The need to securely fix the decorative coating to prevent its displacement, and warping occurs in the case of linoleum coverings. Offer understand how to select a suitable glue stamp for linoleum according to the operating conditions.
Clay would not allow linoleum offset during operation
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1 The main types of glue for linoleum
2 Dispersive
2.0.1 Bustilat and Gumilaks
2.0.2 Acrylic adhesive and mastic asphalt
2.1 Reactionary
3 Advantages and disadvantages of glue for laying linoleum
4 How to choose a suitable formulation: Linoleum adhesive must meet certain requirements
4.1 By Substrate
4.2 On floor space
4.3 According to the type of linoleum
5 leading manufacturers
6 Popular brands
6.1 For PVC-coating
6.1.1 KIILTO 2 PLUS - adhesive for vinyl flooring (PVC coatings): rate of 4.5 / 5
6.2.1 Adhesive coatings for natural Forbo Eurocol Euroflex Lino Plus (14 kg) 418
7 Technology gluing linoleum
7.1 concrete foundation
7.2 wooden base
7.3 Compound linoleum webs
The main types of glue for linoleum
To fix the linoleum adhesive is used with different composition. This determines the reliability of fastening and the possible field of application. We offer to meet with the main species that make it easier to make the right choice.
The composition of the adhesive may vary considerably
This water-soluble compounds, which are based latex, acrylic rubber, acid cellulose, chalk. Formed layer does not have odor. No adverse effects on human health. It has good elasticity. Due to the presence in the composition of the water, the adhesive should be applied only to the absorbent body at the level recommended by the manufacturer humidity and air temperature. We offer to meet with the main species.
Constitute the basis of the dispersion various substances
Bustilat and Gumilaks
Bustilat is a synthetic water-soluble glue, consisting of latex, chalk and cellulose thickener. At high peel strength has sufficient elasticity. Used for fixing the thick coating on the basis of dense felt.
Bustilat is a versatile composition
Gumilaksa basis of a mixture of rubber and latex. This greatly facilitates the deposition process provides a high elasticity adhesive layer with sufficient adhesion to various types of surfaces. Suitable for synthetic and natural linoleum, which is used as the base fabric or felt.
Gumilaks reliably fixes the fabric and a felt base
Acrylic adhesive and mastic asphalt
The basis of the acrylate adhesive is an acrylic resin. The composition has high adhesion to the stacking material with sufficient toughness. It allows you to securely lock the blade stacked on the floor. It can be applied under homogeneous and heterogeneous linoleum, having jute and synthetic base.
Acrylate is suitable for different linoleum
Bituminous mastic is black. This bitumen-polymer solution is used for fixing the linoleum cloth. Suitable for rooms with high humidity levels. It allows securely fix the flooring.
The best option for baths and saunas
This two-component adhesive. To retrieve it uses epoxy and polymers. Bonding linoleum base occurs due to a chemical reaction that occurs after mixing.
Such formulations:
do not shrink;
possess sufficient plasticity;
resistant to moisture;
used when performing advantage repairs and reliable fixation of joints.
Adhesive demand when connecting joints
Depending on the consistency of the reaction adhesive can be of the type:
BUT. The liquid formulation. Suitable for new linoleum on a rigid base. Demanded for sealing joints. Generates strong invisible seam. For curing takes an hour.
FROM. Viscous transparent adhesive allows seal the seams, diverged during the operation of linoleum. Eliminates gaps are not more than 4 mm.
T. Glue paste. It connects joints PVC linoleum with a basis of polyester. In everyday life it is almost never used.
The reaction adhesive has high requirements for the application process. Excess composition, caught on the front side, can cause damage flooring.
combination type affects its consistency
Advantages and disadvantages of glue for laying linoleum
The use of glue for laying linoleum has a number of advantages:
manages to avoid the appearance of waves and other defects;
provided a reliable fixation of the decorative covering on the floor;
It decreases the likelihood of damage to linoleum when dragging heavy furniture and other items;
increases the life of the coating is 30-40%;
ensured a snug fit of adjacent webs. The lack of clearly defined seams makes the coating more attractive.
Without proper fixation linoleum bubbles
The disadvantage is:
higher costs for finishing;
loss of use coverage up until the glue is completely dry;
the complexity of disassembly.
Dismantle the cover without damage is almost impossible
How to choose a suitable formulation: Linoleum adhesive must meet certain requirements
To glue linoleum firmly fixed, it is worth a responsible approach to his choice. We recommend to pay attention to a number of criteria that will purchase part with suitable properties.
The composition should be suitable
By Substrate
When selecting an adhesive, not only the type of linoleum, but also the type of foundation. To do this, take into account the recommendations of the manufacturer. Some can be used for bonding all materials. Others, for example, focused exclusively on concrete, Therefore, can not provide sufficient adhesion to wood. for the board and plywood Budget embodiment glue is PVA. concrete screed such an option is not suitable. It will be necessary to purchase a special composition.
PVA is suitable only for a wooden base
On floor space
Reduce their repair costs It can be achieved by calculating the necessary number of materials, including glue. To do this, carefully measure the room dimensions and calculate its area. For 1 m² may require 200-500 g of the adhesive composition, depending on the characteristics and type of base pasted linoleum.
Attention! For decorative coating on a fabric or felt-based adhesives require more than a similar linoleum, rubber or foam. Also for plank floor will have to buy more glue than the concrete base.
