- How does the machine work
- How to choose a washing machine for a summer residence?
- Mini-washing machines
- Washing machines activator type
- Washing machines for cottages with a water tank
- Is it possible to install a washing machine in the country?
A washing machine for a dacha is a perfectly justified necessity. And it's not a matter of laziness. We often go to the dacha, not only to admire the flowers and listen to the song of the nightingale in the evening on the veranda. Most often people use the dacha as a source of their own vegetables and fruits. And in order for the harvest to please, on a suburban site you need to work constantly. Clothing, of course, is polluted, but there is no time to wash it in the evening. What to do then? Overcoming the pain in the back, washing things in the basins after a day's work, or saving them and driving them home, erasing them in a typewriter? But what if you come to your dacha with a whole family and live there for a long time? Without a washing machine, it's very difficult to manage. Therefore, let's look at this article, what a washing machine for a dacha would do.
to the contents ↑How does the automatic machine work
What prevents the installation of an ordinary styalku in the country? It would seem that it's simpler - I bought a new model of a washing machine home, and sent a old one to live on the "hacienda".
Automatic machines are divided into classes for energy consumption, load volume, and also differ in size, number of washing programs and other characteristics. But they all work on the same principle. Therefore, do not rush to send the old model to the dacha, because for the full functioning of the machine, the machine is needed:
- water supply;
- sewerage;
- uninterrupted power supply.
Agree, not on every dacha site all these conditions are available. Let's look at how the automatic washing machine functions:
- The stylalk in the apartment is connected to the water pipe( for water supply), to the sewerage( for discharge of dirty water) and to electricity.
- When the desired program is switched on, pressurized water is supplied from the water pipe using a solenoid valve. It enters the detergent compartment and then moves down the rubber tubing into the tank inside which the drum with laundry rotates.
- If necessary, water is heated by TEN to the desired temperature.
- Due to the rotation of the drum, in one or the other direction, laundry, immersed in water, is washed and rinsed.
- After - dirty water with the remains of powder pumped to the sewer pump.
- The laundry is wrung out thanks to the rapid rotation of the drum.
- Some washing machines are additionally equipped with a drying function. The device has an additional heater that heats the air inside the machine. This hot air absorbs excess moisture from the laundry and condenses it in a special tank.
Important! Most modern washing machines are stuffed with "smart" electronics and therefore quickly fail if there are interruptions with electricity and water supply. Therefore, if your country house is not located in a cottage village with all the amenities of civilization, then it is not worthwhile to install a "stuffed" automatic washing machine, even if it was given to you free of charge by relatives as unnecessary.
Washing machine at the dacha should be simple in functionality and undemanding in terms of work.
to the contents ↑How to choose a washing machine for a dacha?
In view of the above, it is necessary to select a washing machine for a dacha based on the specifics of your countryside.
Let's take a closer look at various suitable options:
- If your dacha does not have electricity, then even with a water source, the washing machine is not your option. Have to do washing in the basins. But such situations are not often met, country cottages are usually connected to the supply of electricity.
- If the dacha has electricity and a source of water supply( well, well), then you can install a mini-machine, such as "Baby", "Fairies".It will facilitate the washing process if there are not enough things.
- If you go to the country with a large family, it is advisable to purchase an activator-type machine complete with a centrifuge.
Important! With technical skills and sharpness, it is possible to convert the machine to the conditions of lack of water and sewage. But, of course, this should be a simpler model, with a minimum of programs and without electronics.
- If you want to do laundry not worse than at home, and there is enough space in the cottage, you can buy a washing machine for a dacha without a water pipe with a water tank.
Now let's take a closer look at the properties and characteristics of the mentioned washing machines and consider in more detail the types of equipment that are recommended to install in the suburban area.
to the table of contents ↑Mini washing machines
It can be said that a small washing machine for cottages is the most convenient option for lovers of summer holidays outside the city.
Device features:
- It does not require water and sewerage.
- Uses little water and consumes little power.
- Basically, all models have vertical loading. Thus, you can add things during the washing process.
- In order to wash, you just need to pour water into the drum, dissolve the washing powder in it, load the laundry, set the necessary washing time with the timer.
- Of course, there are certain inconveniences when using a small washing machine in the country: it is desirable to preheat the water for washing, since in the cold water the mud is poorly washed.
- After draining the dirty water, it is necessary to refill the cold rinse water again.
- In addition, the "Baby" does not have a spin system, so you will need to unscrew the laundry manually. But agree that in the summer at the dacha you are usually dressed in light clothing, which you can easily unscrew and dry in the sun. Bed linen can be washed in several stages or carry a wash home.
Important! Until now, there are on sale presses for pressing clothes - a pair of rollers with a manual drive, between which wet things are scrolled, and excess moisture is simply squeezed out.
- Draining of dirty water can be produced in a container and then taken out. And you can connect a drain hose to the drain hole, which is laid to the cesspool.
- The washing machine "mini" takes up little space in the cottage, and you can easily take it home at the end of the season, putting it in the trunk of the car. It is light( most often made of plastic) and small-sized.
Small washing machines for dachas without running water are mainly produced by domestic companies.
Since Soviet times we know this brand. It is perfectly suitable for use in the country:
- Weighs a little - 9 kg.
- The case is plastic, so it is easy to transport from place to place.
- Power - 0,25 kW.
- A tank of 27 liters capacity with a load of 1 kg of laundry.
Models of this brand differ slightly from each other.
Mini-fray mark "Fairy" - also a good choice:
- Its models are designed for 1.5-2 kg of dry linen.
- Weigh a little more technology than the previous version.
- In addition to compact washing machines, the company "Fairy" separately produces centrifuges for pressing clothes.
