Then, in accordance with the selected scheme, to prepare parts of plasterboard. For fixing, use screws-bugs.
After plasterboard cladding surface, it is necessary to putty or applied decorative plaster. You can be primed and color, if desired.
The final stage of finishing decorative elements made of plastic or facing materials.
Matching style of the room
To harmoniously fit a decorative fireplace in the apartment space is necessary to issue it in accordance with the design of the room.
Check out useful recommendations designers professionals:
In the large hall, decorated the "classical" style, will look great fireplace with marble and stucco (see. Photo). This style can be made using plastic tiles with a texture of marble stone and adding elements of polyurethane moldings.

In the living room, designed in a democratic "English" style portal fireplace decorate with natural wood (see. Photo). Such a design may well fit well into the space study.

For the modern "high-tech" style fireplaces is undesirable to use the portal. Such placement corresponds to the electric heater, reminiscent of a plasma TV. It can be hung on the wall of the room.

For the "rustic" is good to use an imitation of brickwork and arched niche (see. Photo). Such a design is suitable for the interior in the "loft" style.

The interior style of "Country" pedestal fireplace is lined with tiles or ceramic tiles with a pattern corresponding to the color scheme of the room.

So, electric fireplaces are a good alternative to the classic homes. The charm of the fire and stylish beauty provide comfort, passing the design mood and wealth owners of the house.
The use of electric fireplaces for interior design apartments in our time is the most original and effective solution.