Everyone wants to surround himself with beautiful, comfortable interior that is right for him. To want to return home, it should be comfortable and convenient. However, our desires do not always coincide with our opportunities. In recent years, there was a fashion for so-called open space. Although the trend in the studio was dictated by the need for budget accommodation, combined room became a kind of highlight of stylish apartments. A number of trends in the design (Scandinavian, loft, minimalism) again took up these ideas and now at every step there are hundreds of options combined zoning spaces. However, not everyone is lucky enough to be the owner of the property in the new building, where almost every apartment has an individual layout and easy to pick up an option for themselves. Panel and brick five-story building Khrushchev have unsightly appearance not only from the outside. Typical apartment in these homes are alike as twins. What could be worse at a time when individuality and architectural design are paramount? It remains only to reorganization of the space with their own hands under the changes allowed by law for the apartment owners. Let's talk about the features of redevelopment Khrushchev and consider a number of ready-made solutions.
- What you can and can not be under redevelopment?
- Where to coordinate redevelopment?
- Re-planning of a one-room Khrushchev
Alteration of one-bedroom Khrushchev
- Book
- Tram
- Mini uluchshenka
- baby's loose jacket
- Replanning two-bedroom Khrushchev,
- Remaking three-Khrushchev
- conclusion
What you can and can not be under redevelopment?
Most of the repairs will have to coordinate with the housing inspection. To the list of transformations that can not be carried out independently, include:
- Exterior work on the facade, which can affect the architectural appearance of the house. Especially this rule applies to those apartments, which are located in buildings of historical value. Installation of the units of split systems (air conditioning) is an exception to this rule.
- Any variants of the reorganization of the floor. For example, carrying out so-called floor heating.
- Transfer or creation of new bathrooms, toilets.
- Any work on gas equipment, which involve carrying out additional communication systems. In this case, the plate in the kitchen is permitted to move.
- Dismantling, partial demolition, new doors on the supporting walls.
It is also necessary to be prepared for the fact that he would never be approved following options for the reorganization of an apartment in the Khrushchev: - Construction of verandas or balconies of the apartments, which are located on the second floor and above.
- Setting the controls or personal "switches" on the engineering networks, which are considered common house.
- The transfer of the heating equipment outside the apartment on the balcony or loggia.
- Combining the kitchen with other rooms in the studio, if there is a gas stove. According to the rules, in the apartments where the gas is carried out, one must have interior doors. Tightly closed room can save the life of the residents at the time of the leak.

Also it is impossible to carry out repairs in housing, which is officially considered an emergency. Although there is generally necessary to reflect on the advisability of such action. Any work that can weaken the design of the house or worsen the living conditions of the apartment owners or their neighbors will not be approved. However, not all that bad. There are a number of repairs for which approval is required at all:
- Carrying out minor repairs.
- Changing of engineering equipment (even in the data sheet) on a similar new one.
- Dismantling of built-in furniture, the presence of which is not specified in the data sheet flat.
- Replacement of finishing materials.
- Moving gas and heating equipment, if it does not require the laying of new communications.
- Furnish of balconies and loggias.

There is also a list of works that can be made without the consent but with acknowledgment (even ex post facto) the relevant authorities:
- Glazing of balconies and loggias.
- Moving equipment within the kitchen or bathroom, but without changing the size of the rooms.
- The elimination of door openings in load-bearing walls.
- Installation of partitions, if they do not provide an additional load on the floors.
- Reconfiguring vestibules or their elimination.
- Development of new openings in the curtain walls.
- Demolition or partial dismantling of curtain walls.
See also:Design apartments in bright colors 75 photo
In the latter two cases, the rule does not apply to the walls between apartments.

