In the preparation of the working mixture of concrete and buta its composition falls to 3% of the air, which upon solidification of the composition tends to collect in the bubbles and reduces the strength of rubble concrete monolith. The situation is worse when filled with concrete solution of the reinforcing structure, because in thickening lost fluidity and did not fill the void.
Before the invention of the immersion vibrator for compacting concrete activities were carried out manually and on a whim. Seal rubble concrete mix by creating a mechanical vibration directly into rubble concrete mixture turned out in a way that in the short term has been adopted by all builders in the world.
Now many companies produce vibrators for concrete, which improves the strength properties of rubble concrete mixture on a single principle:
The operating mechanism (the mace) placed solution. To it from the engine is fed through a flexible shaft rotational movement. The mace is eccentric, which converts energy into a harmonic oscillating translational motion of the working mechanism (clubs).
In modern frequency vibrators reaches 12,000 Vibrate / min, but when accelerating g of 4 or more is considered optimal vibration with a frequency of 70 -. 100 Hz (4200 - 6000 Vibrate / min.).
Mace easily moves portion and acts on the mixture around themselves at a distance of 80 cm:
- removing air inclusions therefrom;
- increasing the fluidity;
- increasing the homogeneity of the mixture;
- increasing the density of the concrete to the natural stone density (buta).
- Apparatus vibrators
- Types of vibrators
- Features
- Operation vibrators
- Faults and repairs
- Warranty service
- Manufacturers vibrators
Apparatus vibrators
Depending on the density of the solution is treated portion 10 - 30 seconds. Complete sealing of concrete at the site determined by the surface condition of the mixture.
The surface ceases to be porous and non-uniform, and on it there is a "cement milk". Further processing of the vibration portion is meaningless because leads to lowering of the lower layers of the mixture solution of large particles.
Mace withdrawn from the working region gradually and slowly to leave the place delayed mace solution without inclusion of air bubbles. Power, frequency and time of vibration of the working mechanism in the solution are selected according to the composition and the level of rubble concrete mixture mobility.
The operating mechanism is immersed in the full depth of freshly poured concrete. If the previous layer is not yet lost its fluidity, when the seal of the top layer, in this case the joint is eroded two layers of concrete, not filled at the same time. This joint is a weakened zone in the generated strength concrete monolith.
If the thickness of rubble concrete mixture exceeds 60 cm, the vibrator priori not able to remove air bubbles from the solution at the bottom whatever vibration frequency.
concrete sealing performance by immersion mace it is based on the fact that the vibration energy is transmitted directly to the solution. Working mechanisms vibrators global manufacturers produce more than 2 cm or more in diameter. Therefore, the removal of air and seal rubble concrete mixture produced today and in remote locations with difficult and reinforced structures.
Qualified work on compacted with a vibrator has a positive effect on the quality of the concrete monolith because:
- active removal of moisture from the concrete mix increases the mechanical strength of the structure;
- Air removal from the solution already reduced level of hygroscopicity solidified monolith;
- increased frost resistance and abrasion resistance;
- increases the degree of coupling of concrete with steel reinforcement.
Importantly, the removal of air via the vibrator does not occur in areas of concrete, which fit directly to the formwork.
Types of vibrators
Vibrators according to the process of energy transfer from the engine to the working parts of the device are divided into two groups:
- mechanical;
- Pneumatic.
Submersible mechanical vibrator is equipped with a flexible shaft (this is a steel cable that security personnel placed in a rubber hose). The maximum length of such a drive is not more than 6 m.
Pneumatic vibrators - for supplying pulses with a pneumatic vibrating turbine at working mechanism equipped with air ducts, the length of which is limited due to the pressure reduction level in it.
By the drive motor type vibrators are divided into:
- electrical;
- diesel;
- petrol.
Depending on the capacity and overall motor size electric vibrators are divided into:
- portable,
- Standard.
Electric feed-phase voltage of 220 V, three-phase - 380, or using a voltage step-down transformers - 42, 36, 24 V.
The voltage at 220 and 380 represents a danger to human life, however devices connect to the power supply system equipped with such voltage RCD.
On the construction sites where there is no access to a steady power supply, used diesel and gasoline internal vibrators with electric generators 380, 220 and 24 V.
They are beneficial in the first place for its mobility, and the second - a device for intensive and extended work time. Therefore, based on these and make multioperator industrial vibrators, which are used to seal the concrete fills in areas with large areas.
Self operating mechanism (mace) are selected, taking into account the operating conditions of the devices, properties, and composition of rubble concrete mixture.
Typical diameters for portable mace (capacity 0.5 -2.0 kW) vibrators - 28 and 38 mm for the standard vibrators - 51 and 76 mm.
It is important to decide with a choice of clubs and length. If the vibrator motor of sufficient capacity, then the device will per dive compacted concrete mass by the length -tips. For low-power (portable) device to acquire a long nozzle is not meaningful.
When selecting a shaft guided by the following information:
- the thickness of the layer of concrete to be compacted in a single pass;
- the height of the fill;
- wall thickness;
- Sizes poured platform;
- rubble concrete composition solution.
