- How do you know that the machine does not heat water?
- Washing machine incorrectly connected
- Incorrect mode selection
- Problems with heating element
- Heating water sensor failure
- Breakdown of
- software program
scum It has been known for a long time that washing is effective not only for mechanical impact and washing powder, but also for warm water. With the help of cold water it is almost impossible to clean things from serious dirt. In the old days people realized that in order to wash clothes well, you need to boil water. Thanks to the development of technology, pots and basins, in which things boiled with water and powder, have remained in the past forever, because new styrene can heat water to almost a hundred degrees. However, this only happens if the machine is fully functional. Washing will not be of high quality if the washing machine does not heat water when washing. The reasons for this phenomenon will be discussed in this article.
to the contents ↑How do you know that the machine does not heat water?
If the water does not heat up anyway, different models will behave differently:
- Many new automatic washing machines stop washing and inform the user that a failure has occurred. But still some of them will continue washing in cold water.
- If an error message appears, it becomes obvious that the machine is not working properly.
And what if the washing does not stop automatically? How do you know that the washing machine does not heat water when washing? Many believe that if the laundry after washing remains cold, then the water is not heated. This is not so, the laundry is cold after washing because at the end of the rinse it is produced by cold water.
Important! For the reasons mentioned above, you need to follow how the water is heated throughout the wash. The fact that the machine does not heat water is the most frequent breakdown. Masters who deal with washing machines can easily determine the type of failure and its cause. But for those who do not do this professionally, such a problem can be very serious. Wanting to save money, not everyone wants to turn to expensive specialist services and try to fix everything themselves.
In order to find out exactly if heating occurs, it is necessary to touch the hatch of the washing machine approximately 15 minutes after the start of washing. By this time he should be warming up already. If it does not heat up and after half an hour, there is likely to be a problem with the heating of the water or the wrong washing program is selected.
Important! Also, if heating does not occur throughout the entire wash, there may be other signs of this. If this happens, you can notice an unpleasant smell or the fact that the laundry has not been completely washed.
Thus, the main signs of problems with water heating:
- things do not wash;
- things get a bad smell;
- does not heat up the hatch during washing.
And all the reasons that the washing machine does not heat water when washing, we disassemble in detail below.
to the contents ↑Washing machine incorrectly connected
Often people, trying to save themselves, are engaged in connecting the unit to the network, sewerage and water supply. The washing machine often does not heat water when washing, because these jobs are done incorrectly.
Often the problem is as follows: hot water is normally drained from the machine, and cold water does not have time to heat up. Then the water is always heated, because it goes too quickly to the sewer.
This happens when the water drain hose is incorrectly positioned. To fix this problem, it is necessary to raise it to a height of 50-100 centimeters from the floor level.
Important! Install the washing machine correctly or contact a professional.
to content ↑Incorrect mode selection
Typically, modern machines have a variety of modes, which mean different time frames for processing laundry and washing temperature. Also keep in mind that with a separate setting you will not be able to make the temperature larger than the washing program has.
Important! If you suspect that heating does not occur, you should first check which mode you have selected.
to the table of contents ↑Problems with the TAN
If you are sure that the program was correctly set, and the water still does not heat up, you probably have a heating element that has broken down.
Diagnosis of wiring
If the washing machine does not heat water when washing, do not immediately touch the heater. First check the wiring for faults. With it, seldom there are problems, but still the wiring can also be damaged during operation.
Important! In many machines, the wires are located closer to the body. This can lead to negative consequences for them. Vibration occurs during operation, which can damage the wires.
If there is something wrong with the wires, then you need to solder them again and restore the insulation, then restart the washing and check whether everything will work well.
Diagnostics of the heating element
But it is worthwhile to understand that the heater itself most often breaks down. He undergoes a constant load, experiencing a sharp heating, then sharply cooling down. Thus, its service life is shortened. If the water does not heat up in the washing machine, you need to check the integrity and efficiency of the heater. To do this, you need a multimeter:
- First, turn off the machine from the outlet.
- Drain the water from it, the drain filter is usually located at the bottom.
- To find the element itself, it will be necessary to remove the back wall by unscrewing the fixing fasteners.
- If only the front wall is removed, you may have to remove the control panel above it.
