- To hang or not to hang?
- Room Style
- Painting on the shelf
- Types of artworks
- Plots
- Big or small?
- How to place pictures on the wall?
- How to hang pictures on the wall, if there are many?
- What to consider
- We hang pictures of
- A few words about the background of
People have always tried to decorate their home. Figurines, decorative panels, all sorts of vases with bouquets sometimes have no practical significance, but they create a feeling of comfort and stability. Picturesque canvases or photos within the framework are still popular. It can be originals, copies, reproductions. How to hang pictures on the wall? Variants can be different. About them and will be discussed in our article.
to the contents ↑To hang or not to hang?
Asking the question how to hang pictures on the wall beautifully, you will be surprised at the very idea that it is not necessary to hang them. Frames with paintings can be arranged in different ways:
- hang;
- put on the floor;
- put on the stretchers;
- put on a large, but shallow shelf.
We hang
The most popular option - of course, the first one. He has many advantages: the
- picture hanging on the wall is quite difficult to damage;
- the work of art hangs quite firmly;
- can draw the attention of guests to a particular wall.
Disadvantages, however, this method also has:
- It is necessary to determine in advance precisely the place where the masterpiece will hang.
- If you come to mind to change the interior, the pictures will have to be outweighed, and the places where they hung before were repaired.
Important! If the house has animals and small children - pictures, of course, you need to hang:
- A young artist canvas can inspire creative accomplishments, so that you will not have time to look back, as in the frame there will be a completely different work.
- In cats and dogs standing on the floor, the picture is also of genuine interest. Often they perceive it as a scratch or an object that can be gusted with pleasure.
We do not hang, but we put
If there are adults in the house, other options are possible. How to hang a big picture? It can be put just on the floor. Small works can also stand on stretchers.
This method of placement also has advantages:
- decorations can be rearranged;
- in the room creates a kind of creative disorder, indicating the creative abilities of the owners.
To negative points, it can be attributed that both options are suitable only for large rooms. Subframes - these are extra pieces of furniture, which must be placed somewhere.
Important! The problem disappears if the picture is on the floor, but in this case it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of color and plot - a well-chosen work is capable of visually increasing the room, unsuccessfully - on the contrary.
to the table of contents ↑The style of the room
The answer to the question - whether to hang or put, depends largely on the style in which your apartment is designed:
- The fact is that the variant with wall hangings is almost universal, it is suitable for rooms and in classicalstyle, and for Provence, and for Minimalism. In principle, your kitchen or living room turns into a small museum - the work hangs in rows or beautiful groups, they can be considered for a long time.
- But the canvases placed on the stretchers are suitable only for interiors designed in a style that mimics an art workshop when the room is something like a Parisian attic or looks like a room filled with random things bought from a junkeeper.
Painting on the shelf
This option, how to hang a picture, is extremely good if there is a shallow niche on one wall. It's just a gift - you can lay it out with thin slats from a beautiful tree, turning one of them into something like a very narrow shelf, on which one or more pictures are put.
But you can make a separate shelf. The main thing is that it should be high enough. You can put on it as one relatively large work, and a few small ones.
Important! You can create an interesting composition by putting a big picture in the center and surrounding it with the little ones hanging on the walls.
The third option is a shelf, divided into several compartments, in each of which a picture is placed.
to content ↑Types of artwork
Before it's nice to place paintings on the wall, it makes sense to think what exactly you want to place:
- painting;
- graphics;
- panel made of straw;
- panels from plants;
- burned out picture;
- embroidered cloth or panel made of shreds;
- icons;
- pictures;
- reproductions;
- posters.
Let's figure out what options there are, how beautifully to place the paintings:
- Painting and graphics are better to insert into the frames, as well as panels from straws or floristics.
- You do not need to insert a picture made on the board with the burn-in method, it's best to decorate the natural cuts in order to emphasize the texture of the wood.
- If you want to hang a panel of fabric - here, as they say, options are possible.
- Embroidered landscape or still life with roses or lilacs is essentially nothing from a painting painted in paint, so it's better to use a frame.
