- Exploring the situation after a fire
- How can I clean an apartment after a fire?
- How do I repair myself after a fire?
- Cleaning companies will come to your rescue, just contact
People who encounter an emergency and fire often wonder how to wash the apartment after a fire? To date, this process is not as complex as it seems. On the shelves you can find special cleaning products and tools, which greatly simplify the procedure for processing the room after a fire. In what cases can you do with less effort, when you have to perform thorough repairs after a fire and what is the correct procedure for eliminating all the consequences of such a disaster, you will learn from this article.
to the contents ↑Exploring the situation after a fire
As a result of ignition, fumes and soot are released, which easily settle on all structures and objects in the room. In addition, the cause of damage is the foam of the fire extinguisher and water. To ensure that the process of rebuilding the apartment after a fire was effective, you will have to wash everything - the ceiling, walls, windows, floor.
To understand if you can handle yourself with cleaning after a fire or still have to seek help from specialists, rationally inspect the condition of all rooms, interior items.
to the contents ↑How to clean the apartment after a fire?
In order to facilitate the repair process after a fire, it is necessary to stock up on garbage bags, and in some cases even with shovels. For the initial cleaning, you need to follow a few simple rules:
- Disassemble all burnt objects and structures;
- Remove soot from all easily accessible items.
Performing these simple manipulations are preparation for the subsequent repair of the room.
Removing the smell of burning after a fire
You can get rid of the smell of burning in a room by applying a few simple methods. The main thing is to take all the measures in time, before the smell absorbs into the walls, the floor and the surviving interior items.
So, to remove the smell of burning, you need:
- Ventilate the room by opening all the windows and doors.
- Arrange the containers filled with water.
- You can add a few drops of aromatic oil to the buckets of water.
- Weigh wet rags and towels around the apartment.
- Use boiled vinegar solution.
How to make repairs after a fire with your own hands?
Repairing a room with your own hands after a fire is a laborious process that requires special attention and responsibility. For a good, quality repair, you need to take into account and observe all the nuances of the burnt room. Use only high-quality materials and cleaning products.
Stages of repair work after a fire
For a positive result, several preliminary steps should be performed:
- Remove all dirt and debris in the room.
- Clean the ceiling and walls from soot.
- Clean the area using scented cleaners.
- Get rid of an unpleasant odor.
Important! Once you have completed all these activities, it becomes clear whether major repairs are needed after a fire or actions are carried out sufficiently. Also note the following:
- If there are paper wallpapers on the walls, they definitely need to be replaced, as this material will forever absorb the smell of burning.
- If you have wooden furniture and decorative trim - you will need the same measures, complete replacement.
- if there are a lot of textile ornaments that have remained intact, but have absorbed the smell of burning and have acquired a shade - try to wash them with modern means. If it did not work out, the situation is identical: send to the scrap.
- Books, magazines and the trebly collected "waste paper" will also have to be thrown away. Remove the smell of burning from the paper will not work.
Stage one: Getting rid of the garbage
This stage implies the release of even the surviving items, since they are impregnated with a foul odor. It is better to immediately leave the carpets and curtains that have been left behind for dry cleaning. Most of the burnt things are very difficult to recover, so it's easier to throw them away.
Stage two: Dry cleaning
This measure involves washing all soiled surfaces with soot. To remove dirt, you should use a broom or stiff brushes.
Important! The main thing is not to use water-based cleaners. The use of water during dry cleaning exacerbates the problem of getting rid of an unpleasant odor.
Stage three: My room
After dry cleaning, all the surfaces of the room and objects must be cleaned of the remaining dirt. Use such detergents, which contain flavored substances. This will greatly simplify the task of eliminating the smell of burning.
At the end of such a procedure, it is necessary to treat the walls, the ceiling with sealants. Then these surfaces should be primed.
Stage four: Clean air
For qualitative cleaning of air in the burnt room it is recommended to use a special device - ozonizer. This device effectively eliminates unpleasant odors, disinfects the air in the house.
In addition, you can use improvised means: vinegar, ammonia, scented candles or oils.
In addition to the fact that performing repairs after a fire is a very laborious process, it is very dangerous for the human body. In order to protect yourself, you should follow certain precautions:
- Use protective gloves.
- Wear shoes with a thick sole to protect yourself from the glass and other debris.
- When cleaning the air, use protective masks for the eyes, respiratory tract.
- Wear clothes, which then do not mind throwing it away.
Required tools
For better repair and handling after a fire, special tools should be used:
- Bowls and buckets for water.
- Vacuum cleaner, in order to remove small debris, dust.
- Rags, sponges for dry and wet cleaning.
- Spatula for priming walls, ceiling.
- Chemical cleaners.
- Special hard brushes, broom to remove soot from all surfaces of the room.
Cleaning companies will come to your rescue, just contact
Most people who have encountered a fire start to panic and can not decide what to do after a fire? For assistance in carrying out cleaning activities, you can always contact a cleaning company. The advantage of such organizations is the rich experience and guarantee of quality processing of the premises after a fire.
The duties of the cleaning company employees include:
- Garbage collection;
- Removing soot and dirt in the room;
- Elimination of an unpleasant smell of burning.
For all appropriate measures, employees first inspect the premises. When carrying out such manipulations, specialists use professional equipment and tools that ensure the fruitful cleaning and processing of the burnt apartment. The cost of specialist services is determined depending on the complexity of the situation. In addition, employees of the cleaning company can advise on the correct processing of the apartment after a fire.
From this article, you learned the basic rules for restoring rooms after a fire. We advise you in case of serious damage immediately to contact specialists, so that all the horror of the experience no longer affected your morale and you could feel the comfort and reliability of your home again.