Where does the dust come from?

  • What is dust and where does it come from?
  • Where does the dust in the house come from?
  • Where does dust come from in an apartment in which no one lives?
  • A vacuum cleaner is an enemy of dust or its ally?
  • Dust is always harm?
  • Useful tips on how to protect your home from dust:

Where does dust come from? A natural question after a thorough cleaning. After all, do not try, it takes a very short time, and we again notice the ubiquitous dust in their places. Cleaning is an illusion? Not certainly in that way! Cleaning is an effective way to reduce the amount of dust in the apartment, but it is simply impossible to defeat it 100%.What is so special about it, what does it consist of and where does it come from?

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What is dust and where does it come from?

Dust - these are very small particles that can not be easily discerned with the naked eye. After all, their size is only from 0.005 to 0.1 mm.

Where does the dust come from?

70% of all dust on a planet of natural origin, 30% is a product of human life. But it is these 30% most harmful - both for the human body, and for our planet as a whole.


The largest natural source of dust is the soil of the Earth. With the help of the wind, small particles of soil are blown out and move over long distances.

reservoirs Salt of the oceans and seas are also dust particles. Salt water when dried in the air leaves grains of salt, which are also carried by the wind away from their "home".

Deserts and mountains

Volcanoes, deserts and forest fires also make a significant contribution to the creation of dust.

Interesting fact: The Japanese volcano Sukarajima annually emits about 14 million tons of dust into the atmosphere. Every year, thanks to the Sahara desert, the mountains of Central America are covered from 60 to 200 million tons of dust. This dust also reaches our country and is probably now in your apartment.


Space dust - this is not fiction movie-makers. This is a reality that comes to Earth during meteoric rains.


Pollen of flowers, animal hair, spores and fungi are all part of the dust.

The person

The share of a person in the production of dust consists mainly of burnt particles of oil, coal, wood and gas. Industrial enterprises, vehicle tires and construction sites are also a kind of "factory" of dust.

Interesting fact: for 1 year in each average two-room apartment about 30 kg of dust accumulates.

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Where does the dust in the house come from?

All dust is constantly in motion and so it seeps into our housing. Its particles larger than 10 microns quickly settle on the surface of objects and floors, and we can easily remove them with a damp cloth.

The most dangerous for a person are particles of dust that are less than 5 microns in size. We can not see them, and they very long settle on the surface, thanks to their small weight. It is these particles that most easily penetrate our body through the respiratory tract.

An interesting fact: every day a resident of the city inhales one third of a glass of dust.

Homemade dust

Home dust consists of 35% of mineral particles, 12% - paper and textile fibers, 19% - scales of our skin, 7% - pollen, 3% - smoke and soot particles, 24% - particles of unknown origin. Knowing this, it is easy enough to understand where the dust in the house comes from?

Organic dust is not as dangerous to residents as a mixture of mineral particles. The source of the latter species can be mineral wool, or glass wool, which is insulated by the walls of some houses. Air, seeping through the walls and holes from the screws, carries in itself dangerous particles that can permanently settle in your lungs. In many civilized countries, these heaters are considered one of the causes of cancer.

An interesting fact: in the dust of premises where people smoke, scientists have discovered a chemical element of cadmium, which is very toxic and dangerous for human life.

Another component of home dust is ticks. By themselves, they do not pose a danger to humans - they are not carriers of infectious diseases and eggs of parasites. Saprophytes( the scientific name of dust mites) eat particles of dead skin and thus are useful in their own way.

An interesting fact: approximately 3 saprophy will fit on the point at the end of this sentence.

But the life-giving products they produce are not so safe. Ticks live about 4 months. During this time, each of them lays up to 300 eggs and leaves excrement 200 times greater than its own weight. These particles are very small, so they do not settle for a long time and are in the air we breathe. For people prone to allergies, this is especially dangerous.

An interesting fact: 25% of allergic allergies and 50% of asthmatic diseases cause the products of vital activity of dust mites.

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Where does dust come from in an apartment in which no one lives?

Even if there are no tenants in the apartment, dust eventually appears in it. This is a normal phenomenon, because the air in the room is still there, and hence the microparticles, which will eventually settle on the surface of objects.

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A vacuum cleaner is an enemy of dust or its ally?

Even judging by the name of this household appliance, the vacuum cleaner is designed to "suck in" the dust. However, it does not always work out exactly the way we imagine this process. It all depends on the state of the filter of your equipment.

After vacuuming in the apartment air there is a specific unpleasant smell? Or during cleaning, there are interruptions in the draft of the vacuum cleaner? These are signals that it is worth replacing( cleaning) the filter in the device. If you do not, then the effect of cleaning is as follows: the cleaner collected dust from the surface of carpets and floor and threw it back into the apartment air. Such cleaning is not only not useful, but even harmful.

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Dust is always harm?

Contrary to all the negative qualities of dust, it has a huge positive value in our lives. If it were not for these microscopic particles, life on the planet would be impossible. On dust particles that freely move in the atmosphere, water pores condense - this is how rain clouds and snow clouds form. In turn, thanks to them, we have a circulation of water around the globe.

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Useful advice on how to protect your home from dust:

  • Use only modern, safe materials for warming your home.
  • Remove all carpets in the house, especially if they still hang on your walls.
  • Minimize the number of soft toys.
  • Refuse to buy or throw away the carpet already in the house - it is this material that is the largest dust collector from which it is most difficult to clean such a raid.
  • Replace heavy fabric curtains with lighter ones, or on blinds that are easy to clean.
  • If possible, do not buy upholstered furniture with fabric upholstery. Leather upholstery is better and safer. It is not a good "parking" for dust, and it can easily be removed from there.
  • Use an air purifier.
  • Wash and change the filters in the vacuum cleaner in time.
  • Grow home plants, they help to bind dust. The more plants in your house, the purer the air you breathe.
  • All books and small items are best kept on the shelves behind the glass.
  • Monitor the condition of the foam furniture and change it in time. After 10 years of service, foam begins to disintegrate and release very harmful substances that are floating in the air and settle on the surfaces of the room.
  • It is advisable to clean the house daily.
  • Do not use a feather shawl to dust the dust, you simply sweep it away for a while and certainly do not remove it.

As you have already understood, it is not possible to completely remove the dust from your life, but to reduce the amount of it in your house to a minimum is a very real task. Remember that having started a thorough fight, you keep your health!