- What should I look for when cleaning clothes?
- Dry-cleaning products for clothes at home
- Natural or alternative dry-cleaning products for clothes.
Many items of wardrobe in our time can be labeled with the label "Only dry cleaning".What means for dry cleaning clothes exist to properly care for a thing? What is "dry cleaning"?How and what can you do at home? For all these questions, you will find the answers in this article.
What does dry cleaning of clothes mean?
Dry cleaning or dry cleaning is a method of processing fabrics in order to save it from impurities. All types of stains in this case are neutralized by means that dissolves dirt in a water-insoluble form, and during normal washing the liquid is used.
Important! During dry cleaning, the fabric does not deform, which is a big plus in contrast to active washing with water.
to the contents ↑What should I look for when cleaning clothes?
Caring manufacturers supply clothing with labels with comments and tips on washing and drying so that things last long and look impressive. But not always indicated on them means and tips are convenient for the consumer. Many of the items in your wardrobe you can clean at home, using any of the methods available to you. In either of them, you can use the tools mentioned in this article. The main thing is that they help and do not spoil the appearance of the thing.
to the table of contents ↑Dry-cleaning products for clothes at home
The delicate fabrics - silk, wool, suede and even some cotton things - are especially needed for this treatment. Many fabrics can be washed with a machine, but only in the "delicate washing" mode. This is flax, viscose, polyolefin, triacetate. As in ordinary washing with the use of a large amount of water, in dry washing distinguish two types of cleaners: chemical and natural.
Popular chemical products
Dry cleaning involves the use of chemicals and products, which is why it is called "dry cleaning".For its implementation, the house was produced by the manufacturers of many different means. According to consumers' reviews, the most convenient and effective are:
- "Spot Remover".Dry stain remover, which was released by the manufacturer specifically for fast and effective dry cleaning of clothes. It copes well with stains of fat, coffee and other characteristic types of pollution. It is indispensable in the way, in public catering establishments and in the office.
- Spray for removing stains "K2r".It is considered the world's first aerosol-stain remover. Sprayed on the contamination and dissolves its structure from the inside. Suitable for all kinds of fabrics.
- «Hagerty. Dry Cleaner Kit. Set directly for dry cleaning clothes. It includes: active substances to remove dirt of any origin and fabric fresheners. Means from the kit are used in a drum dryer. The composition does not include rigid solvents - they are adapted for a soft refreshing procedure. After processing, the fabric does not sit down, retains its color and does not stretch. Suitable also for manual processing of linen, silk, woolen, cotton and synthetic fabrics.
- «Dryel».Was released for sale specifically for dry cleaning clothes at home. A set of the well-known company P & G has been developed. He received a lot of positive feedback from consumers for ease of use, the efficiency of removing contaminants from tissues and for the "price-quality" ratio. Things after using this product for dry cleaning clothes smell nice.
- «Woolite».Produced in the form of a gel. Qualitatively removes and protects from contamination knitted, crocheted and woolen things. Does not contain aggressive hard components. Suitable for both white and color things, while maintaining the saturation of colors in the latter.
- "Minute".Produced in the form of a gel in special tubes. Do not require additional action, just apply to the fabric and wait for the drying of this product for dry cleaning at home. Remove the dried powder and the thing is again clean. Feature - it's cheap.
Natural or alternative dry cleaning products for clothes.
There are things made of materials that can not be treated with chemicals, but they need dry cleaning. Also, if you are against using chemistry at home, you can use natural harmless home remedies:
- Scotch. It is used on leather things. Can remove both fresh and old dirt.
- Brush. Helps rid of suede and similar materials from dirt. Perfectly suited for dry cleaning.
- Hydrogen Peroxide. A popular natural solvent. It is recommended to use on white or light things.
- Ammonium alcohol. Neutralizes a large number of types of pollution. In undiluted form is rarely used, mainly in the purification of ammonia solutions.
- Vinegar. One of the most famous food products that is suitable for dry cleaning cloth at home. Visibly refreshing appearance of things. In a solution with essence or acid, rinse clothes thoroughly.
- Petrol. Very good solvent stains. It is able to eliminate the most serious pollution, but because of the specificity of odor and properties, it is recommended to apply in the most extreme cases.
- Sand. Used for processing of fur products. It is heated and sprinkled with a thing. Then they shake off with the mud.
- Soda. It is famous for its absorbent properties. Good for its affordability.
- Starch. Can absorb dirt. When used properly, removes a large number of spots.
The main thing for all types of dry-cleaning products is proper application. For chemical reagents, it is necessary to thoroughly study the manufacturer's instructions. For natural - be prepared for the time and effort. The main thing to remember: if you are not sure - do not use. Better take it to a professional dry cleaning. For you, it's harmless and the clothes are clean.