Where to coordinate redevelopment?
Re-planning should be carried out according to the law. If the owner will own the repair with a number of major changes, without notification to the relevant authorities, it becomes a violator. It is important to understand that the removal or change in the bearing walls, reduces the structural strength of the whole house, which may result in destruction. First you need to prepare a redevelopment project and put together a package of necessary documents. Plan for future changes in order to design offices. The package of documents includes:
- Statement.
- Redevelopment project.
- Documents proving ownership of the apartment ( "Zelenka"). They are not required if data is present in Rosreestra.
- Registration certificate of apartment (can be obtained at the BTI). For residents of Moscow, this document is not necessary, since it is stored in the local housing inspection electronically.

If tenants are in the hands of the social contract of employment, and the apartment is not in the personal property that requires the consent of all family members to reschedule. For those who live in houses of recognized architectural monuments, take another written consent of authorities that are engaged in the preservation and protection of such buildings. The package of documents is transmitted to the housing inspection. Inspectorate makes a decision within 45 days. In addition to this date, a further 3-5 working days until the document reaches the MFC, as many are turning it in such centers. This organization is also involved in the reception of such documents and sends them to the inspection. If the applicant is refused, the decision necessarily supported by justification. It can be challenged in court. If approved, the owner of an apartment on their own with the repair and invites the commission to sign the act of re-planning. Carried out new measurements of the apartment, and changes will be made in its data sheet.

In many Khrushchev and brezhnevki allow several projects to redevelop, but in limited quantities. That is, if the upstairs neighbor decided to reorganize his apartment and he had been given permission to do so, the chances are that the consent to a similar change in your apartment will be received is reduced. Multiples redevelopment weaken the structure. Therefore, it is important to be the first.

Re-planning of a one-room Khrushchev
There are several options odnushek alteration in the Khrushchev. As a rule, standard apartments have a tiny hallway, which leads from the hallway with doors to the kitchen, to the bathroom and a large room that performs the function of the bedroom and the hall. In such apartments are very close. The life of a young family with a child at all turns into an ordeal. In the first case, the wall between the kitchen and the room is dismantled. It turns a small studio. Now their hallway leads to two doors: the bathroom and to the combined chambers. Since in a small apartment every meter counts, save money on bulky furniture possible by organizing dressing room in the former living room, bedroom, hallway next to the wall. In another embodiment, the wall between the kitchen and the living room is also clean, but the hall is connected to a combination of space, and is not separated doors. It turns out a kind of corridor of complex shape. For bed secrete tiny room. Option is embodied only in a corner apartment. In this housing there is an additional window that provides natural light bedroom.
See also:Interior design 4-room apartment

Alteration of one-bedroom Khrushchev
Typical layout of apartments in the Khrushchev, who even got their own individual "popular" names in most cases are considered to be outdated and uncomfortable. In comparison with the variety of options for the location of rooms in new buildings, they really lose much. However, such housing on Statistics considered the best-selling due to its low cost. Therefore, the demand for redevelopment projects for older apartments is not reduced.

Khrushchev "book" got its name because of the external similarity with an open-plan apartments folio. Room in a two-housing arranged in a line and are connected by a door. One room becomes a checkpoint. Usually it is used as a hall. Located on the sides of a bedroom and a kitchen with a bathroom and a hallway. As a rule, this apartment goes with a balcony or loggia (usually placed in the hall). This type of plan is considered the most unfortunate. To alter anything in the "book" is very problematic. The only thing you can count the owners as well as a partial demolition of the walls between the room and the hallway. In the corridor the increased output doors in the living room and the bedroom, leaving a message to the kitchen untouched. Pre-existing inputs from the floor clean. Thus getting rid of the flow space and insulate each room, but at the same time donate a small area of the room. Also, there are other, more time-consuming option. Between the kitchen and the living room wall demolition, combining the two spaces in the studio. In this floor area is reduced, as in the previous embodiment. In this small alley convenient to arrange a dressing room or closet.

