If you are aware of the sewing machine, even users who do not have nothing to do with sewing, then koverlokom only experts know.
Koverlok - is a versatile device that combines the functionality of the overlock and rasposhivalnoy machine. It is designed to perform various types of stitches and trimming the edges of a knitted product, elastic and loose tissue.
The ability to perform flat seams - it's an important difference and advantage koverlokov before Overlock devices. It is logical that the cost of such devices is much higher than the cost rasposhivalnyh machines and overlock separately.
- What is it needed for
- Types koverloka seams
- How to choose koverlok
What is it needed for

Appointment koverloka - overcast edges, stitching details, the execution of the decorative stitches, chain, flat-type and other available operations.
In this case, it does not replace the traditional sewing machine, and performs a functional complement to perform work operations that are not available on the machine.
Universal device that successfully replaces three sewing unit: grind machine rasposhivalnuyu machine and serger.
All branded products seams are durable chain stitch, which guarantees a high quality of performance and the service life of the finished thing.
Besides koverlok not intended to perform the modified lines and curved elements - zigzags, firs, hinges and so on. This equipment is equipped with highly reliable control systems, functional displays and electric motors.
Types koverloka seams

Current models provide for versatile koverlokov perform any type of lines, the total number of which is 20. In addition, such a device is characterized by high performance and a wide range of working options.
Performing weave or seams provides looper. The number of stitches obtained depends on the type of the looper. With the help of koverloka you can do the following joints:
- Trehnitochny - narrow and wide obmetochny, Flatlock narrow and wide role for hemming and edging;
- Chetyrehnitochny - Standard obmetochny.
Obmetochnye seams are intended for the treatment of tissue sections and for sewing individual parts products. They performed the looper, which is located in the lower part of the body. Top stitch is made with a needle, the lower - looper.
Is connected between the stitches additional thread which is threaded the looper disposed in the upper portion of the housing. This technique allows you to create strong joints, which are securely fastened sections stretch fabrics.
Chetyrehnitochny seam is performed in the same way, only in this case added to the top row of a needle. It is intended for obstrochki edge products for grinding parts.
Flatlock - a special type of flat seam that runs only on the bend or cut tissue. Seams role, such as hem and a narrow rim run looper without tongue.
Models with converters allow you to perform two-thread weaving. Converter - a small clip of the metal, which is mounted on the upper looper. In this case, the upper thread are filled needle and the looper at the bottom.
This technique allows to obtain the following types of joints:
- Obmetochny narrow;
- Flatlock flat narrow / wide;
- Role for the undercut.
Most often koverlok used for such joints:
- Rasposhivalny. It is used to obstrochki edges in the jerseys. The front side of the weld performed double stitching, and the wrong side - finished with zastilom edge. Designed for sewing underwear, T-shirts, T-shirts, shirts, etc.
- Role. It is used for convenience overcasting thin flowing and loose fabrics - organza, chiffon, silk. The edges curl and role-processed thin seam so that between adjacent stitches was a minimum distance.
- Chain. It is performed using a special chain looper included in the standard packaging of the device. It is reliable and durable stitch, which is intended to connect the individual parts products.
How to choose koverlok

