Increasingly, the housing market there are modern evrodvushki, which replaced the standard two-bedroom apartments. They are low cost, which sometimes scares uninformed buyers, not a cat in a bag if they take? The main contingent of the owners of these apartments - young families and bachelors. We'll talk in more detail about the features of this property and how to correctly plan design evrodvushki.
- What is a European Plan
- Pros and cons "evrokvartira"
- variants of the zoning
- Placement of furniture
- choice of style
- Fitted kitchen, living room
- Fitted bedroom
- conclusion
What is a European Plan
European Plan includes a small room (40 sq.m.) bedroom, bathroom and living area with open plan kitchen. Of course the owners will not expect a stove, standing forlornly in the middle of the hall, next to the sofa. AT interior design project think through competent demarcation of the two areas: for cooking and for recreation. In fact kopeck piece with the prefix "euro" - a more extended version studio apartments, Which has separate, additional room. Of course layout in which the space is divided into the bedroom and the living room with a standard kitchen this. What and where to place, decide only the hosts. A separate room is possible to equip a children's room or, as in the combined area is a bed and kitchen again. Inexperienced decorators plan the project areas of accommodation will help professional designers or their advice, contained in the specialized literature.

Pros and cons "evrokvartira"
The following aspects of the mark among the virtues evrodvushki:
- Its cost. Perhaps the most important and indisputable advantage of property in its price. Evrodvushki occupy an intermediate position between the single and double apartments. That is, the buyer can purchase a house in functionality is only slightly inferior kopeck piece, and at a price slightly higher than the odnushku. The savings is obvious.
- The opportunity to develop a non-standard design of the apartment. For some, this aspect would be a plus, but for others - the next difficulty. In the second case, we are talking about conservatives at heart who do not take the line of modern style and fashionable combination of spaces.
- The best option for young families. Young couples often face the problem of too little of the family budget, which does not meet the needs. Well, if you buy an apartment will help parents, but quite another thing when the family was left without support, and it will have to cope on their own. Released earlier there were only two: the eternal yoke of a mortgage and a nice apartment or a narrow room in a communal apartment. Now there's a third option with evrodvushkami. Given regularly increasing popularity of this place, it becomes clear why prefer young couples.
- Ease of layout of the rooms. Usually square shaped flat shares conditional straight almost in half. On one side of this line have a separate room for the bedroom and part of the hallway, and under another - a living room with a kitchen.
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Evrodvushki have its drawbacks. These include:
- The lack of windows in the kitchen, which occurs in 80% of cases. Highlight the work area have chandeliers and lamps.
- Kitchen odors and tiny particles of fat deposited on the textile decoration and furniture in the living room. It needs a powerful hood to solve this problem.
- Difficulties in selecting furniture. Rooms are still small-sized, so the "stuffing" have to buy the appropriate.
- Inability to relax in the living room, while the hostess in the kitchen rattles pans, plates and noisy blender. As an option, it is necessary to buy the most silent appliances, the noise from which the curtain will not be so annoying.

Number of advantages and disadvantages evrodvushek almost the same, so the picture is the result of a neutral. The main thing is to plan the location of furniture, lighting and zoning. In this case, to get the maximum "strangle" the shortcomings and emphasize the dignity.

variants of the zoning
From zoning combined room depends primarily on the convenience of staying there. Install a massive furniture or a decorative wall in a small space is not recommended. Segmentation of the rooms on the small platform will make it even less. Professionals recommend to pay attention to more light barriers: furniture (tables, sofas), mobile partitions or conditional zoning symmetrical décor. Original, has become a popular option arrangement bar, Which will perform the role of a buffer zone between the living room and kitchen. It is also sometimes used conventional separation by artificial light of different colors and decorative materials. For example, in the now fashionable loft one accent wall decorated with brick masonry and the rest plastered. Contrast textures of materials available. In some embodiments, if ceiling height it allows, living area on the podiumIn "steps" which are inserted spotlights. Organically looks a symmetrical level difference on the ceiling.

