- Paper book
- E-book
- Paper or electronic book - what is better?
Application of cutting-edge technologies has become a part of our life. Progress with leaps and bounds goes forward. Prints recorded on an electronic medium appeared quite recently, but already managed to gain wide popularity. For the great book lovers, an invaluable and important moment is the presence of an astonishing scent of book leaflets and turning over rustling pages. For schoolchildren, the use of the electronic version of the book is very justified, since every day to wear in a backpack for 5-6 books, not only that is very difficult, but also harmful to the growing body. In this article, let's try to figure out what is better - an e-book or an ordinary one.
to the table of contents ↑Paper book
The paper edition has its own special charm, it creates a pleasant impression and a real aesthetic pleasure when it comes to the reader's hands. Choosing the right literature in the store is a real ritual event, which only true connoisseurs of books will appreciate and understand. In addition, the presence of a home library looks very impressive and always pleases the eye.
Important! The researchers tried to compare the reading speed and the deep ability to memorize the information provided, using different media. As a result, it was found that the use of paper publications significantly exceeded the use of electronic in this matter.
Reading the books, our brains are trying to create certain hooks, the so-called "anchors".When we have to read paper literature,
- color cover background can act as a catch:
- edition format;
- appearance of pages;
- characteristic features of the binding;
- smell;
- the size and location of the text;
- presence of illustrated pictures.
The presence of all these components helps to create in the head a special structure that, at the right moment, searches for the necessary information in memory. In electronic form, the book has the same texts, so the brain is not able to cling to anything other than the data present.
Advantages of
Consider the merits of paper editions to understand what is better - an e-book or an ordinary one:
- Each book has the effect of memorizing the cover, the texture of the pages, the font size. All publications are different and unique, and together they create a huge world.
- Information messages are much easier to remember, read and perceive from paper sources.
- Reading a paper version, it is possible to experience emotions brighter. The researchers studied the physiological reactions of the human body, especially the active ability of the nervous system in the process of reading paper editions and electronic versions of books. When reading literature, made of paper, the reaction of the human body is twice as high.
- Paper versions of publications cause positive emotions from the smell of book pages, with incomparable pleasure from purchasing a long-awaited volume in a beautifully illustrated cover, viewing bindings on the shelves of a home library.
- Paper editions, especially children's books, are decorated with very colorful illustrations, which are convenient and pleasant to consider.
- The presence of a home library teaches children to read much more than an electronic version of the publication. Entire rows of colorful publications cause great curiosity, while the use of electronic gadgets boils down to gaming moments in social networks.
- It is very convenient for students and schoolchildren to put paper editions near themselves and write out the necessary information for preparation for abstracts and presentations.
- Paper edition, if accidentally falls, it will not break, which can not be said about electronic options.
- The paper literature will never run out of power at the most inopportune moment, and it does not need to be recharged.
- The older generation, which has grown up on reading paper books and continues to read them, does not need to explain how to use them, unlike electronic options.
- You can safely read a paper book in the bathroom, without worrying about possible damage.
- These publications come in a variety of sizes.
Disadvantages of
In the question of which is better - an electronic or paper book, evaluation of the main shortcomings will help. Negative moments of paper editions:
- Books made from paper are quite heavy. In an age of rapid speeds, many people have free time to read only on the train or in the subway, and on the road it is not always convenient to use weighty publications.
- For paper variants a lot of space is required, because of this the number of books is limited for readers, but electronic versions can be much larger.
- For the production of paper books, wood is needed, and for electronic variants it is not necessary to cut down forests.
- Paper literature should be bought, the electronic version is simply downloaded for free.
- Interesting paper edition can be asked to read, and the electronic version of any book can simply be copied.
Important! Do not forget that, unfortunately, it is not affordable for everyone to buy a quality printed edition today. Books, like in ancient times, are now almost "in weight of gold."
to the contents ↑E-book
The electronic version of the book appeared only recently, but immediately fell in taste to many readers. The electronic version of the publication is a very convenient option for those who study, who have to work through the process of work a huge amount of information or likes to read a lot.
