Washing machine does not heat water - cause of malfunction


  • First steps if there is a suspicion that the water does not heat up
  • Tean malfunction
  • How to replace the heating element
  • Other reasons why the water in the CMA tank does not heat up

Poorly spun laundry is one of the signs that the washing machine does not heat water. The reason for this - the failure of one of the details, most likely - the ten. If such a breakdown occurred, do not immediately change the tested "assistant" to a new one. Most often, troubleshooting is possible and it is much cheaper than buying new equipment.

First actions if there is a suspicion that the water does not heat up

This fault occurs quite often and can be caused by various reasons. If the linen has become difficult to stretch, it is either not a quality powder, or the washing machine does not heat the water. This must be checked.

  • Many modern automatic machines themselves "point" to the problem. If the temperature of the solution in the tank does not correspond to the mode that has been removed, then after 10-15 minutes the machine will stop and an error message will appear on the display.
  • Machines that do not have a similar function will go through the entire wash cycle in the "cold" mode. In order to check the temperature of the water, it is necessary to gently touch the glass 15-20 minutes after the start of the program( in certain modes the temperature reaches 90 degrees).If it is cold, it means that the fears were true.

Make sure that the washing machine does not heat water, first of all, you should pay attention to which washing mode is selected. At some of them, the temperature does not exceed 30 ° C.A number of models allow you to set the temperature yourself. Perhaps, low values ​​are set by mistake.

The next thing to check is whether the connection to the sewer system has been broken. If the connection is incorrect, the machine will constantly fill and drain the water, as a result of which the water simply will not be able to heat up and remain cold.

If everything is in order with the connection, then you need to call the wizard or try to determine which blocks are faulty.

Tean fault

The most common reason why a washing machine does not heat water is a malfunction of the heating element. Its service life is from 3 to 10 years, depending on the operating conditions.

Check the serviceability of this part and replace the tene yourself, if there is a basic knowledge of electrical engineering. Usually this part is fixed on the back of the tank, although there are models in which it is installed in the front. For machines with vertical loading, access to this part requires removal of one of the side walls.

The testing procedure is as follows:

  1. Unplug the machine from the mains( unplug the plug).
  2. Remove the rear( or front) casing wall and find the tan. It is mounted at the bottom of the tank.
  3. Carefully inspect the wires extending from the heating element along the entire length. In some models, the wires pass close to the walls of the housing and can touch them during the operation of the machine. This can lead to the rupture of the electrical circuit - the wires can simply be wiped off. If a broken wire is found, it must be soldered( or replaced), insulated and positioned so that it does not reach the housing.
  4. If the wires are OK, then you need to check if the tan is working. To do this, remove the connectors of the lead wires and the tester( by setting the regulator at 200 ohms), we check the resistance at its outputs. It should be 30-60 ohms. If the needle of the device remained stationary - it is a clear sign that the heating element has failed and must be replaced.

If it is determined that the water heater is defective, do not rush to buy a new one. It is better to first take off the broken car and take it with you to the store. The fact is that there are a lot of modifications to this spare part and you can buy a teng that is not suitable for your "assistant".

How to replace the heating element

Before you remove the tan, you need to drain the water from the tank. The easiest way to do this is by removing the filter( located in the lower right corner of the front side).After that, you can proceed with the dismantling of the very details:

  • Disconnect the wires that match it.
  • Unscrew the fastening nut, but not completely, do not remove it.
  • Press the stud together with the fastener inside( up to the nut).It often boils up and to knock it off you have to knock on the hairpin. Do this very carefully, so as not to damage the tank.
  • Use a flat screwdriver or end of a knife to pick up the outer plate of the heating element and lift it out of place.
  • Remove the tank from the tank.
  • Remove visible scale layers inside the tank, clean the seat.

Install new part in the reverse order.

When tightening the water heater nut, the main thing is not to overdo it - you can squeeze the heater inside the tank. But you can not screw it too tightly - water will leak.

The end of work field should check the operation of the heater and the tightness. For this, the automatic machine must be switched on in a washing mode with a temperature of 60 ° C.If everything is normal, then you can mount the shell wall.

In order for the tan to last longer, it is necessary to clean the machine of scale. To do this, it is necessary to pour citric acid( 100 grams) into the detergent container and, without laying laundry, start in a washing mode with a temperature of 90 degrees. This procedure should be carried out once every two to three months.

Other reasons why the water does not warm up in the CMA tank

If after testing it is found that the water heating element is working properly, the water is poured and drained normally, but the machine is wiped off with cold water, then the other units responsible for switching on the fan must be checked. First of all, check the water heating sensor - thermostat. It is he who is responsible for switching on the water heater at the right time and shutting it down after heating the water to the desired temperature.

A modern thermostat of one of three types can be installed: gas-filled, bimetallic or thermistor. The latter is currently used most often. The thermistor is mounted directly on the water heater. Due to the fact that its resistance decreases by heating many times, it is used as a reliable and simple regulator of water heating. Check this item is not difficult.

It is necessary to measure the resistance of the cold thermistor by the tester, and then after heating to 70-90 degrees. If the resistance does not change or changes insignificantly, the part should be replaced. To do this, weaken the ten's fixing, pull out the thermistor from the rubber seal and replace it with a new one, then fix the water heater.

It is better to replace the gas-filled thermostat with specialists. If all the tested units are in working order and the water in the typewriter is still cold, then most likely this is due to a malfunction of the "main brain" - the control module( AGM with electronic control) or the programmer( AGR with electromechanical control).Testing, repair or replacement of this part can only be carried out by specialists of the service center. Do this yourself should not.