In rare cases, a distinction is carried out using textile curtains. Relevant way for the combined bedrooms and kitchens. Not recommended to place close to the cooking site audio system, without which the room is complete. Likewise, it is not necessary to decorate the border area of textiles. It quickly absorbs odors and have to regularly wash. In general, a kitchen and a living room - space incompatible. Their climate and polar functionality, that is absolutely not the same. Delimitation of zones in this case pursues not only an aesthetic purpose as the need to isolate aggressive kitchen, which stretches from the main dirt on a more relaxed living room, where households have relax.
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Most evrodvushek have a balcony or loggia. This cramped space is not necessary to give at the mercy of the box, old and with conservation banks. It is possible to equip a separate reading area, office or workshop. Typically, these sites are crowding owners in the living room, which without them closely.

Placement of furniture
In the kitchen, you should pay attention to the L-shaped layout of the furniture. In this case, two areas of the triangle are on the same line, and the third grips adjacent wall. From the popular and beautiful island plan should be abandoned, since it is carried out in large areas and it is not our case. Dining area is placed here in the area of kitchen and living room boundaries. By the way, a table and chairs, too, can play the role of space zoning. Audio and video equipment is placed on the accent wall, which is opposite the kitchen area. "Face" to her as deploying a sofa. His back is to "look" into the kitchen, which is also considered a zoning plan. If the reverse side of the furniture looks "not very", then its complement cupboard of the same height. Incidentally, sofa better to use a corner, which will partly go to the wall with the only window in the room. Before it set a low coffee table. TV wall rack can be completed. In some cases, when the apartment area makes it possible (about 40 square meters. meters) in the corner of a closet. This option is relevant if spalenki too small, and there is no place to store things.

choice of style
From the stylistic diversity, many will begin to run up my eyes: Italian, Japanese, Baroque, Art Nouveau, classical, art nouveau, art deco, Provence, loft, eclectic, ethnic, fusion, retro, minimalism, hi-tech, futurism, constructivism. This list could go on for a very long time. What style is suitable for a compact housing? The optimum range of options for modern trends. Tech organically joins the close kopeck piece, putting in the "head of the table" technical component. Its basic colors (gray, white, black) will maximize the room, visually expand the space of the frame. If the soul needs to "warm" the village of comfort, it is worth paying attention to Provence. Light, airy style that chooses the wood as the main material and the white color as a base composition. It is ideal for small spaces and transform them nice decorative details. Minimalism is considered to be the optimal solution for owners who value practicality and conciseness. It is also suitable for the budget repair. Everything for the apartment will require only a minimum of furniture and decor.
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Do not choose the classic destinations that are "at odds" with the close quarters. To realize the heavy luxury requires large space.

Fitted kitchen, living room
Open plan considered fashionable and stylish design course. These facilities are combined, even in situations where the vital need for this. Just because it looks fresh and beautiful solution. In developing the design of the room should be considered:
- A small space that needs to be visually increased at the expense of light shades in the background. For the same reason it is not recommended to abuse with a colorful decor.
- The lack of natural light in the kitchen area. It solves the problem by using good lighting not only the working area under the apron, but the whole area as a whole. Also do not forget about the dining area, which is located next door. The best option is to install a few ceiling chandelier accentual on-site.

Do not recommend to experiment with styles that are a priori considered medley (eclectic, fusion). They perfectly reflect the creative chaos in the head landlord and transmit his mood, but spoil the perception of a small space.

Fitted bedroom
The bedroom will have to be content with little, ie a maximum of furniture, which can count the owners - a bed, a wardrobe and twin bedside tables. In some cases, the wall at the head of the bed is closed supernarrow rack. Wardrobe choose the type of "coupe", as its doors will not take the extra inches in the room. Traditionally, it is opposite the bed space. Bed usually takes the lion's share of the room, so it might be worth it to set in place a sofa bed. During the day he will free space for the swing in the room, and at night turn into a comfortable bed for two.

Evrodvushki studio and gradually grasp the housing market, displacing the traditional versions. Maybe it's for the best, as the to buy an apartment (the ultimate dream of many) becomes easier. Particulars of such housing the domestic designers have borrowed from foreign colleagues, adding the course and their own ideas. Simple examples it becomes clear that even the most small flat It can fit everything you need for a comfortable stay. Moreover, the convenience and comfort of the premises will not be harmed.