Important "Also on sale you can find mini-assistants firms" Lily "," Princess "," Rainbow "and others. They are all compact, light, inexpensive.
to the table of contents ↑Activator type washing machines
If the area of your holiday home allows you to place a larger unit, then the ideal washing machine for giving without a water pipe is an activator type model.
Important! If you go out of town for the whole family for a week or two, then this machine is much more convenient, because you at once wash all the things, and you will not have to unscrew them manually.
Device Features:
- Models are more cumbersome than "Baby", but, firstly - they hold more laundry, and secondly - most of them come complete with a centrifuge.
- All models have a vertical load of laundry and do not require the presence of running water.
- In addition, washing machines of activator type are not afraid of sudden power outages, they are erased faster than automatic machines, and they use less water.
- Another plus - a low price.
The principle of the activating machine type
The washing process is as follows:
- Using a hose or bucket, the user fills the machine with water, preferably heated.
- Add detergent, then load the laundry.
Important! On average, these aggregates contain from 2.5 to 5.5 kg of dry linen, although the Gorenje brand produces washing machines with a load of up to 7 kg.
- There is a disk with ribs in the tank. It rotates, creates a stream of water that moves the laundry.
Important! In the car there are no programs of different kinds of washing. You just set the timer the right time.
- After the cycle, the machine stops. Now you need to drain the dirty water and get clean for rinsing.
- Will rinse the unit in the same way as it does.
- Clean linen you manually shift to an adjacent compartment with a centrifuge, which with the help of fast rotation relieves clothes from excess moisture.
- Of course, unlike the machine, it requires your presence to set and drain the water - this is a minus.
- In addition, experts argue that such stiralki not so carefully handle laundry, as machine-automata.
But if you think about it, we usually wear old clothes at the dacha, and fine silk blouses and evening dresses that require delicate treatment will not get into this car. Therefore, this note is not so important.
Important! Separately, you need to pay attention to this point: installation of a washing machine, an automatic machine at the dacha requires a drainage pit. In advance, think about where in your site there will be a pit into which the dirty water from the styralka will merge:
- The pit should be far away from the garden and fruit trees, since the residues of detergents in the soil not only can ruin the plants, but also get to you later infood.
- The depth of the pit must be at least 1.5 m. In it you can drain the dirty water from the machine with a hose or carry buckets.
Manufacturers of
Produce washing machines of activator type, again, mainly domestic producers:
- "Snow White" - load of 4.3 kg.
- "Renova" - there are models from 4 to 7 kg of dry laundry.
- "Assistant" - for 4 kg.
- "Fairy".
- "Slavda".
Important! Of the European brands in our market are Gorenje machines( loading 6-7 kg).These washing machines have been used for decades with skillful handling.
to the table of contents ↑Washing machines for cottages with a water tank
Similar models are not always available on the shelves of shops with household appliances, but you can find them, for example, in online stores. What is a washing machine for a dacha without a water pipe with a water tank? This, in fact, the same machine, only independent of the water pipe.
Device features:
- It should be noted immediately that this model is very large. In addition to the very stylalki, on the side or behind, a tank is placed at 60-100 liters, which is slightly smaller than it is.
- It is necessary to carry water in a tank with buckets or pour from a hose. Although it is spent sparingly, but it is enough for 1-2 washing.
- A special pump supplies water from the tank to the machine.
- This "assistant" is erased as well as automatic, but it all depends on the cleanliness of the flooded water. It should be free of foreign impurities, odors and fresh.
Important! If you leave the dacha for a while, drain the water from the tank, otherwise - stagnant water with the next wash can make the laundry smell of sewage and mustiness.
Washing machines with a tank are in the product line from the Slovak company Gorenje( series W):
- They wash up to 7 kg of laundry.
- Have an A ++ power consumption class and about 18 wash programs.
- Can be full-sized( depth 60 cm) and narrow( depth 44 cm).
Important! Such machines are indispensable for rural areas, cottages and even for the upper floors of high-rise buildings, where there is insufficient pressure of water.
to the contents ↑Is it possible to install a washing machine in the country?
Washing machine for a dacha without running water, of course, not the best option. If you buy stylalki, then only the models listed above. But if you know a little about technology, and there is an unnecessary machine-machine that you do not want to "ruin" at the dacha, then you can experiment.
The tricks of using automatic washing machines on plots without running water
Why, in fact, such a machine needs running water? Because water is supplied from it under a pressure of 1 bar. How to deceive the car?
Method number 1:
- To do this, you need to select a large tank, a liter of 80-100, which you will pour water manually.
- To create pressure, this capacity needs to be raised to the height.
Important! Ideally - 10 m, but you can on the roof of the house or on the 2 floor.
- You can adjust the water supply to the machine from the barrel by means of a drain pump.
Important! In order for water to enter the unit without impurities, a filter must be installed between the pump and the machine, for example, a simple "Spring".
Method №2
If there is a well in the site, it is possible to arrange water supply from it using a pump.
Important! But we must remember that in this case, on the contrary, there may be an overabundance of pressure. Therefore, a pressure reducer is necessary.
Method number 3
Some other craftsmen offer to pour water through the detergent compartment:
- You hose water through the detergent compartment to the desired level with a hose.
- When the machine receives the required volume of water, the washing program will start.
- Drain off the dirty water with a hose into the cesspool.
Important! As soon as the machine has washed and wrung out for the first time, you need to be there and do not miss the moment of the next serving of water, otherwise the program will not start.
As you can see, the washing machine in the country house without a water pipe - not a myth, but a reality. Modern manufacturers have taken care of your comfort, so washing even in the absence of a constant flow of water in the house will not be a big problem, and will not take much time. The main thing is to choose a quality model that meets all your needs and requirements.