- What are the lamps?
- Power and placement
- What happened to the lamp?
- We select the lamp
- Change the bulb
- If the lamp falls apart
- To different lamps - a different approach
- We save on the lamps
Its main function is to store the products at the optimum temperature for them, the refrigerator can also do without a light bulb if, of course, everything elsehe's fine. However, it is not for nothing that they say that the source of light is the main detail, because only with its help can you find food. The lack of lighting causes a lot of inconvenience, so it is better to replace the lamp that was burned out immediately. In all electrical appliances, this process is about the same, but there are some differences. How to change a light bulb in the refrigerator "Indesit", and at the same time in any other? This will be discussed in our article.
to the contents ↑What are the lamps?
In old Soviet refrigerators, only one kind of vacuum lamp was used to illuminate the interior. They were almost the same as in the chandeliers, only less power. Such lamps are used in some models to this day, however, science and technology since the first refrigerators appeared, have stepped far ahead, and now the interiors of household refrigerating chambers are illuminated in many different ways.
For this apply:
- conventional incandescent lamps;
- halogen;
- gas-light;
- LED light.
They all have their advantages and disadvantages, which you need to have an idea before changing the light bulb in the refrigerator "Atlant", "Indesit", "Ariston" or any other brand.
Incandescent lamps are very cheap, and this is their main advantage in this case. Cons is much more:
- quickly burn out - the service life is not more than 1000 hours;
- give only warm light;
- heat sufficiently during operation, so they quickly burn out, and at the same time they warm the space around them;
- glass is sensitive to low temperatures.
Halogen lamps can give both warm and cold light. From vacuum they differ in that pairs of bromine or iodine are added inside. This is the cause of different glow.
In addition, they:
- serve longer than vacuum - up to 15,000 hours;
- absorb less electricity;
- gives a brighter light.
Important! Heats up halogen lamps even more vacuum. Nevertheless, to illuminate the refrigerator they are used quite often, since the light is switched on only when the door is open, that is, for a short time.
These lamps are energy-saving. They are very similar to fluorescent lamps - yes, in fact, they are. To illuminate the refrigeration chambers small, but fairly bright models are used.
They have a lot of positive qualities:
- is practically not heated;
- serve for quite some time;
- more or less available for the price.
But these lamps should be handled very carefully:
- they are fragile;
- inside some of them are mercury vapor.
Important! Before changing such a light bulb in the refrigerator, the products from the refrigerator should be cleaned or covered with a polyethylene film.
LED lamps are often used to illuminate refrigeration chambers. And this is quite natural:
- they practically do not heat up:
- work very long - the service life is 100 000 hours;
- have a very high efficiency.
In addition, LEDs can provide illumination of any color. In a refrigerator, such a lamp can burn continuously for eleven years. If we consider that the lighting in the refrigerator is switched on for a short time, the LED lamps can be considered eternal.
Important! Their only drawback is the price.
to content ↑Power and placement
The sales price does not depend on which lamp is installed in the refrigerator. In small units one lamp with power is put:
- 15 W;
- 25W.
For a large refrigerator this light is not enough, so get out of the situation like this:
- put 2 lamps 15-25 W;
- put one lamp at 40 watts.
The luminaire is usually located on the side wall closer to the door. In this case, it is combined with a switch. There are other possible ways you need to know about where to change the light bulb in the refrigerator:
- on the side wall is closer to the rear panel;
- on the rear panel;
- on the top panel;
- on the visor.
Important! The best location is on the back panel or next to it on the side. Illumination is uniform. If the lamp hangs on the "ceiling", the upper shelves are brightly lit, and the lower ones are in the twilight. This is especially important if the unit is large. The most unfortunate location is on the visor. In this case, all parts of the camera are lighted very poorly.
to the contents ↑What happened to the lamp?
Do you open the refrigerator, and there - is dark, even though the eyes are pierced? Does this mean that we must immediately get a new lamp? Not at all. Light may not be for other reasons, so first you need to make sure that you can not do without a replacement.
To do this:
- With the "silent" unit, check the wiring.
- See if the cord is intact.
- Ensure that the outlet is not damaged.
- Try to connect something else to this outlet.
- Check if the fridge itself works - a natural shutdown lasts no more than thirty minutes, if half an hour has passed, and the refrigerator does not make noise - then it's in it, not in the lamp.
- If the lamp was not working properly before disconnecting( blinking or switching off for a short time) - check the cartridge and clean up the contacts.
