- The most common types of house insects
- How to get rid of insects in the apartment?
- Insect repellent in apartment
- Folk remedies
- How to get rid of insects in a private house?
Following the proverb: "My house is my fortress" - each of us tries to protect his home as much as possible from the invasion of anyone. And yet, with the onset of heat, "aliens" penetrate into houses and apartments, which bring us a lot of troubles: they bite, cause irreparable harm to food, interior items, and, worst of all, spread infections that harm human health. How to get rid of insects in the house so as not to cause harm to your home, what means to apply at the same time - these issues we will consider in this article.
to content ↑The most common types of house insects
A variety of pests can be planted in a residential building, among which the following are most often attacked.
The cockroach is one of the oldest species of insects on Earth. In our homes there are usually 2 species of roaches: red( prusaki) and black. Most often, "aliens" are planted in kitchens and bathrooms, because they love wet places, and eat leftovers.
The damage that insects do is quite substantial. They can damage any loose products, and, since pests are unpretentious in their food, then if they need, they can eat not only soap, but do not disdain with new sandals, taste your passport, and even do not give up glass, metal.
Objects of their attention can be TVs and computers, copiers, washing machines. Any home appliances are perceived by them as a beautiful heated accommodation. Cockroaches multiply year-round, and some individuals live up to 5 years.
Even the appearance of insects causes hostility, not to mention the same about the possible infection that cockroaches carry throughout the premises. Accordingly - the insect repellent in the apartment for cockroaches should be the most effective, have a quick action, a long-term result.
Bedbugs are one of the most dangerous insects, as it is difficult to get them out, but parasites only show activity at night. Bedbugs avoid the light and try not to get caught up in secluded places, not far from food - that is, a person.
Important! Bedbugs feed on blood, and their bites are rather painful. In addition, after them on the human body there are reddening and irritation, accompanied by itching. There are many ways to get rid of such insects in the house, but not all of them guarantee a quick and really reliable result.
Fleas are small( 0,5-5 mm), wingless, bloodsucking parasites, which hurt bite and, in addition, suffer various infections. All known species of these insects feed on fresh blood, each of which can drink up to 0.5 ml of blood at a time.
Each flea lives from a few months to one year, and parasites can live in houses that can bite not only domestic animals, birds, but also parasitize on humans.
Important! The bites of fleas, although not deadly, but still very unpleasant itch, and sometimes can cause severe allergies. Fleas are carriers of the most serious infectious diseases: plague, tularemia and others.
Mole is a fan of feathers and velvet, and getting rid of insects in an apartment is not so easy, it's easier to prevent them with preventive measures.
There are several types of insects: grain, carpet, wool. In a human dwelling, a moth can be fertile all year round, eating all the contents of wardrobes, and some types of moths can parasitize in kitchen cabinets, damaging all foodstuffs, arranging egg masonry there.
Important! Pests are all eaten: wool, feathers, felt, fur, natural velvet, book bindings and other materials. In addition, on the way to food, they can gnaw even tissue from synthetic fibers and plastic bags. Moth larvae are able to transfer cooling to 0 C and lead a rather secretive way of life, and the duration of existence of individuals is quite long, almost 2 years.
Mosquitoes are bloodsucking - houses are emerging from the street through open doors and windows. Insect bites cause itching, irritation and even allergies. In addition, pesky insects are carriers of pathogens of malaria and other infectious diseases.
Important! Mosquitoes choose wet, dark places for their dwelling, so their congestion can be observed in cellars, storerooms and enclosed rooms. From this type of insect get rid of and protect the easiest.
Ants are annoying insects that are widely distributed around the globe. Red house ants live in cracks of ceilings and walls, under a parquet and skirting boards, behind a tiled facing of walls. Detect the ants and can be between sheets of books, in the groats, dried fruits, stacks of laundry.
These are social insects living in large families and colonies. The number of one colony can reach hundreds of thousands of individuals. Therefore, the funds from insects in the apartment are usually developed not for the destruction of individuals, but for fighting with those that you never see.
Ants are omnivorous. They eat sweets and meat products, as well as live and dead insects. Such individuals can significantly damage the warehouses of products, clothing, leather, fabrics and even insulation of electrical appliances. Annoying insects climb wherever they can: garbage cans, garbage, etc.
Important! Often ants are mechanical carriers of pathogens of dangerous infectious diseases.
Flies are importunate insects that feed on food, garbage and are the mechanical carriers of pathogens of various diseases. The development of insects occurs with the accumulation of rotting substances, where the female flies lay eggs.
Wood grinders
Wood grinders are dangerous pests of wood products. In a private house, such insects appear very often. An increase in their numbers can lead to substantial damage to wooden coatings, floors and walls. Therefore, at their first appearance, it is necessary as soon as possible to get rid of insects in a private house by suitable means.
to the contents ↑How to get rid of insects in the apartment?
To destroy insects it is necessary to begin from the very first day of their appearance, as pests of any species very quickly multiply and increase their population to huge colonies.