For many readers it seems inconvenient to read on an electronic medium. Such a misconception arises in those people who did not have to hold in hand an electronic version of the book, where you can choose the brightness of the backlight, the color background and the font size.
Important! There are electronic models of books with the effect of paper. When you contact with such variations of products, a feeling of flipping through paper pages is created.
Advantages of
Which books are better - electronic or paper? Electronic versions of publications have a lot of positive moments:
- A fairly small size and weight of an electronic device, which can accommodate a very large number of publications. Not everyone can read them in their entire life.
- Going on vacation, there is no need to choose which of your favorite books to take with you, because the gadget can replace several publications.
- Electronic versions are increasingly used by children in schools. Instead of 4 or 5 textbooks, students take with them a small gadget that is very light and does not take up much space in a backpack or briefcase.
- In the electronic version it is possible to save in memory both books and photos. There are also electronic devices whose memory is capable of preserving even movies.
- The presence of an electronic device allows you to download any work for free or for a minimum cost.
- The electronic device does not have the cost of purchasing paper and printing the publication.
- The use of the electronic version is much more convenient than the paper version, since it is possible to adjust the font and brightness of the screen, you can make bookmarks and notes, while not corrupting the book anywhere.
Important! If you buy a good version of the electronic device, then when reading the eyes will not get tired. The size of the text is the same as in the newspaper, the background is not white, at which eyes are tired, but a grayish or yellowish color solution. Most models have a matte screen, which is protected from glare, and the reading process becomes more comfortable.
- Books are often borrowed for reading and not always returned. The presence of an electronic device allows you to share an interesting work with another at any time, and at the same time not to part with it yourself.
- A good paper edition is very expensive. Paying once for a modern gadget, you can have the opportunity to not continue to spend money on paper editions.
- For people who are allergic to paper dust, the electronic option is an excellent solution.
- You do not need to cut trees to produce electronic media.
Important! At present, there is much less forest on our planet, which entails the death of animals that have nowhere to inhabit. Electronic versions of books can significantly reduce the urgency of this problem, because for their manufacture there is no need to cut down entire plantations of trees.
- Electronic devices have a large amount of memory, which allows you to download a large number of different books. If you need to increase the capacity, you can purchase a separate memory card.
- Buying a modern gadget, you can read not only books, but also various other texts.
- It is very convenient to have always at hand not one copy of the publication, but the whole library.
Disadvantages of
For the electronic version of the publication, the shortcomings are not entirely significant. So, for some readers they are important, while for others they are not at all important. Therefore, it is difficult to understand what is better - an e-book or an ordinary one.
The main disadvantages of digital devices:
- The main negative point of any digital media is the presence of greater eye fatigue than from paper editions. In the modern age, many complain that when working with a computer, the eyes not only hurt, but the vision falls sharply. But strangely enough, a lot of people who can spend hours on the computer, look at the monitor, while feeling comfortable enough.
- A modern gadget is constantly in need of recharging the power supply. Battery reserve sooner or later still sits, and very often it happens at the most inopportune moment.
- The digital media is prone to damage, so it must be protected from shocks, falls, temperature fluctuations and do not allow moisture to enter.
Important! The digital version of the book has many positive and negative aspects. But the main drawback is that there is no possibility to look at the last page, you can not smell the freshly printed paper, rustling of the pages being turned over. In addition, sometimes there is a special inscription on the cover, a profound wish from the donor or a gifted autograph of the author. Such small nuances contribute to a special relation to the paper edition.
to the table of contents ↑Paper or e-book - which is better?
Which books are better - electronic or paper? Many predict that in the near future digital media will completely replace paper editions, since their use is much cheaper and they are more practical in use. Of course, you can not completely replace paper editions and abandon them, because how nice it is to choose them, to keep in hands and turn over pages.
Archaeologists at the excavations repeatedly find clay tablets, according to which people read many years ago. The world is constantly moving to a new stage of development, which is accompanied by convenience and practicality. Scientists have tried to figure out which books - paper or electronic, more affect the human subconscious.
