- Why should I stain my eyebrows?
- Every day or once a month?
- A few words about the paint
- That the paint does not get on the skin
- If the eyebrows turned out to be too dark
- Flush excess
- Oil or cream
- Lemon juice
- Peroxide
- In especially severe cases
- A few unusual folk recipes
- Household soap
- Scrub from salt
- If nothingAt hand there is no
Experiments with appearance - a fascinating activity. But is it always the experiments with eyebrows, eyelashes and everything else that is on the face, end successfully? Unfortunately no. It happens that the color of the eyebrows was too bright, and the shape is not quite the same, and besides, a big blob fell on the cheek. How to wash off the dye for eyebrows from the skin, and at the same time and correct the eyebrows themselves? This will be discussed in the article.
to the table of contents ↑Why should I stain my eyebrows?
Generally, long-term staining - it's not a must. Many still believe that the best color is exactly the one that nature has endowed the person with, and they do not aspire to experiments at all.
Such an approach, of course, has the right to exist, but there are a couple of objections:
- Nature is not always right, and one should strive to improve one's own appearance.
- With age, all the hair follicles lighten, so that even the searing brunette eyebrows can acquire a strange mouse color.
Important! There is one more consideration. Eyebrows should look good with the hair, and some women are ready to change hair color almost every week, and radically.
to the contents ↑Every day or once a month?
Before a modern woman, busy working and raising her children, but at the same time, striving to look spectacular, a dilemma inevitably arises - to bring your eyes and eyebrows every morning or do this, say, every few months.
Each option has pros and cons. For example, with daily coloring you can:
- change the color of a pencil or eyeliner when you want;
- quickly eliminate defects, if the line has not gone the way it pleases.
Important! The main disadvantage is that the daily drawing is a long time affair.
For long-term coloring, you:
- should not jump out of bed an hour earlier than necessary;
- at any moment will look neat, even if you do not have time to draw everything else on your face.
However, there are two very significant considerations:
- it is necessary to immediately choose a good color - it is rather difficult to correct an unsuccessful coloring, although it is possible;
- should be dyed very carefully, so that the pigment only gets on the hairs, not on the skin.
A few words about the paint
If you choose the right eyebrow dye, the problem will be less, even when you have chosen a too dark tone or incorrectly drawn a line and it needs to be washed off the skin.
Important! Do not use dyes for hair - these formulations have different concentrations of pigments.
When buying eyebrow paint, pay attention to the ingredients:
- The composition should not contain substances that can cause allergies - quite often it is indicated on the box. But in any case, before applying the paint, it is better to make sure that you will not have an allergic reaction to it.
- Of course, there must be a pigment.
- It is desirable that the dye included vitamins.
- Very useful if the recipes have nutritious oils.
Important! The composition should contain as few active substances as possible with strange names. If they are, find in the reference books what it is and how it acts on the skin.
Color and type
Which color should I choose? The most common option is when the eyebrows are slightly darker than the hair. It is best to take this tone.
As for the manufacturer, the best option is to buy cosmetics only from trusted companies. In this case, you can be sure that what should change the color is painted, and from all other parts of the body the pigment will be washed away in several steps or even immediately.
to the contents ↑So that the paint does not get on the skin
In order not to have to rack your brains than to wipe the eyebrow dye from the skin, it's better not to let it get to where you do not need it. For this:
- When preparing for painting, carefully observe the proportions.
- To prevent pigments from getting on the skin, use patches or wipes.
- In areas where the paint should not get to, you can apply a greasy cream.
- Carefully use the applicator and carefully stain every hair.
- Plan the process in advance.
Important! Modern computer technology allows you to choose a color without exposing your face to risky experiments. It is better to conduct experiments with Photoshop or another graphics editor. Take your own photo and try to change your eyebrows, remember the color and choose the exact same in the store.
To prevent the ingress of paint on the skin can be, abundantly lubricating the adjacent areas of cream. The hands can be protected by the most common gloves, which are often complete with paint.
Important! Take care that neither the paint, nor the composition, which you will wash it off, do not get in your eyes. If this happens, flush eyes with plenty of water without detergents.
to the contents ↑If the eyebrows turned out to be too dark
It can also happen that the paint not only got the wrong place, but the color itself was too dark. In this case, the questions, how to wipe the eyebrow dye from the skin and how to make the eyebrows lighter, should be solved almost simultaneously.
