- What is laminate?
- How to properly care for laminate?
- Than to clean a laminate?
- What can not be used to care for laminate?
- How to clean a laminate?
- How to remove stains from laminate?
- Useful advices
To the house was nice and cozy, many people at the finish of the floor prefer a quality laminate. This is really the right decision, but only if you know how to care for the laminate, and do it on time. This is what we will tell you in this article - how can and why laminate flooring can not be cleaned, how to wash it and how to remove stains of different origin from the laminate. All this information is definitely useful to you to keep the beauty and cleanliness in the house and really enjoy the time spent with the family, and not be distracted by domestic chores.
to the contents ↑What is laminate?
Laminate is a multi-layer material for finishing the floor, made of natural wood. The top layer is covered with a thin film based on melamine and acrylic resin. Thanks to this principle of production, although this material looks similar to the usual parquet, but has higher quality characteristics.
Advantages of this coating are as follows:
- shiny surface, which looks very natural and gives a feeling of special coziness in the room;
- wide palette of colors allows you to accurately fit the floor covering from the laminate in any interior to emphasize its originality and attractiveness;
- wide application possibilities - it is used for decorating a kitchen, a nursery, a living room and even a bath in an apartment or a private house and often perform laying even in passable places - offices, shopping malls, etc.;
- good resistance to moisture;
- long life and durability;
- minimal risk of formation of unsightly damage in the form of scratches and cracks;
- no deformation;
- does not fade even in sunny rooms;
- does not attract, and even repels dust;
- environmental safety.
Important! Given such advantages of this coating, it is natural that questions arise as to how to properly clean the laminate and how to care for it in order to preserve such practical properties of the protective film as much as possible for a long time.
to the contents ↑How to properly care for laminate?
Before removing the laminate, be sure to familiarize yourself with the recommended cleaning agents and the basic rules, so as not to damage the coating at the very beginning of its operation.
The basic rules of care are as follows:
- Clean the laminate at least once a week.
- Remove all stains of different origin in a timely manner in order to prevent them from penetrating deeply into the structure of the wood.
- Do not walk on the laminate floor in dirty street shoes, but if you had to, do not immediately remove stained areas. Wait until the sand dries and gently sweep it away - otherwise abrasive particles will rub into the coating and then there will be scratches on it.
- Place special shoe mats in front of the entrance.
- Wear protective socks on your paws or well file the claws of pets.
- Clean only with suitable means marked "for laminate" and periodically polish the surface.
How to clean the laminate?
Getting acquainted with the rules of how to clean the laminate, take note of the list of products that are suitable for this purpose. You will be useful:
- special mop with sponge wringing;
- soft, lint-free rags;
- detergent concentrates for laminated surfaces;
- polishes of suitable type;
- dishwashing liquid, shampoo and laundry soap;
- alcohol or solvents containing it;
- acetone;
- vacuum cleaner;
- broom.
Important! To maintain or restore the luster of the coating and do not damage its structure, select the tool that is suitable for you with this action. Experienced housewives do not seek new solutions to the problem, how to care for the laminate and how to clean the laminate, but give preference to proven effective tools:
- Mellerud BIO - will help quickly remove dust, footprints from shoes, any dirt and even grease from such coating.
- Emsal Laminate - this concentrate is based on a harmless soap. The principle of operation is that the liquid is absorbed into the material, gives it a shine and at the same time additionally protects it from dust and moisture.
- Mr. Proper - perfectly copes with dirt and divorce, does not require flushing and additionally creates a pleasant scent of cleanliness and freshness in the room after cleaning.
What can not be used for laminate care?
Such a floor covering, although it is characterized by increased strength and resistance to damage, but if the cleaning rules are not followed and the unsuitable tools are chosen, its attractiveness can be reduced very quickly. To avoid this, do not use:
- powder cleaning with abrasive particles;
- caustic solvents;
- graters made of metal or sponges with a hard surface;
- wax pastes for parquet and mastic;
- steam cleaner.
How to properly wash the laminate?
How to remove laminate flooring - the question is correct and easily solvable. In the process of this procedure, follow these simple rules:
- Every day, do an easy cleaning - remove dust and minor dirt with a broom or vacuum cleaner.
- Directly for floor cleaning use only a well-wrung rag or special swab with a soft sponge.
- Wash in the direction from the windows to the doors.
- Make sure that until the laminate after the cleaning is dry, no one walked it.
- For removing stains, choose suitable products and light soft rags.
- Change water as often as possible during cleaning.
- If you have not warned of floor contamination during repairs, use acetone to wipe off any paint droplets, and vacuum the construction debris.
How to remove stains from the laminate?
Remove stains of any complexity and origin from the laminate is not very difficult, if you choose the suitable means for this purpose. The easiest and quickest way to complete this process is if you adhere to these recommendations:
- Liquid mortar from laundry soap, concentrate for tableware and pasta for combating stains for laminate are suitable for high-quality removal of greasy marks.
- Warm water + detergent with neutral pH + light nylon rag will help quickly remove stains from juices, wine, berries, chocolate.
- Use acetone and alcohol for rubbing paint, ink, marks from shoes, markers or when the question arose how to remove glue from the laminate.
- To quickly cope with the task, how to remove wax from the laminate, wait until it completely hardens, remove the frozen mass with a scraper or plastic spatula. Peel the surface with a regenerating paste.
Useful advices
- Control the temperature in the room, the optimal mode is 18C.
- When rearranging the furniture, place soft pads under the feet.
- If there are small scratches or dents, use a special laminate putty to restore the coating.
Now you know how to care for the laminate, and if you follow all the rules, such a floor covering will last you longer than the guaranteed period from the manufacturer.