- Let's remember the physics of
- Why is a person beating current?
- Why does not every person be shocked?
- When does a person become more electrified?
- Is it dangerous?
- How to deal with static?
- If the air is too dry
- Prevention measures
- Grounding
- Working on the computer
- Do you have any psychological reasons?
Modern man lives in the world of electricity. He constantly uses electrical appliances and is not surprised if he touches a kettle or an iron and feels an electric shock. He immediately begins to look for where the insulation is pierced - and usually finds it. But why does it get a shock from everything and how to deal with it? Now we will talk about this.
to the contents ↑Let's remember the physics of
When you look in the school textbook on physics, you will easily find an explanation for why sparks sometimes fly out when combing your hair. The same thing sometimes happens when you take off a sweater. The reason is static electricity.
Important! Static electricity is not one, but several phenomena that occur sequentially:
- the appearance of a free charge;
- charge conservation;
- discharge, or relaxation.
Where does the free electric charge come from? In everyday life, it is most often formed from the friction of an object about an object, especially if things are made of synthetic materials.
Important! To understand how this happens, you need two pieces of synthetic fabric:
- Rub them against each other.
- Observe how they will begin to attract or repel.
This is because one piece of synthetic fiber loses an electron quite quickly, which passes to another object. Here you have two free electrical charges. They appear because when friction particles begin to move, the balance is violated, and this violation is just static electricity. External manifestations are a spark and a click.
But a free charge occurs not only in synthetic materials. Excellent electrified:
- human hair;
- amber;
- wool;
- fur;
- ebonite and other plastics;
- paper.
In a word, an electric shock can be obtained literally from everything that surrounds us. Therefore, it is unlikely that you already have a question, why it beats the current from everything, but the question is what to do with this still remains relevant. About this further.
Important! There are also materials on which free charges do not form:
- tree;
- glass;
- cotton fabrics.
These properties must be taken into account, selecting items of interior for your house and casual clothes.
to the table of contents ↑Why is a person beating current?
Free charge is formed not only on objects, but also on a person. As a result - when he touches someone or anything, a click is heard and a spark flies out.
When does a person manage to electrify?
- When combing with a plastic comb.
- When it is a lot of clothes made of wool or synthetics.
- When walking on linoleum in felted or synthetic shoes.
- When working for a long time at the computer..
Important! The human body is an excellent dielectric, it is capable of polarization in an external electric field, that is, it accumulates a static charge. The body is covered with hairs that perfectly conduct electricity.
In practice, it looks like this:
- friction clothing is electrified;
- charges pass through the hairs to the body;
- a person feels tingling, but sometimes flies and sparks.
That's why a person is shocked.
to the contents ↑Why does not every person get a shock?
People are very different in nature. This also applies to the ability to accumulate electric charge. One always wears thermal underwear, a woolen sweater, and even felt boots - and no sparks are poured from it. The other begins to beat with an electric shock, just put on a T-shirt with a small amount of synthetic fibers. Why such injustice?
Physicists believe that everyone can accumulate electric charge, but
for different people has different electrical capacities. That's why someone can safely put on a blouse made of polyester and an amber necklace, and the other begins to click the current simply from what he wears boots on the plastic sole.
to the contents ↑When a person is electrified more strongly?
As practice shows, a person is shocked most often in the winter. This happens because:
- in winter often wear synthetic and woolen things, several at once;
- in winter the air is drier than in summer.
Is it dangerous?
The ability to electrify itself is not a danger to humans. It's just unpleasant, but there's no negative impact on health. Moreover, such ranks do not threaten life, in spite of the fact that the tension arises very large.
Important! However, this phenomenon is still not well understood, and among doctors there is an opinion that the regular impact of static electricity on some bodies still has a negative effect on their work. In particular, permanent discharges are harmful to people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.
to the contents ↑How to deal with static?
Static electricity accumulates most often on clothes. Accordingly - you need to make sure that it does not accumulate. For this, there are several ways:
- special tools that are used for washing;
- spray-antistatic agents;
- water.
Important! If it beats the current from everything, it would be wiser to combine the proposed methods.
Option 1
In the hardware store you will surely find a special air conditioner that removes static electricity. Such conditioners are used both for hand washing and for washing in a machine.
Hand wash occurs in this order.
- Soak the thing.