Is it necessary to wash off excess from the eyebrows themselves? Not at all. You can try other options:
- pierced with tweezers;
- come up with a new bright make-up;
- lighten the eyebrows.
You can not remove the paint from the skin with tweezers, however, you can create the effect that the eyebrows themselves are lighter than they are in fact. Hairs on the site pulled out after a while will grow, the paint by that time will fade a little.
Important! This procedure should not be done too often.
New image of
If only the eyebrows have suffered from unsuccessful staining, and you do not want to bother with clarification - try changing the image and disguising what you do not like.
There are many options:
- long bangs;
- dark tan;
- spectacular glasses.
The decision to radically change the hair style is not popular with everyone, especially if you are used to opening your forehead, and then you need to divert attention from the eyebrows or completely close them. But you can try - for example, try on a wig bang in a wig shop. Suddenly, yes, will it?
To distract attention from too dark eyebrows can and sunburn. No, it is not necessary to lie in the sun for a few days, or to spend extra money on a solarium. You can try to apply a new foundation, not only on the skin, but also on the eyebrows. The main thing is to do it carefully and so that others do not understand that you want to hide something.
Glasses without diopters with slightly darkened large glasses are just what can be very helpful in this situation. In this case, any glasses are very well combined with bright shadows, which in the case of an unsuccessful experiment with the eyebrows will be to your advantage.
to the contents ↑Flush excess
How to remove the dye for eyebrows from the skin, if other options are not like? Most often this is done by the same means as removing excess pigment from the eyebrows themselves.
For clarification, you will need:
- oil or greasy cream;
- laundry soap;
- lemon juice;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- toothpaste;
- cosmetic fluids.
Oil or Cream
An effective, albeit long way, is to remove eyebrow dye from the skin and lighten the eyebrows with vegetable oil or greasy cream.
Option 1
You will need:
- olive, sunflower or castor oil;
- lotion or alcohol;
- cotton wool.
How to use - the most common:
- Abundantly moisten the cotton pad with oil.
- Wipe them with dirty areas.
- Wipe the skin with alcohol - very carefully so as not to get into the eyes.
- Repeat the procedure several times during the day.
Important! The main drawback of this method is that the effect can not come out right away.
Option 2
This method is faster than the previous one, and more efficient:
- Preheat the oil( but not to a boil).
- Rub it into the skin where there are stains of paint.
- Leave it for 15 minutes.
- Wash off with lotion or alcohol.
Lemon juice
If the spots of the eyebrow paint are not very dark, you can try to remove them, and at the same time and lighten the eyebrows, lemon juice.
Option 1:
- Squeeze the lemon juice
- Dampen the cotton ball in the juice.
- Wipe off any dirty areas.
Important! To make this tool more effective, you can add a couple drops of ammonia. Do not be scared if you feel a slight burning sensation - it should be so. Long to keep too it is not necessary to not receive more global troubles and a skin on the face. But the spots can go away completely.
Option 2
In this case, squeeze out the juice, and grind the zest thoroughly. On the stains, first put a gruel from the peel, then rinse, rub with lemon juice, and then wash.
Important! Take care that the lemon juice does not get into your eyes.
to Contents ↑Peroxide
A simple and versatile tool that both wounds treat and hair decolorize. Since the skin washes off the eyebrow paint almost immediately. No special wisdom - just moisten the peroxide with a cotton swab and erase pigments from everywhere you need it.
to the contents ↑In especially severe cases
For small and not very noticeable spots, enough oil or lemon juice. But it happens that the paint is dark, managed to drip everywhere, but you noticed it is too late. Do not be in a hurry to get upset. Something that allows you to cope with this trouble, you probably have.
Cosmetic fluids
You, of course, before you dye your eyebrows, carefully studied the contents of the box and the instruction. But still look into the package again - maybe there is a tiny bag that you did not immediately notice. Solid manufacturers offer customers not only paint, but also what can be removed from the consequences of unsuccessful experiments. For example, the company Estel does this, and many others too.
Important! Cosmetic fluids are more effective if used immediately, until the paint has absorbed into the skin.