To get rid of insects as quickly as possible, follow the instructions below:
- Find out the cause of the pests and eliminate it. For example, in the kitchen very often there are small gnats in loose food. The main reason for their appearance is the lack of basic hygiene in the apartment. But you can also bring the "enemy" from the store, so to eliminate and destroy small bugs, discard all contaminated products, because in cereals and flour, insects could already lay eggs.
Important! To get rid of insects in the apartment, be sure to inspect all cracks in the walls, risers, floors, window frames. Perhaps insects make their way through your house through them. To block access to the apartment, zashpaklyuchte all kinds of cracks and cracks, windows and doors, protect mosquito nets.
- Perform active cleaning of all damaged surfaces. Once you have determined the cause of the pests, treat the damaged surfaces with modern active preparations or take home remedies for insects in the apartment.
- Perform a general cleaning. After treating the premises with active compounds, perform a final wet cleaning. The room should be thoroughly ventilated, and wash the floor and cabinets with soda or powder to remove dead small and large insects.
- Preventative measures. The final stage of the fight against insects should be preventive actions to prevent the further appearance of pests in the apartment. For such measures, special aromatic compounds, gel-like substances, tablet preparations, which need to be treated, are suitable. For safety and for people with allergies, we recommend using folk remedies for insects in the apartment.
Important! If you timely and quickly begin to fight pests, then you have a much better chance of destroying them in a short time. If, despite all the measures taken, you can not get rid of insects, contact a specialized service. Qualified specialists will conduct a complete disinfestation of the apartment, which will destroy not only all adults, but also get rid of egg layings of insects.
to the table of contents ↑Insect repellent in the apartment
Various types of insects inhabit the dwelling of a person, therefore special preparations are designed for each of them. To get rid of insects it is possible with the help of modern chemistry or, using folk remedies. Let's consider each remedy for insects in the apartment in more detail.
Aerosol preparations
You can use the product against any type of pest. Drugs are effective against cockroaches, ticks and at the same time these same tools will help get rid of flies and mosquitoes.
Important: The most popular and common are Raptor, Reid, Dichlophos.
Gel putty
Use putty to handle cracks in the floor and walls. Apply gel putty between the window apertures and the bends of the cabinets. Gel putties are very convenient in dealing with ants, cockroaches and any creeping insects, but they will not be effective against bedbugs, flies, mosquitoes.
Important! The most popular means of insects in the house are the gel "Clean House", "Combat", "Globol".
Bulk mixtures
Mixtures can be used in dry or diluted form. The poison solution is suitable for treating smooth surfaces and tiles. Insect repellent in a dissolved form is effective when fighting with mochrits and other damp lovers, but a powdered preparation will help to get rid of cockroaches and food gnats.
Aromatic traps
Use traps as a means of insects in the apartment if flying insects have got wound up: mosquitoes, flies, midges, moths.
Ultrasonic Repeller Modern means will help you get rid of flying annoying insects. Pay special attention to the range of the device: if you use a repeller, you will be at home, then buy the most simple and inexpensive drug, but to remove mosquitoes and mosquitoes in the suburban area, you will need a more powerful device with a wide range of action.
to the table of contents ↑Folk remedies
Along with modern chemical active preparations, people's methods of eliminating "aliens" are widely used in the fight against insects.
Collection of natural herbs
Many insects do not tolerate the smell of wormwood, tansy, lavender, mint, geranium, rosemary, laurel, etc. To prevent the appearance and repelling of insects, use compositions of fresh or dry herbs.
Natural ingredients, use as follows:
- Dry bouquets of lavender, mint, rosemary, geranium, wormwood, tansy, arrange in the nooks of rooms. For example, in cabinet drawers, under the couch, on the upper shelves of curtains or use all possible compositions for decorating the interior.
- Oil extracts of eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary should be used as an additive for wet cleaning of floors, walls of living quarters.
- With herbal decoction of herbs, spray upholstered furniture, armchairs and other interior items to remove small parasites: bugs, fleas and ticks.
Citrus Flavors
The aromas of lemon, orange have a deterrent effect for various types of flying and crawling small specimens. Lay the lemon, tangerine, orange peel in the corners of the rooms, on the upper shelves, under the cupboards to get rid of the insects in the house.
Get rid of bugs with lemon solution:
- Squeeze juice from one whole lemon.
- Dilute the juice in one liter of clean water.
- With the solution obtained, spray all interior items, especially sofas, beds, pillows and other textiles.
We offer you an alternative recipe:
- Lemon finely chop and crush into water( 1 l).
- Boil the fruit in boiling water for about 5 minutes.
- Strain the solution.
Mixture of salt and soda
Mix salt and soda in equal proportions and scatter on carpets. Leave the product overnight, and in the morning thoroughly vacuum all the carpets and paths. This treatment will save your home from ticks and fleas.
Important! Carry out the cleaning procedure periodically, if the main flea carriers and ticks live in the apartment - pets.
Boric acid and borax
Among the numerous preparations used from cockroaches, till now the value of borax and boric acid has not lost its value. Ironically, the compounds of these drugs, for some reason, until now, can not get used to cockroaches. You can buy the drug in any pharmacy.