We choose the lamp
It is always better to use the components of the same company as the unit itself. The lamp is not an exception. In the salons and service centers you can easily find lamps from the same firms as your refrigerator. Maybe the lamp will cost a little more than the one that is on the shelf in the nearest hardware store, but with a guarantee it will fit exactly to your model.
If the service center is not around, and I do not want to look for food in the dark, well, I'll have to be content with what's at hand. In order not to guess, the lamp that you saw in the store, to your machine or not, will fit, first unscrew the old one and take it with you.
Choose lighting equipment in two ways:
- socle;
- power.
Vendors in stores often know which devices are suitable for those or other components. But still you should not rely on it - it is best to compare the item on the counter with what you took with you to change the light bulb in the refrigerator "Indesit", "Atlant" or "Ariston" so that it worked for a long time.
Important! As far as power is concerned, keep in mind that even if the number of watts of different types of lamps is the same, the brightness may be different. For example, a 15W LED light shines where it is brighter than a vacuum one.
to the contents ↑Change the light bulb
Make sure that everything is OK, except for the lamp, buy a new one - the best one is the same. Screw a new lamp simply, the main thing is to get to it, and then there may be nuances. In some refrigerators, the plafond is untwisted completely, in others - in part, and at the third, at first glance, this part is not removed at all - apparently no screws are seen.
How do I change the light bulb in the fridge Ariston?
In the fridges Ariston and Indesit, the lamps change in the same way:
- Switch off the machine.
- Unscrew the fixing screw.
- Unbend the part of the plafond, which held this screw.
- Unscrew the lamp counter-clockwise.
- Put a new lamp - it, respectively, screwed clockwise.
- Rotate the dynamic part of the cover to its original position.
- Secure it with a screw.
How to change the light bulb in the refrigerator atlant?
At "Atlanta" the plafond is removed completely, and this is the only difference from the other models. In any case, before working, the refrigerator must be disconnected from the mains, further:
- Locate and unscrew the fixing screw.
- Slightly turn the cover toward the screw and remove it.
- Unscrew the lamp, screw in the new one and put the plafond in place.
Important! Similarly, the lamp is screwed in at the Samsung.
When there are no screws or serve a refrigerator Stinol
Looking at the plafond of the refrigerator "Stinol", you will not see any fasteners. Does this mean that the right part is not removed? Not at all. With "Stinol" proceed as follows:
- Grasp the plafond.
- Start to compress it.
- Tighten very carefully so that the part does not crack, but the clamps come out of the grooves.
- As soon as the part is removed, proceed in the same way as with any other refrigerator.
If the bulb falls apart
When replacing incandescent lamps, it often happens that the glass bursts. In this case, you must be careful not to try to get the leftovers by hand. You will need:
- pliers;
- round pliers.
Next - everything is simple. Pliers grab the edge of the socle and twist.
to the contents ↑To different lamps - different approach
Generally everything in the world of a lamp must be twisted and twisted very carefully. Shards of glass that hit the floor, and even more so - inside the refrigerator compartment, will not benefit anyone:
- You can take a vacuum bulb for the glass part, but do not squeeze or press it. To twist it is necessary smooth movements that the socle is strictly got in a carving of a cartridge.
- But halogen, although it is very similar to vacuum, you can not take it with bare hands for the glass part. Even the most notorious chistyul on the fingers is fat, which inevitably falls on the glass. This, in turn, causes local overheating, and the lamp will serve much less than you would like. Therefore, the first rule to be observed when dealing with halogen lighting devices is that you only need to work with gloves.
- Gas lamps are good for everyone, except that they are too fragile. Therefore, it is necessary to take such lighting devices not by the tubes, but by the base.
We save on lamps
Lamps for refrigerators, of course, are inexpensive, however, I do not want to change them every week. To do this it is not necessary, it is useful to observe a few simple rules:
- When buying a refrigerator, other things being equal, give preference to the one in which you can use LEDs - this will protect both your products and your unit from a lot of troubles.
- The cause of rapid burnout of lamps can be high humidity, so do not forget to monitor this parameter.
- Use only the sockets to which the ground bus is connected.
- To each unit there is an instruction, where it is written, for what conditions it is intended - use the refrigerator only in such conditions, then both he and the bulb will serve longer.
- Many unpleasant minutes can deliver voltage surges: it will help you with a surge protector or an uninterruptible power supply.
Now you only need to buy the necessary part and change the light bulb in the refrigerator in order to use it more conveniently.