- Bugs - who is this?
- How do you know if you have bedbugs in your house?
- Where can bugs appear in your home?
- Ways to combat bugs
- What will help you with the room service from bugs?
- Traditional methods of treatment from bugs
Being in the same room with bedbugs is very difficult and unpleasant for a person, as they reproduce very quickly. And if you consider that the treatment of bedbugs - a long and painful occupation, then do drop your hands and there is a feeling of real horror. But whatever one may say, there is a problem and it must be solved, and the sooner, the better.
to the contents ↑Bugs - who is this?
In general, there are at least 50,000 species of bedbugs on the Earth. But we have only one kind of bug that can bother us - a home( bed) bug. One bed bug is enough just to pump blood once a week. But the problem is that the number of their individuals increases with great speed.
Important! These insects cause allergies or diseases, the causative agents of which can be transmitted through the blood. Therefore, if you found them in the room where you live, then you urgently need to disinfect the bedbugs.
to the contents ↑How to determine if you have bugs in the house?
Bedbugs do not immediately make themselves felt, which is the whole complexity of the fight against these insects. Their presence in your home, more precisely - in bed, in the couch or any other sleeping place, you will notice when the population is already quite significant. That is why it often requires a global treatment of the apartment from bedbugs, and not ineffective measures.
You can determine their presence in the house in the footsteps that they leave after themselves. Here are the main signs that bugs live in your house:
- Tracks of red marks from bites in the body, approximately in the same place.
- Small white grains in sleeping places are larvae of bedbugs.
- Garbage on the floor or on the bed in the form of a dead skin of bedbugs or their corpses.
- Specific smell, similar to the aroma of cognac.
Important! The stronger the smell, the closer their habitat, since the bugs give off such a smell to protect them from other insects.
to the contents ↑Where can bugs appear in your house?
People who have bugs in their homes are increasingly asking themselves: from where and why did they appear? The most common causes of the appearance in the house of bugs are:
- From neighbors who make repairs or left for a long time from the apartment. In this case, bugs from hopelessness move to your room.
- You can bring from the street on your feet or walking animals - on their wool.
- Brought from a rest, from the hotel, because in far from all hotels, often spend the disinfection of bugs.
- When buying furniture, there is a big risk to house bugs at home, primarily because of unsanitary conditions in warehouses where interior items are stored.
Important! Proceeding from this, try not to buy furniture from incomprehensible manufacturers or from "hands", if the user does not cause trust. When choosing a place for rest, do not be afraid to check carefully the room or ask questions to the staff about when the last time treatment was conducted from bedbugs and whether they had any problems with these bloodsuckers.
to content ↑Ways to combat bugs
Folk remedies have always been an alternative to chemistry, which insects are poisoned, because of its simplicity, cheapness, speed. Therefore, today there are a large number of methods of disinfection from bedbugs for independent use, without great expense.
The most effective are such treatments from bugs:
- Mechanical method - using a vacuum cleaner.
- Wormwood worms, spread out over an apartment or at home - scare off bedbugs with their smell.
- Action of high temperatures - you need to take out the furniture in which they live, to a high frost, or to treat the same furniture with boiling water, steam.
Important! If there is little help from the above mentioned methods or they are currently unavailable, then you can try sharply smelling substances. For example, vinegar, turpentine, denatured alcohol, solutions of naphthalene or kerosene. With a large scale of infection - it is better to call the service of processing an apartment from bedbugs.
to the contents ↑How will the office for treating rooms from bedbugs help you?
Special disinsection services use proven substances and give a guarantee for destruction. But their services are far from cheap, besides, caustic chemicals must then be carefully cleaned.
Important! Some firms use drugs that are not very toxic to humans. But still aggressive chemistry is poisons, there is chemistry. To any means of such treatment from bugs should be treated with caution and clearly observe all the rules of use.
Based on how serious the problem is in your apartment, the conclusion can be made as follows:
- if you need to get rid of a large number of insects, it is better to call the service;
- if simply prevention or treatment from bedbugs with their small number, then you will be suitable and folk remedies.
Important! Disinfection services spray chemicals that have a weak flavor, but most often do not have an odor at all. These substances leave no traces on the treated surfaces, although sometimes you can notice a gray coating on the varnished surfaces, which can be easily washed off with a damp cloth.
Specialists handle all the soft furniture, carpets, cracks in the walls. For the full effect, you need to process the whole room.
to content ↑Popular treatment methods against bugs
For many reasons, some people do not want to use chemicals and treatment services in the fight against bugs. For such people there are grandfather methods and various folk remedies.
The most common of these are as follows.
The secret of its action in a sharp bitter smell, which the person suffers quite normally. The bugs in any case do not like the smell of wormwood, but they do not intend to die or run away from it, one should only hope for a temporary lull.
This folk remedy for processing an apartment from bedbugs is slightly stronger than the previous one. Tansy is a poisonous plant with yellow flowers. In summer, when these flowers appear, they need to be collected and dried, then decomposed in places of greatest insect activity.
Important! Both of these tools will help at the time to get rid of bedbugs, but they do not kill them, but expel them from the territory. That is, there is a considerable probability that pests will simply move to another room. But you can decompose these plants at night in bed and around it( do not forget to open the windows) and then this night bugs will not exactly bother you.
Do not use these herbs for baby cots or in rooms where children are, especially leaving flowers and leaves freely available to them.
Vinegar solution
Well recommended itself and a solution of vinegar as a means to treat the apartment from bed bugs. But like grass, it is only able to scare off insects, it does not represent a mortal danger for them.
As for humans, and for bedbugs, vinegar is fatal only in large quantities, so the more a percentage of vinegar in solution, the more effective the remedy will be. Also, in order to achieve the maximum result, it is worth to process each millimeter of the surface and each slot.
Important! The minus of such a solution is that vinegar very quickly disappears, that is, treatment from bedbugs is worth repeating several times a day.
There are several other solutions in which vinegar is very effective:
- Naphthalene, vinegar and 90% alcohol. This solution will be effective only if it hits the insect directly. Such a tool can become an alternative to sprays and aerosols.
- Broth of wormwood and vinegar. Excellent tool with a pungent odor. Most often it is used for preventive purposes and processes them possible courses and cracks in which bugs live.
Poisons from bedbugs
You can also get rid of bedbugs with chemical solutions of home cooking:
- Meth. It is not worthwhile to treat surfaces with this tool, since there will be little use. Denatured in its pure form simply watered the bedbugs themselves and their eggs - they immediately perish.
Important! Do not forget that this fuel is a tool, so take care of fire safety.
- Ammonium alcohol. It should be in its pure form poured into a saucer and put them in the places of the greatest activity of bedbugs. But also do not forget that ammonia provides a mortal threat not only to bedbugs, but also to pets.
- Mixing variant of the two previous products. Mixing all listed in the first 2 ways of substance, it is worth pouring the obtained substance on saucers. It will be the most effective home disinfectant for bugs.
- Aviation Fluid. It is used similarly to denatured alcohol, also in pure form.
- Cresol + naphthalene + kerosene. It is prepared in such proportions: 100 ml of cresol, 10 ml of naphthalene and 200 ml of kerosene. You will also need a brush that needs to be applied to the place where the bugs are most active.
Important! Most of the chemicals listed above are very poisonous and can not only burn rubber gloves, but also the skin of a person. Therefore, when preparing and using these mixtures, you need to be as cautious as possible.
If professional treatment from bedbugs to you now is not under force because of how much it costs, or you basically do not want to use aggressive pesticides, choose only proven folk remedies. Only in this case you can count on a certain level of efficiency.