You can use the tool in different ways, for example:
- Spread boric acid around the garbage cans, along skirting boards, thresholds, under the sink.
- Mix the borax in equal proportions with flour and granulated sugar, and arrange the bait in the places where the insects appear.
- 1 g of boric acid slightly moistened with water. In the preparation, add bread crumbs.
- In equal amounts mix boric acid and grated potatoes. Spread the bait into the places where the parasites are clustered.
- Mix boric acid with hard boiled egg yolk and sugar. From the resulting mixture, make small balls, and lay the bait in the kitchen in secluded corners.
Important! Useful tips that will be useful to you if you are looking for a way to get rid of insects in the house:
- Drill and boric acid dehydrate the insect's body, so, during the application of the agent, make sure that there is not a single drop of water around( no water tap, there was no water in the open form).Also, there should be no other food, otherwise - all ways of dealing with aliens will be useless.
- Against cockroaches and other creeping insects, you can use bait from a mixture of dry alabaster and flour, taken in equal amounts. Sprinkle the habitat of the insects with a mixture, getting into the pest's body, the alabaster will harden and turn into a gypsum.
A solution of garlic and onion
A simple remedy helps expel uninvited insects from the house. To prepare a solution it is quite simple:
- 50 g of garlic and 50 g of onion finely chop.
- The resulting mixture is insisted in a glass of water for about two days.
Important! From the atomizer, sprinkle, with the prepared mortar, the floor and walls in the apartment or house, as well as the basement or the basement, if any. Repeat the procedure once a week during the pest infestation season. Although this method is inconvenient, due to the persistent garlic-onion smell, it is natural, environmentally friendly.
Adhesive tape from flying insects
To get rid of flies and other annoying flying insects, use adhesive paper( Velcro).You can prepare an adhesive tape by yourself. First prepare the adhesive mixture, and then apply it on a thick paper with a hard brush. We can hang ready-made Velcro in the kitchen and in the rooms.
We offer you a recipe for making an effective, durable adhesive for velcro:
- Take an iron bowl or 0.5 liter can.
- Place 90 g of rosin in a container and melt it over a low heat.
- In a liquid alloy pour in 30 ml of sunflower, cotton, linseed or castor oil, thoroughly mixing.
- Add 1 tsp to the mixture.sweet, fragrant syrup or honey.
Important! No less effective will be such ways to get rid of insects in the apartment:
- From flies you can use an ancient folk safe tool - tansy. In a house where there is a bouquet of tansy, annoying insects never happen. Use the dried flowers of tansy( bought at the pharmacy) can be as follows: rub the flowers of the plant in a mortar, apply a carpenter's or casein glue on strips of flat paper( you can starch paste), sprinkle a layer of glue abundantly, prepared with tansy powder. After the glue dries, hang the strips with the tool near the windows, doors.
- To prevent flies from entering the windows, sprinkle the window frames with vinegar.
- Flies are terribly afraid of drafts, so ventilate the home more often.
How to get rid of insects in a private house?
In a private house, getting rid of insects is much more difficult than in apartments, since pests penetrate from everywhere. Therefore, it is easier to prevent the appearance of insects and adhere to the following recommendations:
- Keep clean everywhere: at home, in the yard, in public places.
- Keep food waste in percale, and preferably black or darkened bags, closed in buckets with lids.
- In the summer, take out the garbage daily and even twice a day.
- Ventilate rooms frequently using drafts.
- Any cracks in floors, walls, seal with sealant.
- Large openings with steel wool to cut off the path of insects.
- Protect windows and doors with mosquito nets.
- Around the house plant plants that repel insects. Pests do not tolerate the smell of tomato, clove, elderberry, wheat grass, valerian, anise, eucalyptus, geranium, and citrus. The fresh leaves and flowers of bird cherry, basil are well repelled by insects.
- Do not forget, including the light in the house, close all windows, doors, so as not to attract insects.
- Keep an eye out for the cleanliness of pets that often bring fleas into the home. When wet cleaning, for washing floors use a decoction of wormwood: 40 g fresh or 20 g dry leaves of the plant dissolve in 2 tbsp.water, cook for 10 minutes, then add 25 grams of planed soap, all this pour into a bucket of water for washing the floor.
- To prevent the ants from getting into the food, smear the outer edges of the dishes and packages with sunflower oil.
- Cabinets where products are stored, wash from inside with a warm, soapy solution, and then with clean water. Slots in the cabinets promazhite table vinegar, so that the insects did not penetrate inside.
- Fur, woolen things hang out in the fresh air in summer to get rid of moth larvae. Keep things in special cases of cloth with antifilament.
- In the cabinets, for prevention from moths, spread the dried orange peel, as well as the leaves of geranium or tobacco.
Of course, it is better to prevent the appearance of parasites than to fight them in every possible way. To insects never bothered you, stick to simple rules of sanitation and preventive protection against pests. If, in spite of all methods of preventing the appearance of insects, you still have them, then use all the means and methods described above, and victory will be yours.