Khrushchev "tram" (as it is affectionately called by the people, this type of apartments) has a corner location with a side of the building. A small entrance leads to a kitchen, a bathroom and a room dvushki which, in turn, is crossed and communicates with the second room. Designers offer is not carried out in a "tram" major changes. Kitchen and bathroom are not affected at all, but from the entrance of the room to deliver. Her footage slightly reduced, but the two facilities will be isolated. Changes performed by increasing the hallway area. It simply prolongs the stop and make two exits to the room. It turns out a long corridor in which it is easy to arrange a closet or dressing, thereby relieving the room. The new layout vaguely reminiscent of a two-room "butterfly" with the only difference being that in the middle is not a kitchen. Divide Is corridor partition into two sections (hallway + communicating with the door zone), decide to have the owners themselves.

Mini uluchshenka
Mini uluchshenka virtually identical to the standard nine-apartments, with one exception - the small size of the kitchen (5.5 sqm). It is this lack of attempts to correct the majority of owners. As a rule, these apartments provides for a closet and separate bathroom. To increase the useful kitchen area, you must move the bathroom and toilet, using the former pantry area. It is also possible to combine a bathroom. If the mini-uluchshenke have a balcony or a loggia, then they can be combined with the living room as an office or kitchen, use as a dining area.
See also:Design studio apartments of 23 square meters. m

baby's loose jacket
Another popular type of plan one-bedroom apartments - vest. The windows in this housing facing different directions. Rooms are somewhat similar to shirt sleeves, connected by a "trunk" in the form of a kitchen or hallway. Young family with a child usually share the space and do not combine it. In a large room, which is used as a living room, put a partition. Thus, a small children's. The partition wall preferably of brick or drywall in those rooms, where there is only one window. To leave one of the rooms without natural light, better to spend the division with the help of furniture or sliding doors. In other embodiments, the kitchen is combined with living room, sometimes adding to them, and even the hallway. The latter case is more suitable for "bachelor" of housing per person. Combining with a living spend those families who love to take a large company of guests. So really it is more convenient to cook dinner and set the table, without being distracted from the conversation.

Replanning two-bedroom Khrushchev,
The main drawback of two-bedroom Khrushchev - tiny bathroom and toilet area. Apartments rework mainly for the sake of increasing the square footage bathrooms. Bathroom and toilet are combined, adding the former corridor area, which was formerly part of the hall and led to the kitchen. Have to re-finish has WC as an extra zone has the necessary waterproofing. A doorway leading to the kitchen, done in an adjacent room, which had previously been isolated. Now, this room will be a checkpoint. However, it may be a variant of combining two spaces, since it does not cause serious damage to three rubles. In the combined room equip the kitchen and living room separated by a breakfast bar.

Remaking three-Khrushchev
Four Khrushchev rare. They can truly be considered a "luxury." The most popular variant of the reorganization of space - moving the kitchen into the living room before. It can be divided into two compact zones: a dining and cooking. The first combine with sufficiently spacious living room, and the second did take out in the hallway. The room, formerly used as a kitchen, will convert into an office. Unfortunately, according to the rules it is forbidden to place living rooms under the kitchen from top neighbors. This rule does not apply only to owners of apartments on the upper floors. In another embodiment, combined with a kitchen adjacent bathroom. As a rule, in the combined space equip luxurious room, dining area and a playground for cooking. In this room can be safely put a fireplace or a small home cinema for a joint holiday with friends. Another popular option redevelopment - an increase in square footage bathrooms, due to the area of non-residential premises. Usually, "at the mercy" is given to the hallway or corridor. In rare cases, use the kitchen area, but it makes up for combining the latter with a connecting bathroom.

Many series of Khrushchev (50) years of getting ready for demolition, because the building ran out of reserves of strength and more suitable for the operation. However, there are a number of houses (80s), which stand for more than one year, and hence the tenants to replace the flats yet count early. Not all have the opportunity to purchase luxury apartments that would meet all the requirements. Therefore, there is only one way out - to improve the already existing housing, remodel it in its own way, to combine or separate room to improve the comfort of the apartment.