Important! There are such digital versions of books that far surpass the paper editions of design and content. But in paper versions, especially in old editions, there is a story, on the margins you can find special labels or underlined profound quotations.
When a love for reading books is instilled, it makes no difference what kind of media to read works, since there is even the option of listening to an audio book.
Important! Some publications are very pompous, the paper used is very expensive, but the filling is too cheap and even vulgar.
The researchers conducted an experiment, offering to read the same work on different media to understand which books are better - electronic or paper. In the course of the experiment, it was found that:
- It takes much longer to read a work on a modern gadget than for a paper analog.
- The history read on paper has a better effect of learning and memorizing than for a work told by pixels and kilobytes.
To complicate the task, students were asked to sort out the difficult text of economic discipline, again using different media:
- Those who read the article on paper took much less time to reread it to understand and understand the issue.
- After some time these students much better reproduced the main points of the article and cited the main arguments of the publication.
Having continued the conditions of the research experiment, it was possible to find out that such a regularity is present not only in the study of scientific literature, but also in the reading of works of art.
Important! A group of scientists investigated the physiological reactions of the organism when reading various media. As a result, it was found that:
- The active ability of the heart muscle is most pronounced when reading literature on a conventional medium.
- The electronic variant of reading the book is twice as weak as stimulating the sympathetic nervous system, which promotes the active activity of the heart.
This suggests that information in the paper version is perceived much brighter, more colorful, and more conducive to empathy with the read events and the facts described.
Comparison of
So, which version of the book is better - paper or electronic?
- On the road, it is preferable to take a modern gadget. For readers who live in a rented apartment or often move around, this is also an optimal solution.
- Many users feel comfortable when reading a paper edition with a cup of coffee or with a nice pet at their side. Also, an unusual atmosphere is created when walking between bookshelves in a bookstore.
Important! Therefore, it does not matter what book we hold in our hands - paper or electronic, it's a private matter for everyone. Much more important is the question of reading or not reading books in principle.
Use of reading
When contacting any information carrier, in any case, the human brain receives information. Scientists-researchers have long proved the indisputable fact of the benefits of reading:
- Reading books, people get much more information that can be used in everyday life.
- Reading works helps to prolong the health of the mind.
- With daily five-minute reading of books, the level of stress decreases by 70 percent - it is much more effective than walking outdoors, listening to music or playing sports.
- Being near a TV set and eating food is very harmful, but reading during the food process helps to chew food more thoroughly, which is better treated with saliva and digestive juices.
Important! Not all people like to read. The problem lies in the habit of reading, which was laid by parents at an early age. Who does not have such a useful habit, you can work it out yourself. It is not enough to get the first book edition that comes across. It is necessary to use useful advice for correct reading of the literature. Read all the sentences and words can all, but the right process of reading is not available to everyone. This is a whole art, and who understands the sense in it, he reads a lot and with great pleasure. And who does not understand the methods of reading, he reads randomly, not trying to remember the information and not doing any good.
Convenience in reading
The main aspect that affects the convenience in the reading process:
- Reading paper versions of publications, you need to constantly memorize the place of reading or use a bookmark that can drop out at any time.
- Now a lot of books are published in the paperback. The read pages of such a book look sharp and do not go down in any way. In addition, this option is very easy to disintegrate, pages fall out and instead of the book are just leaves.
- Modern gadget needs to be recharged to avoid unpleasant moments.
- Random water procedures are undesirable for both options. The difference between paper and electronic is small. So, a new-fashioned gadget can be given to a service center, and a paper version of the publication, depending on the level of corruption, you can try to use as intended.
When considering various features of electronic versions of publications and paper - won the friendship. As the development of electronic music did not supplant the instrumental, the creation of television formats does not interfere with the production of theatrical works, and the creation of an electronic book is not capable of killing the possibility of communicating with paper editions. This situation pleases, because the development of progress makes us richer in the whole universe.