- Having reached the TEN, we must check it for service. After setting the instrument to 200 ohms, you need to look at the resistance between zero and phase:
- It should normally be between 24 and 50 ohms.
- If there is no resistance, then - the circuit is somewhere open, and the heater needs to be replaced, because it is defective.
- If the resistance between zero and phase is normal, then completely dry the heater and, after setting the tester to 200 ohms, check the resistance between the phase( the central conductor of the heater) and the earth( housing).It should not be less than 1 ohm.
- If the resistance is below this value, it is most likely that the water did not warm up in the washing machine due to the failure of the TEN.
If it turns out that the heater is defective, then you will need to buy a new one.
Important! For each model of the stylalk suits its own type of heating element. It is worth bearing in mind when buying.
Replacement of TETA
By purchasing a new heater, you can start installing it - it's quite easy, but it's worthwhile to be neat. If you need to replace the heater, then proceed as follows. Depending on the model, the heater is located in different parts of the device.
However, as a rule:
- you need to open the rear panel - there will be a heating element.
- Next, disconnect the wires, twist the heater, take it out.
- Then install a new one and twist everything as it was.
Important! It is necessary to carefully buy a heating element, because the inappropriate element may not come up or spoil the washing machine. Try using the Internet to find and buy a suitable heater.
to contents ↑Water sensor failure
This sensor turns on the heating of water and turns it off when the water is warm. If the sensor breaks, the washing machine will not heat the water. Washing machine in such a situation can continue to wash too long or finish it too soon.
The following methods will help to check the serviceability of the sensor:
- It is necessary to remove the sensor and measure its resistance.
- Put it in hot water and do the same.
- Depending on the water temperature, the resistance must be very different. If it does not change, then the sensor is broken.
Important! Often, problems can occur as a result of clogging the water level sensor tube. When washing it gets a different dirt. Clogs complicate the work of this element. When the required water level is reached, the sensor does not command the water to be heated.
to the contents ↑Breakdown of the
If all previous failures have not been confirmed, all components of the machine are intact, and the water in the washing machine still does not heat up, the programmer probably broke. He is responsible for the programs of the machine, being her brain.
The following can become the reasons:
- faulty heating element;
- simply factory marriage;
- voltage jump;
- wiring integrity fault.
Important! If the software module has broken, unfortunately, it can not be repaired in most cases. Most likely, it will have to be replaced. This is quite difficult, so it's worth turning to a professional. It is better to call the master. Not every service will take up the restoration of this module and flashing it, so it is very likely that it will have to be replaced.
to the contents ↑Scale
If you checked the heating element and it turned out to be working, but you found a scum on it, then it was the reason that the water was not heated in the washing machine. Indeed, scale is one of the most common problems.
Important! Scum occurs on the heaters of the washing machine most often due to the presence of various salts and rust from the pipes in tap water. Its appearance adversely affects the operation of the machine as a whole, provoking:
- premature wear of parts;
- quick breakdown of the unit;
- increase in energy consumption during operation;
- extension of washing cycles.
Repair measures in this situation:
- The scale can be removed by placing the heater in a solution of citric acid.
- Further for prophylaxis it is necessary to regularly use the funds from scale while washing and drive the machine with hot water and citric acid.
- It is possible to install a filter so that the hard and dirty water does not get into the styralka.
If these conditions are met to clean the heating element, your washing machine is unlikely to stop heating the water unexpectedly for you.
Important! Due to the poor quality of tap water, the life of the heater is 3 to 7 years, after which it will inevitably have to be replaced.
Washing machines are particularly affected in our country due to voltage fluctuations and poor water quality. All this affects the state of machines that often fail. All of the above methods of what can be done, if the water does not heat up in the washing machine, are tested in practice and are constantly used to repair washing machines.
From this article you learned what could be the reasons that the washing machine does not warm water when washing, and how to fix this situation. Keep in mind that if you do something wrong and the machine breaks, it will be your responsibility. If you are not sure of yourself, call the wizard. All operations, even the replacement of the heater, are fairly simple, but trust them better than the specialist, since incorrect installation of the heating element or malfunction with it can lead to a short circuit and a fire of the washing machine. Therefore, be extremely careful when undertaking self-repair of the washing machine.