- Proper care: avoid contamination
- Wooden kitchen: pluses and minuses
- Secrets of self-cleaning wood
- We are fixing the table top
- The thorough restoration
Furniture made of good wood has always been highly valued at all times and has not lost its relevance to this day. However, it happens that even in the most expensive furniture made of wood, any contamination is absorbed, which subsequently is very difficult to remove. To avoid such situations, it is recommended that you properly take care of the material and know how to properly remove stains of any kind from it. In this article we will tell you how to take care of wooden furniture, how to clean wooden furniture and how to prevent its contamination.
to the contents ↑Proper care: avoid contamination
Any furniture, from whatever material it is manufactured, needs regular maintenance of cleanliness. If you follow the basic rules for care, use good cleansers, then it will last a long time.
So, here are some rules how to care for wooden furniture:
- It is highly recommended not to place furniture from wood next to windows that often open, window sills and on the balcony. Any, even the most expensive tree - a very sensitive material in relation to humidity, direct sunlight and temperature changes.
- In rooms where the air humidity is higher than normal, they also do not recommend putting this kind of furniture, otherwise - the tree will be covered with unusual stains and fade.
- Do not install this furniture in rooms where the temperature is higher than normal, and a lot of light is spilled through the windows. From the sunlight, wood can turn yellow and crack strongly, which will indicate its wear. If the furniture still stands in the brightest and hot place of the living space, it is recommended to apply a layer of wax on the lacquer coating, which will protect the material from direct sunlight, absorbing them. Moreover, such a wax film will add extra shine to the furniture.
- In addition, in dry rooms with increased temperature, it is recommended to put a vase of water or an aquarium - it slightly moistens the air.
- In the summer it is recommended to wipe the wooden installation with turpentine solution. This will prevent the appearance of pests in the wood.
- When cleaning rooms during cleaning of wooden furniture at home, it is recommended to wipe it with a napkin or a cloth impregnated with a solution that includes antistatics and wax.
Important! Pay attention to the surface on which the wooden installation rests. It should only stand on a flat floor, because any of its irregularities only distort the furniture, changing its individual details. If the surface is uneven, it is recommended that something be put under the legs of the furniture.
to the table of contents ↑Wooden kitchen: pros and cons
Most often, the wooden environment has the most animated place of any house - the kitchen. In this room, the tree is in greatest danger, because its use is very active, which means that it requires more careful care of oneself. In this section, we will understand the main advantages and disadvantages of the location of the tree in the room and learn how to look after the wooden furniture in the kitchen.
Advantages of
Let's start with a number of positive moments of the location of furniture from wood in the kitchen:
- Wood is much more reliable, stronger and durable than any other materials, which means that the room does not require frequent repairs.
- Wooden furniture looks much more expensive than its counterparts. In addition, this material will always be unique due to its individual texture.
- You can make by yourself. Kitchen furniture, made by hand, will always catch the admiring glances of the guests. However, in order to do it, you need to be an experienced master who knows his business.
- Wood is a natural material with a high level of ecological purity. So - if you properly look after the wooden furniture in the kitchen, it will not only not provoke a harmful effect on health, but it will maintain the optimal microclimate in this room.
Disadvantages of
In addition to the advantages, there are also disadvantages of using wood in the cooking room:
- As already mentioned, wooden furniture of any kind of wood is always very sensitive to external factors - moisture, sun, temperature, steam, which, in turn, will actively affect it in the kitchen.
- A complex care for the varnish surface. It is very easy to damage, and it is sometimes impossible to restore the old shine. If nevertheless it happened that you already purchased such a set, then we recommend to get a means for removing fat from the varnished surface.
- From the tree, harmful substances can be displayed if the manufacturer has incorrectly chosen an antiseptic. Therefore, when buying, you should give preference to the products of reliable companies.
Secrets of self-cleaning wood
The products made of natural materials must be treated very carefully so as not to damage them and not to dirty them. If a stain forms on the surface and you can not remove it, be sure to use our next advice on cleaning wooden furniture.