- But a panel of shreds or a large tapestry will look great and on the bar, which is attached only from above and for which, in fact, the picture is suspended.
- Photos can be either within or without. A very large photopan can be glued directly to the wall or placed on a tablet of the same size.
- Posters are most often used in the manner of photo wallpapers.
Plots of
Any element of the interior, be it a sofa, an armchair, a closet, a vase or a landscape on the wall, should not only correspond to the general style, but also create a feeling of security among the inhabitants. Pictures should first of all like.
Disadvantageous ideas of
There are other things that should be avoided when selecting a story:
- on your walls there should not be aggressive scenes;
- it is not necessary to post images of very elderly people, if it is not your favorite relatives;
- are not suitable for still lifes, which depict broken dishes.
Important! Scenes of murders, fires, natural disasters, fighting wild animals create a sense of anxiety, even if you do not realize it. Psychics call this negative energy, psychologists - the impact of negative phenomena on the senses. However that may be, such stories in a peaceful apartment are completely superfluous.
The portrait of an unknown old man, as well as a still-life with the image of a broken jug, can be adjusted to a philosophical harmony, but do you want your loved ones to constantly think about the frailty of everything earthly? The only exception is your beloved great-grandfather, a kind spirit that protects your hearth.
Which subjects are suitable?
Very much depends on exactly where you plan to hang pictures:
- in the living room;
- in the bedroom;
- in the nursery;
- in the kitchen;
- in the hallway;
- in the bathroom. Living room and bedroom:
- On the wall in the living room, in principle, everything can hang. Suitable genre scenes depicting gallant scenes, sea and mountain landscapes, images of noble animals, still lifes with flowers. The scenes depicted can be dynamic, because people here are engaged in interesting things, talking, celebrating holidays.
- In the bedroom, calm nature views will look best. This room is created specifically for recreation, there should be nothing disturbing or exciting unhealthy thoughts. In the rooms for adults, abstract paintings are also appropriate.
Important! Do not place a number of paintings that are very different in mood.
As for the child, then:
- For preschoolers, illustrations for favorite books or scenes from interesting cartoons are suitable. In this case, you can use reproductions. Suitable and developing panels.
- If there is a schoolboy in the room, the walls can have wall-papers and posters with sports scenes, space and sea landscapes, devoted to scientific discoveries - in a word, everything depends on the interests of the inhabitant himself.
Important! The only thing to be avoided is abstraction.
Kitchen and bathroom
Water landscapes are suitable for these rooms just perfect. By the way, they are recommended not only by psychologists, but also by those who follow the traditions of feng shui. It is believed that the rivers and streams are sure to attract cash flows into the house.
On the kitchen wall genre scenes depicting a meal, still lifes with food and beautiful dishes will look good. In the bathroom there are sea scenes, fish, dolphins and other inhabitants of the depths.
Important! In the bathroom - high humidity, so it is better to hang not picturesque paintings, and decorative panels of tiles.
to content ↑Big or small?
Before you hang pictures on the wall, decide whether it will be one big picture or a group of small ones. There are several reasons why modern paintings should not be abused by paintings on the wall:
- Such paintings are quite large, which implies the use of powerful fasteners.
- The original, even if created by amateur artists, are quite expensive.
- As a rule, the plots of such paintings are heavy or aggressive, which does not contribute to creating a peaceful peaceful atmosphere in the house.
Important! If you absolutely need to decorate the whole plane of the wall, select several small or medium-sized elements. They can be hung up close to each other, but the composition will still look light and elegant.
to the contents ↑How to place pictures on the wall?
There are several rules that you need to follow, regardless of whether you have a single picture or a few hanging:
- Everything that hangs on the walls must be in harmony with each other and with the rest of the objects.
- The groups of pictures or photographs are best placed closer to the furniture, visually creating a square.
- If the ceilings are very high, you can make the group in the form of a rectangle of four, six or eight elements, placing them very close to each other.