- Wash it off.
- Rinse out.
- Again soak, but with the addition of antistatic agent.
Important! Before you soak clothes with an antistatic agent, read the instructions carefully. Pay attention to the suitability for color and type of fabric.
Option 2
When washing in an automatic machine, the air conditioner with antistatic is placed in a special tray compartment marked with an asterisk or a "flower".
This spray is used during dressing. For example, you put on pantyhose and a woolen dress. These things are beautifully attracted to each other, that is, they have a strong static charge. Spray one of the things - the problems will disappear.
Important! Applying such sprays to both "electrifying" products is highly undesirable - this can have the opposite effect. In the end, you will not only over the question of why it beats current from everything, but also why it is so strong.
The most common water has an antistatic effect. Wearing things that must come into contact, sprinkle them with water.
This method is universal and suitable for any conditions. Of course, it is also cheaper, affordable.
Important! If you are constantly beating current from everything, consider that water is only a short-term solution to the problem. It is effective, but not for long. Therefore, we must also choose an auxiliary, more prolonged action, remedy.
to content ↑If air is too dry
The reason that everything around is electrified can become excessively dry air. It must be moistened. There are several ways to do this:
- using an air conditioner with a humidifier;
- spraying room from the spray gun;
- by placing a container with water in the corner.
Option 1
If you often use air conditioning, the air in the room will become even drier than usual - moisture is removed during the operation of the device. But many modern models of domestic air-conditioners are equipped with humidifiers, and it is best to choose just such a one.
Important! The device for increasing the humidity can be bought separately - it is much cheaper than an air conditioner.
Option 2
The most common spray can help to cope with the dry air - for example, such as sprayed plants. True, you will have to moisten the air.
Important! Spray the water in the room in which you are, about once per hour.
Option 3
If you do not have time to fiddle with a spray gun, just put a basin in the corner, filling it with water. In not particularly hot weather, this will be enough to reduce or even completely remove static electricity.
to the contents ↑Prevention measures
For those who do not like to constantly click and sparkle, do not wear things that are highly electrified. It is better to follow such recommendations:
- Wear things from cotton fabrics or flax, as well as shoes on leather soles.
- Bed linen must also be linen or cotton.
- Wash clothing so that it does not become electrified, often with the use of antistatic agents.
- Brush your hair with a wooden comb.
- At home, go barefoot, especially if you have a laminate.
- Often do a wet cleaning.
- Do not forget to ventilate the apartment.
- Try to work less with electrical appliances.
To ensure that static electricity does not cause trouble, it is necessary to ground. In new apartments, this problem is solved - the power supply goes through three-core cables, and you just need to check the sockets or ground to a stove or washing machine, if for some reason it was not done.
Important! At the dacha, it is best to arrange a grounding loop, pulling out a groove in the form of a triangle, driving metal pins into the corners and connecting them with metal bars. If there is a grounding, the electrical devices that are in good condition will not be beaten.
However, it is necessary to "ground" a person. For this you need:
- metal object;
- grounded surface.
Feeling that the tension has accumulated and the discharge is about to occur, take the scissors or keys in your hand. Touch them with a grounded surface - a refrigerator, a metal plate or a battery.
Important! The second hand should at this moment remain free and not touch any objects.
If static electricity has accumulated, when you were driving in the car, then leaving it put a palm to the glass.
to Contents ↑Working on the
Computer Static electricity often accumulates when you are working with a computer or other electrical appliances. In this situation, a special anti-static bracelet can be very helpful:
- Wear a bracelet.
- Connect it with copper wire to the battery, refrigerator or other grounded surface.
Are there any psychological reasons?
A person who constantly beats current, causes caution in others. He may be considered aggressive or evil, because from him, as they say, "sparks fall".
Important! The electrical capacity of this or that human body does not depend on the psychological state of its owner.
If a person easily electrifies, this means that the person:
- has a physical propensity to accumulate charge;
- does not know how to use antistatics;
- is indifferent to such phenomena.
The only thing you can do in this situation, if you are uncomfortable with the clicks and sparks emanating from it - give the anti-static spray.
Now you know all about why it hits the shock of everything and why a person beats current in principle. We hope you could find out the reason for this phenomenon and neutralize it, so that you do not feel uncomfortable during the day from a sudden "discharge."