- Procedure
- Rules for installing a gas boiler in the apartment
Have you decided to replace the central heating with a gas boiler? Do not immediately decide on the purchase of equipment. Due to the large number of restrictions, the installation of a gas boiler in an apartment is not always possible. An obligatory condition is the presence of a chimney, and in a panel house - this is unrealistic. Thus, you can obtain the appropriate permission only at the stage of reconstruction of the house. Preliminary technical specifications for the transition to individual heating. In this article, we will look at all the nuances of how to install a gas boiler in an apartment instead of central heating.
Important! To receive the answer, whether it is possible to put a gas boiler in apartment with the central heating, you can in branch "Gorgas" of your area.
to the contents ↑Procedure
If you received an answer that the installation of an individual heating boiler is possible, you need to collect the necessary documentation:
- In the organization supplying gas, write an application for the installation of a gas boiler.
Important! If you received a response that the installation of the boiler is possible, then consider that the final permit is obtained.
- The next step is the design of the installation. You can order it in a design organization that has the right to produce similar works.
Important! The project is developed for a specific brand of boiler and meter( these data are specified in the specification).All changes to the project are made for a separate payment. After the final signing of the project, nothing can be changed. It is only possible to compile a new project.
- In the organization of fire supervision it is necessary to find out the contact details of the company that checks the condition of ventilation ducts and chimneys. If the chimney is in the normal state, then a permit is given for the installation of the boiler. If the condition of the chimney is doubtful, the owner is given an act with a list of works to be performed. After all the shortcomings have been eliminated, it is necessary to call a specialist again.
- Then follows a campaign in the heating network, where you can apply for a refusal of heat supply. If you are going to heat the water on your own, you also refuse to provide hot heating services.
- After you pay all debts( if any), you need to agree on the time of disconnection from the heat supply. If earlier problems could arise at this stage( refusal to sign the application, demand for payment for risers passing through the apartment), then today such questions do not arise.
- After this, there is a purchase of a boiler and a gas meter, the data must be transferred to the project company, after which the finished project is to be collected.
Important! It is not necessary to acquire the equipment in advance. There may be problems with obtaining permission, then where to attach the boiler - is unknown.
- After this, conclude a service contract in the office of "Gorgaz".Now you can give the gasification project for the signature.
- After the project is signed, it is possible to start disconnecting from heat supply.
- The final stage is the installation of the heating system. After the boiler is mounted, it is necessary to check the system for serviceability and tightness, without connecting it to the gas.
Rules for installing a gas boiler in the apartment
So, the answer to the question whether it is possible to install a gas boiler in an apartment with central heating is obtained. The least problems with connection will be for people entering a new house, not connected to a central heating network. Nevertheless, there is a set of basic rules concerning everyone:
- With documents on hand, you can not install the boiler yourself - it's the competence of people who have received special training. It can be either employees of an installation company that has a special license, or employees of the gas supply organization.
- Before start-up, the system should be checked by running it under a pressure of not less than 1.8 atmospheres.
Important! If the heating pipes are hidden in the walls or floor, you need to start the system under high pressure for at least a day. Thus, you are guaranteed to check how reliable all connections are.
- Before starting the system, you need to release air from it. In this case, it is necessary to release air using the Mayevsky cranes on the radiators. Release the air carefully until it is completely gone. Only after that start the system.
- Modern boiler models have automated control, and automation is extremely sensitive to the voltage value. For this reason, it is necessary to install a voltage regulator( installation of an uninterruptible power supply is possible).
- To protect against impurities, the inside of the boiler, at the inputs of cold water and gas, you need to put filters.
- The distance from the boiler to the nearest outlet should be from 300 mm.
In addition to the above rules, there are requirements for the room where the boiler will be installed:
- The best place to install gas appliances is the kitchen. Its layout should be such that it conforms to the installation standards for such equipment.
- With a ceiling height of at least 2.5 m, the required floor space is from 4 m2.
- It is absolutely necessary that there should be a window facing the street( the area of the window is not less than 0,3 m2 for ten cubic meters of volume.) The presence of a transom or a ventilator is necessary
- It is necessary for the boiler to be distant from the wall with a layer of non-combustible material. The ceramic tile or plaster is quite
- If the boiler is floor type, then install it on a base of non-flammable material. It is a layer of heat insulator on top of which is laid a metal sheet larger than the dimensions of the boiler by not less than 300 mm
There are certain requiredI to the chimney to install a gas boiler in the apartment instead of the central heating:
- If the boiler capacity is up to 30 kW, the chimney diameter in the cross-section must be at least 140 mm
- At a power of 40 kW the chimney size is 160 mm
- The length of the chimney pipe to the firstthe knee is from 0.5 m, the number of bends is not more than 3.
The problem is whether it is possible to install a gas boiler in an apartment with central heating, excites many. This procedure is not simple and not cheap. However, the result is worth it. If you can set the necessary temperature parameters yourself, the microclimate in the apartment will become much more comfortable, and the final heating bills will be much less than the standard billing.