Homemade scrub
If you are wondering how to remove eyebrow dye from the skin, and there is no special liquid or scrub at hand, you can make a simple and effective remedy from what is at hand:
- of baby soap;
- of fine table salt.
Instead of baby soap, you can use any toilet, if only gave a thick foam:
- Make a concentrated soap solution.
- Add salt to it at the rate of 1: 1.
- Stir, but not hard, so that the salt does not completely dissolve.
- Apply to skin.
- Hold for 15 minutes.
- Wash yourself.
Important! If you do not need to discolor eyebrows, apply the compound only to the skin, because it is able to wash the hair and hair.
Medical alcohol copes with any dyes that get on the skin. It is very useful to keep a bubble in the cosmetic bag, then you will not have problems. And if you add essential oil( for example, geranium) - you will get an excellent lotion.
The spots on the skin need to be simply wiped with this remedy, and they disappear without a trace, even if the paint is very dark.
to content ↑Several unusual folk recipes
In addition to the usual means, you can wash off the eyebrow dye from the skin with various folk mixtures, decoctions. This is exactly how they fought the unsuccessful coloring experiments, though not chemically, but by the same folk remedies, girls of old times.
Peppermint, balm, nettle
Some cleansing products grow in the country, or even just under the fence. Very good helps remove the pigment mixture of mint and nettle:
- Take the dried mint and nettle in a 1: 1 ratio.
- Fill with boiling water( the water should be twice as much as the mixture of herbs).
- Wait for about an hour.
- Clean the decoction of contaminated areas - the paint will depart almost immediately.
Important! Decoction can be made from fresh leaves, but then they need to be insisted four times longer.
Lotion from rice
Removal of pigments can be found in the kitchen. Do you have rice? Excellent:
- Take rice and water in a ratio of 1: 3.
- Heat water to boil. Fill rice with boiling water.
- Cook the grains.
- Strain and separate the grains from the broth.
- From the decoction make a lotion - moisten a piece of gauze, folded in four, and put on your face for about 10 minutes.
- Grains can be used on your own.
Curd, sour cream, bran
Do you want to simultaneously remove the eyebrow dye from the skin and make a nourishing mask? Nothing is impossible. You need:
- cottage cheese;
- linseed bran;
- sour cream.
Let's start making the "magic" remedy:
- Take curd and bran in equal quantities, and sour cream should be about a third less.
- Mix all this to get a more or less homogeneous mass - without noticeable lumps.
- Make a mask and hold it for 20 minutes.
Parsley and kefir
Take fresh parsley, chop it, mix with the same amount of yogurt and let stand for about fifteen minutes. After that, apply the compound to the place you want to clean.
to Contents ↑Household Soap The most severe, but also the most effective way to discolor what should not be colored. Soap can be used in two ways:
- simply soap the desired skin areas;
- make a soapy solution.
The second option is more efficient. Prepare a concentrated solution is easy:
- Cut a 1x1 cm cube.
- Dissolve it in 0.5 l of boiling water.
- Wait until the solution has cooled slightly.
- Wipe off any dirty areas.
- Lubricate the face with a nourishing cream.
Scrubs with soap dispenser
A solution of laundry soap can be the basis for scrubbing. As cleaning additives, you can use:
- oatmeal;
- sea salt or table salt;
- coffee beans.
Scrub from salt
Scrub can be made not only from soap, but also from vegetable oil. You need:
- marine or table salt;
- vegetable oil;
- oat flakes;
- sour cream.
If you take 20 g of sea salt, then there should be 10 g of butter and oatmeal and 30 g of sour cream:
- Mix the ingredients.
- Apply a scrub to the skin and massage.
- Leave the face on for 10 minutes.
- Wash it off with lukewarm water.
If nothing is at hand
An unpleasant, but quite effective way to remove paint from the skin is onion. He, unfortunately, is able to cause tears, but if there is nothing else, you will have to use it:
- Grind the onion in a blender.
- Press the juice( for example, with a bandage).
- Wipe contaminated skin.
- Wait for 10 minutes.
- Wash with cold water.
Important! This procedure is better spent with the assistant
We hope that the given recipes and tools were enough for you to choose the one that would be more convenient for you to wash off the eyebrow dye from the skin, restoring the attractiveness of your face.