- If you want to create a window effect, use thin light frames, wood or metal.
How to hang pictures on the wall, if there are many?
The most difficult, but at the same time interesting option - to hang many pictures of different sizes. Two principles are possible:
- symmetric;
- asymmetric.
What should I give priority to?
With symmetry everything is simple. Thinking about how to correctly hang pictures of different sizes, note that the asymmetric option is more difficult. It is necessary to choose a central cloth, and on both sides pairwise weighed works of the same size. In this case, the size and color is more important than the plots.
Another thing is asymmetry. Of course, in this case too, the largest work is often hung in the center of the group, but this is not necessary. For example, there may be the following options:
- on the left - a big picture, on the right - a few small ones, or vice versa;
- large picture on top or bottom of a group of small;
- all pictures are arranged in a "chaotic" order, which is actually carefully thought out).
Important! With an asymmetric arrangement, it is very important that the works are close in the plot.
to the contents ↑What to consider
After determining the number, frames and scenes, do not forget to take into account a few more points:
- lighting;
- height;
- orientation;
- grouping.
Probably, you have visited museums many times and have seen a special lamp hanging over each pictorial or graphic work. Follow this principle at home there is no point. It is necessary to ensure good natural light.
Important! Backlighting is needed only if natural light gives a glare or if you want to pay attention to a specific work of art. In this case, you should use LED lamps.
You do not need to hang all the pictures on the same wall. It will not be very good. It is best to distribute them evenly, but you need to consider the conventional "weight":
- If in one corner there is a big picture - it should be balanced by several smaller cloths located on the other wall.
- If on one wall is a dark picture - on the other should be the same in color, and not light.
Important! You can apply and the tapestry arrangement - when the pictures are hanging close to each other. This method is suitable for both work of one size and different. Products of the same size can be hung and in rows at equal distances from each other.
At what height do you hang a picture on the wall?
Any picture in the room should be clearly visible, that is, hang at such a height that it can be easily viewed. You should also take into account the distance between the walls:
- Measure the long side of the canvas.
- Multiply it by three - this is the distance to the viewer.
- Note the desired distance on the tape measure.
- Specify the point where the viewer will be.
- Use the tape measure to find a place on the wall where the picture should hang - it will be approximately at the level of your eyes.
Most often, the pictures are horizontal. If you are not going to group them, consider two circumstances:
- the vertical picture visually increases the height of the ceiling:
- horizontal - it is able to visually extend the wall.
Based on this, choose the place:
- Vertical canvases are best to hang in narrow piers or in between pieces of furniture.
- Thinking about how to properly hang a picture over a sofa, keep in mind that it's best to select works in horizontal frames.
Tilt angle
There are two options for placing paintings on the wall:
- flush against the surface;
- at an angle.
The first option is usually used. The second is acceptable, if there is no possibility to hang a picture at eye level. In the first case, the rope is tightened tightly, in the second - weaken.
Important! In the group of three paintings the middle canvas is the main one.
to the contents ↑We hang pictures
Do not just grab the drill:
- Make a composition on the floor.
- Measure the distances between jobs.
- Determine the point from which to best consider them.
- Mark on the wall the place where the center of the composition will be.
- Put a point there.
- From this point, set aside the distances to the remaining pictures.
- Install the fixtures:
- for small paintings is quite enough to be finishing nails;
- large work, hanging at an angle, it is best to place on brackets.
A few words about the background of
It's important how the walls look like that you are going to decorate. Their surface can be:
- smooth;
- rough;
- textured.
Picturesque works and photos look good both on the wall, covered with wallpaper, and on plastered or decorated under a stone or a brick. But it is better if the wall is monophonic or with a discreet little drawing. Preferred pastel colors, however, very beautiful can look and pictures hanging on a black or dark brown wall.
Having dealt with all the nuances and options, how you can hang pictures on the wall, you have only one more time, maybe not one, to look at your room, pictures, and then try to correlate all this into one artistic line, taking into accountinformation received. Creative success to you in decorating the interior of your apartment!