Virtually any koverloka model works effectively, reliably handle thin fabric, so well suited for home and professional use.
To select the appropriate device, consider the following functional parameters koverloka:
Apparatus for filling yarns
For correct operation with koverlokom user must deal with the procedure of filling yarns. It is important to know in what order and what principle is carried out refueling, to carry out high-quality line.
Many models are equipped with a special device - the needle threader, which ensures automatic refilling of threads in the needle. The principle of operation is simple: the hook passes through the eye of a needle, thread and extends to hook them back.
The apparatus for refilling looper
In addition to working needles and necessary to fill the lower looper. Manual filling complex, so the beginner should choose a model equipped with a device for automatic threading the looper.
The choice of thread for koverloka
Since koverlok used for thin and split fabrics, yarns and therefore must choose the appropriate type. Koverlok sensitive to yarn tension, so should be used for sewing the elastic thread on the cone spools.
It is important that they are thin and do not twist. The length of the filaments on the rolls: 2000 - 9500 meters.
It is not recommended to use a line of h / b or compacted wool.
Separation type conveyor
In the process of sewing soft and flexible fabric can be stretched, which leads to deformation performed welds. To prevent such a situation, koverloki equipped dividing conveyors.
Structurally, they are made up of separate combs, one of which is installed in front of the working needles, and the other - behind them.
Feeder cut fabric allows you to select a suitable amplitude combs move to while sewing the fabric is not stretched and does not shrink. Additionally, the conveyor allows to create assembly, ruffles or waves in the right places.
A special device is provided for the upper looper. It allows you to create reliable and durable two-strand braid of various types. Converter is present in almost all models koverlokov regardless of their value.
The degree of tensioning filaments
The filaments may be pulled manually or automatically. Naturally, automatic tensioning is considered more preferred and improved quality of sewing. Such a method provides tension with the same force, which eliminates sagging.
Hand-stretch does not guarantee accuracy of the result, so it can be some imbalance thread tension. Therefore it is recommended to prefer devices with automatic adjustment.
The seatbelt expensive models are on the same line, which promotes uniform tension even at high execution speed lines. In fiscal instruments are provided on the front panel that does not always guarantee quality stretch.
Adjusting the degree of pressure foot koverloka

This feature allows you to adjust the degree of pressing the foot tissue cut during sewing. Dense tissue is easier to be pressed, thin - denser.
Different device models provide different degrees of pressure adjustment depending on the mode - manual or automatic.
Puncture needle tissue
Such a feature provides control over the power of the puncture needle of any type of tissue. It is executed in an automatic mode according to the type and thickness of material. Option effective when sewing articles made of thin knitted.
Cutting width adjustment
This option provides independent trimming unit width of any type of fabric when machining the edges. It provides accurate and smooth lines.
Platform for sleeves removable type
Some models have a narrow removable platform, which is intended for the treatment of individual elements and parts of products - collars, sleeves, cuffs and so forth.
Knife for thread cutting
In many device models have a trimmer filaments. This thin sharp blade, which is mounted to the working platform or the upper housing with fastening needles. Some products are equipped with two knives for cutting the thread top and bottom feed.
The expensive option devices provided automatic thread cutting, which is activated by a special button positioned on the front of the housing.
Container for collecting scraps
Koverlok as other sewing equipment, is equipped with a special container to collect scraps of fabric and thread. After work, it can be removed and carefully cleaned of accumulated debris and dust.
marking color
This option is present in ploskoshovnyh machines and overlocking diagrammatically, it indicates correct refueling loopers performed based on the types of lines.
In koverlokah using multiple threads, so color markings to avoid user errors to set up.
sewing speed
This parameter determines the working capacity of the device when the stitches per unit time. Modern koverloki able to make from 950 up to 1550 stitches per minute.
Expensive machines perform the maximum number of stitches in compliance with high quality sewing.
operating power
Power device determines the power consumption. The lower the score, the more economical device. Koverlokov working power ranges from 80 to 250 watts.

Some models koverlokov equipped with displays on which output working operations, the types of welds performed, circuit lines, service information, and others.
Expensive models Displays the main operating data - the size of the stitches, the tension of the yarn, the choice of suitable needle.
To extend the functionality of the device is further recommended to purchase:
- Foot vystrachivaniya sequins, beads, sequins, sparkles, decorative ribbons;
- Foot for implementation of universal joints;
- Sewing foot tapes and bias binding;
- Foot for sewing fur trim on the edges of clothing;
- Foot to perform tucks, assemblies frills and folds;
- Guide to perform zaposhivochnyh lines.
Quality functional device from reliable and trusted manufacturers of sewing equipment made of robust metal components, which ensure durability and longevity design.
The device is equipped with self-sharpening knives, which are made of hardened steel resistant to corrosion. Choosing the correct mate for domestic use, it is necessary to give preference to models whose weight does not exceed 8-9 kg.