The main recipe: water and sunflower oil
For this recipe, we need only two ingredients.
Important! If the surface of the piece of furniture is already under the layer of varnish, then this method will not work for you, since the possibility of damaging the coating is great.
- Mix the water and sunflower oil in a ratio of 1: 1.5.
- Apply the mixture to a dirty place and rub it with a brush.
- After cleaning, gently rinse with a damp cloth.
Other folk methods
In addition to the above-mentioned method, there are several more proven solutions to the problem of cleaning wooden furniture at home:
- You can easily remove the stain by moistening the soiled area with boiling water. After waiting, when the surface becomes softer from a sharp change of temperature, sprinkle with soda or mustard powder.
- You can also mix the vinegar with malic acid in a ratio of 1: 1 and remove the stain with this solution. You do not have to worry - the acid is very weak, which means that the coating will not suffer.
- For the removal of stains even resort to using a normal baking powder for dough. To do this, just mix it with water until the consistency of the gruel is formed and spread over the contamination site. After 15 minutes, the mixture is removed and wiped dry.
- A trace on a wooden panel from a hot glass can be removed by erasing it with a soft school eraser. Immediately after this, you should walk through the area to be polished.
- It is also possible to get rid of any kind of stain using ordinary flour. To do this, sprinkle it with a contaminated area, and then rub this place with a swab that has been previously moistened in vegetable oil, until the contamination disappears completely.
We fix the table top
If on the wooden furniture not only the spots that you have already disposed of but cracks and small scratches were formed, and you are not ready for the capital restoration of the object, use one of these tools to repair the defects. Suitable for you:
- Mayonnaise. At the heart of this product are substances that can cause a slight swelling of the wood. In the end - if you fill the cracks with mayonnaise, leave for a day or for the night, the material will slightly increase in size, and the crack will disappear.
- Nut. Take the walnut and carefully grasp the defect site. With the help of such a product, you can remove both minor scratches and scuffs, which give furniture not the most attractive appearance.
- Special pencil or wax. This professional tool, which is sold in any construction shop, you can make a small restoration of wooden furniture. Choose a wax or pencil of the appropriate shade, carefully apply it to the problem site, wait for the time specified in the instructions, and evaluate the result.
Important! Wax or pencil can be used in the event that the cleaning of wooden furniture by other means was not very successful, and still on the surface, "stain" the spots. In this case, you simply align the color of the material and the furniture acquires an attractive appearance.
to content ↑Thorough restoration
If the stains are too much, the varnishing has cracked, and in general the appearance of a good quality interior object leaves much to be desired, it is necessary to do a thorough restoration. Of course, if there are no tools or materials at hand, and there is no special repair experience, it is better to entrust this work to a professional.
But if the desire to clean the wooden furniture and restore its attractiveness with your own hands is still present, you will have to perform the following order of work:
- Carefully remove the varnish and the top layer of wood. For this purpose, sandpaper or a grinder is used. In the first case, the work will be quite long and time-consuming, so be prepared for this.
Important! To remove varnish, you can use special solvents, but select them in accordance with the type of wood and varnish, in order to really quickly get the expected result.
- The surface is leveled further. For this, the top layer of wood is slightly "combed".Suitable for this plane.
- Further - it is necessary to impregnate the wood with an antiseptic to protect it from moisture, as well as ignition, if the furniture is located in the kitchen.
Important! Always wait for the drying time indicated in the instructions. The number of layers can be 1, and 3 - depends on the quality of the result you are counting on.
- The final step is repeated varnishing or waxing. If you have chosen a varnish - apply it very carefully so that there are no bulges, cracks and bubbles.
In conclusion, you can say that kitchen furniture requires special care, and now you know what to do if there are stains, cracks, scratches. If possible, remove them immediately so that later cleaning of the wooden furniture does not take much more time and effort from you.