More detailed information is given on the packaging of a particular substance. After calculation of the required amount, the obtained value should be rounded to the next higher. Reduce adhesive consumption will priming base.
The required amount of adhesive depends on the area
According to the type of linoleum
Manufacturers offer linoleum, the basis of which are the various substances. Selection of a suitable adhesive should begin immediately after the purchase of the decorative coating. Each manufacturer specifies a possible area of use on the packaging of the adhesive composition. So, for foamed linoleum can safely purchase shellac. He will be able to provide sufficient adhesion and does not damage the finish. For commercial type, having a complex composition, it requires special glue.
Each type of coverage dictates the requirements for the composition of glue
leading manufacturers
With a large variety of trademarks, products of individual producers is particularly noteworthy. If you are looking to buy a quality structure, we advise you to pay attention to the production:
werner Muller. In the catalog the manufacturer shows the dispersion and the reaction mixtures. Recent produced in tubes and are used primarily for fixation of joints. One package is enough for the connection of 10 linear meters;
Linocol. At the manufacturer can find a variety of adhesives specifically designed for heterogeneous coatings based on foamed PVC;
Thomsit K. Qualitative and reliable formulations are used primarily for sealing joints and cracks;
Homakoll. The company produces a wide range of products. There are universal mixture and adhesives for special purposes. The first focused on heterogeneous coating on different bases;
Forbo Erfurt. Among dispersion compositions produced by the producer, there appear adhesive suitable for the particular type of linoleum.
Homakoll - there exists a composition for any occasion
Popular brands
If you still have not made their choice on a particular brand, we offer to get acquainted with the most popular. Perhaps among them you will find a suitable alternative.
For PVC-coating
PVC coating should adhere mimicking compounds. Violation of this requirement may cause fracture of the coating.
KIILTO 2 PLUS - adhesive for vinyl flooring (PVC coatings): rate of 4.5 / 5
Universal adhesive. It does not contain solvents. Suitable for different coatings. Allows you to paste linoleum to the ground absorbs water. Average consumption of 200-300 g / m².
KIILTO 2 PLUS - a universal solution
Feedback on glue KIILTO 2 PLUS:
More on Otzovik:
KIILTO 2 PLUS - adhesive for vinyl flooring (PVC coatings)
Universal water-dispersed adhesive. Suitable for almost any reason. Allows gluing linoleum on a different basis. Average consumption of 0,24-4 kg / m².
Homakol 208 - always high quality
Feedback on glue Homakol 208:
More on Otzovik:
Parquet chemistry Homakoll Adhesives Universal adhesive for linoleum Homakol 208
For linoleum
In natural coverings quite high requirements. Manufacturers have considered each, to develop the optimum composition.
Adhesive coatings for natural Forbo Eurocol Euroflex Lino Plus (14 kg) 418
One-component acrylic adhesive. Suitable for Natural and PVC coatings. Average consumption of 350-450 g / m². Is applied at a temperature above 18 ºC.
Forbo Eurocol Euroflex Lino Plus 418
Technology gluing linoleum
Linoleum is sufficiently soft material, and therefore susceptible to irregularities of the ground. If the latter is prepared incorrectly, over time, the contours of the existing irregularities show up on the front side. If the damage will be deep, the material will tear over time. Avoid such a situation will allow careful observance of technology of work.
The base should be prepared
concrete foundation
Align concrete screed trowel about a day after its formation. The solution is already grasped that through it you can walk, but it still allows you to remove any irregularities. If there are significant differences in height (3-10 mm) the base is flattened by leveling composition.
Attention! Laying linoleum is possible not earlier than 28 days after the pouring of concrete.
Work is carried out in the following sequence:
around the room glue damper 1-1.5 cm thick tape to compensate for thermal expansion;
on a water-soluble glue bituminous mastic waterproof sheets FibreboardWhich will act as a substrate;
shpaklyuem joints between stacked sheets and we clean nazhdachkoy;
gruntuem substrate a suitable adhesive composition for linoleum or diluted in a ratio of 1 to 10;
the dried surface is applied an adhesive layer of sufficient thickness. In its preparation must be adhered to the recommendations of the manufacturer. Composition aligned with a notched trowel. Reserve formed layer at the time set by the manufacturer;
unwinding linoleum. With a rubber roller to expel from the stacked coating air bubbles and excess glue;
laid with the second piece in a similar manner, if the roll width is less than the width of the room.
Bubbles clean rollers
wooden base
Before laying the decorative cover, make sure that the floor is dry and smooth. The slots between the boards or sheets shpaklyuyut. Roll linoleum left in the room for 2 days so that it can adapt to the room temperature.
Operation is substantially similar to that performed when bonding the coating to the concrete base. However, in this case the adhesive strip is applied to a uniform thickness of 30 cm width at the roll edge. The presence of grooves and mounds unacceptable.
Linoleum, rolled on the floor. With the roller nip ensure smooth decorative coating to the substrate. Clean air bubbles formed. After solidification of the solution is glued joints, if any.
Compound linoleum webs
For bonding joints used reaction adhesive sold in tubes. The composition is selected taking into account characteristics of the decorative coating. Glued seam strip scotch tape. Typically used paper painter. At the junction of paintings office knife incision.
In the crack is filled with glue. Adhesive tape will protect the front side of the cover from the effects of the composition. After drying, the joint tape is removed.
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