- Precautions
- Remove traces of oil from
- How to wipe off stains from other mushrooms?
With the onset of autumn, fungal gatherers are activated and their passion for this business can be understood - mushrooms are rich in protein, minerals and useful trace elements. The second positive thing is that it's always nice to eat collected by yourself, not bought in a store or restaurant. The one who collects mushrooms seldom, usually gets into a kind of trap - snatching oil and bringing them home, cleaning and preparing them, then discovers his blackened hands, and tomorrow to work.
It is known that the spots from these fungi are the most difficult to extract. Therefore, you need to know for sure than to wash your hands after the oil. Agree, it is not very nice to show hands, on which blackness under the fingernails and spotting on the pads of fingers.
to the contents ↑Precautions
An experienced mushroom picker has known for a long time that first of all you need to stock yourself with gloves:
- for collecting oil - ordinary cloth;
- for cleaning and washing - rubber;
- for cutting during cooking - cellophane.
Important! If there were no gloves at hand, and you collect mushrooms to taste them at your dacha site, without going back to the city and there are no stores nearby, then use what you can find: unnecessary cloths, cellophane bags, all kinds of bags and stuff. After such gestures, the question of how to wash your hands of oilers will simply disappear by itself without appearing.
to the contents ↑We remove traces from oil masks
Bollet - this is our oiler, scientifically. If you are the person who collects mushrooms seldom and has stained your hands with ignorance, then the following methods, how to wash your hands after oil masks, will certainly be useful.
Important! These fungi have a very strong coloring pigment, which is absorbed into the skin even more if you use soap. Therefore, forget about soap, if you have stains from oily. The second element, which is generally contraindicated to remove such contaminants is alcohols. Any. They clog and dry the skin, narrow the pores. Brown tracks are guaranteed to stay for a long time.
The first way that works without fail is to clean the hands with vinegar or lemon. Acids have long been used in the home for cleaning the body and tissues from complex contaminants. How to wash your hands after cleaning oil with vinegar and citric acid - you can act in several ways.
Method 1:
- Dissolve vinegar in water in a ratio of 2 parts water and one part vinegar.
- Put your hands in the solution tank for five to six minutes.
- Rub with a hard washcloth.
- Wash under tap and repeat if necessary.
- Apply a cream to dry hands.
Method 2:
- Do the same, but after holding hands in the vinegar solution.
- Add then three or four teaspoons of soda and then wipe with a washcloth.
So it will be more effective.
Method 3:
If you have a lemon - good. If not, then citric acid is also able to help. So:
- Lemon your hands and leave it for five minutes.
- If there is no lemon a bag of citric acid, dilute in a bowl with warm water and dip the hands into the solution for five minutes.
Important! Then you can wash it with a washcloth soapy with soap. Although we wrote above that you can not use soap, in this case it is necessary. Pigment, reacting with citric acid, changed the composition and now it can be washed with soap. After the procedure, apply the cream on your hands.
Than wash your hands after oil, if there are no acids in the house? Excellent powder for cleaning everything that you can - it's soda:
- Make a mash by mixing soda with water.
- Put it on your hands.
- Hold for a few minutes and then rub something very hard, pumice, of course - an ideal option.
- After - always apply the cream on the skin.
How to wash your hands after oiling quickly - this is acetone or, which is more common and is available in any woman at home, ordinary, the most inexpensive liquid for removing varnish. Spots go away quickly, but for the skin it is harmful, after all, chemistry.
The procedure is simple:
- Impregnate with cotton wool or cotton pad.
- Wipe off stains until they completely or to a greater extent do not disappear.
- Apply a nourishing cream on your hands.
If none of the above is nearby, then 100% percent, pumice is always there. Wipe off the stains until you wipe off all that you can.
Important! Pumice stone can remove all dirt, but only if you use it immediately after the effect of "mushroom staining" on your hands. If you do not immediately start cleaning - pumice can not cope without additional funds.
Hand wash
This option will help remove what's left when you've already done something to remove traces of oil. And he also kills two birds with one stone - and the clothes are clean, and the hands are washed.
Important! Make your hands completely clean from such contaminants only if you cut off the nails under the root. It is sad, but you can not wash your nails from oil.
to the contents ↑How to wipe off stains from other mushrooms?
Since the pigment of other fungi is less corrosive, it is much easier to wash it. Let's list some variants.
- Conventional chlorine bleach dilute in a small amount of warm water.
- Use a sponge or a medium-hard brush to wash your hands in this solution.
- The spots turn pale and disappear completely after a while.
Here the soap is applicable - it's not an oil. Just make a concentrated soapy solution and rub your hands with pumice stone.
The methods described above for the removal of fungal traces will also help. Collect mushrooms and stay healthy!