It should be remembered that the flexible shaft can have a bend radius of less than 300 mm. Do not fulfill this condition reduces the lifetime of the device and a flexible shaft directly.
Safety precautions for working with electrical vibrators are similar to safety in the operation of other electric power tools.
It is strictly forbidden to work:
- a faulty device;
- with damaged electrical cables;
- if not securely connected to a network;
- burning smell overheated insulation, reflecting or overheating of the motor or a short circuit;
- leave the networked machine unattended;
It is forbidden to do technical maintenance or repair electrical equipment when the power supply.
You can not delegate the work with the vibrator to persons who have not received authority to operate this type of equipment.
But there are particular safety precautions when working with deep vibrators:
- operation of a device is prohibited without individual protection of the human body from the effects of vibration on it;
- not allowed to touch the vibrating clubs to a complete stop of the engine;
- can not be kept working device closer than 30 cm from -tips;
- The sound pressure level at the device should not exceed 98 dB;
- the operator does not work with the vibrator over 72 minutes during one 8-hour shift.
Operation vibrators
The device operates safely and reliably, if strictly adhere to the technical maintenance rules for its operation:
- Before each start inspected threaded connections, check the tightness.
- We are constantly monitoring the technical serviceability of the electrical contacts and the integrity of the cable insulation.
- The core of the flexible drive shaft is lubricated every 40 hours or at least once a week.
- At least once a month or after 160 hours of operation inspected lubrication of bearings and swivel -tips connection. If necessary, remove the old grease and apply new.
When operating the vibrators employee must constantly ensure that:
- mace to not come into contact with steel reinforcement and formwork. This leads to overloading of the engine and failure of -tips.
- to immerse the working part of the vibrator in the concrete solution to its full length.
- recess to mace with a condensed solution is slow and the engine running.
When suddenly stops vibrating mace during compaction of the concrete mix, switch supplying Engine apparatus and primarily to check the reliability of the cable connection to the mains and surface cleanliness -tips.
By rotating the three-phase motor rotor to the left (counterclockwise) occurs samootvorachivanie flexible shaft and mace. To resolve this issue, two phase conductors in the supply cable swap.
After storage in the cold room before operating the machine recommended two o'clock stand in a warm environment to evaporate condensation with it.
Faults and repairs
Vibrators consist of three parts:
- actuator;
- a flexible shaft, which is meant to transmit mechanical power from the rotor to the working mechanism and the immersion of the vibratory handpiece.
The heavy duty flexible shaft is experiencing congestion, and that he comes from the system in the first place, resulting in the rupture or cable, or in the disruption of the thread in the attachment point of the cable.
- In the first case, the shaft is replaced by a new, because it can not be restored.
- In the second - to restore the destroyed attachment.
Cause permanent overload serves a selection of mace oversized diameter, which has a negative effect on the flexible shaft and engine condition.
When you turn on the device will not start production of vibration, then to start it is enough to shake up the mace by gently hitting the side of the formwork. This cam located inside the "mace" body, took a neutral position from which he deduced the mechanical action.
It is not recommended to lubricate drive cable device liquid oil for engines by pouring it into the housing flexible shaft, because in contact with the oil inside the mace body stops producing the eccentric vibration.
Such breakage is eliminated by mace disassembly and cleaning it of oil with petrol. After drying, the details of the mechanism apply lubricant only on themselves -tips bearings.
If not conduct periodic cleaning of the flexible shaft, the body builds up dirt and grease laitance.
Work same rope "dry" highly undesirable because it leads to an increase in non-productive and overload on the engine and the working mechanism of mace with a movable unbalanced runner.
A moisture through the inner cavity of the flexible shaft in the motor housing causes the housing closure windings and to the output from the drive system. When such damage can be repaired only by the motor stator winding in a special workshop.
Operation -tips without immersion in a liquid medium is allowed only for 5 - 10 seconds. In one minute without heat removal mace water is heated to a temperature above 1000FROM.
This mode of operation is likely wedging bearing inside -tips mechanism due to leakage of lubricant therefrom.
If during the work on sealing the concrete casing of the electric motor comes under stress, you should immediately stop operation of the device and check the integrity of the insulation of the power cable, and if necessary, replaced. This fault occurs and the breakdown of the insulation of the stator windings and inverter.
The reasons are not included in the work -tips may make such a problem in the electrical switchgear, such as:
- underestimated power stabilizers;
- the excess length of the supply cable;
- insufficient sectional area of ​​conductors of electric current;
- wire breaks and lack of contacts in switches.
All overloads that the flexible shaft device transfers directly to the rotor, affecting the state of engine power circuitry. Therefore, the overall technical state of the device is determined by the current consumption in nominal operation of the deep vibrator.
For this test mace sufficiently lowered into the water and start the device clamp meter to measure the current consumption. If it exceeds the rated current, which is indicated in the passport of the product by 20%, it means that the vibrator requires deep maintenance including replacement of the bearings and reducing the level of insulation of supply cables and windings engine.
For this reason, after each construction season or after 1000 hours of operation, it is desirable to take the vibrator in a specialized workshop for preventive maintenance.
Disassembly and assembly of components of the vibrator at fault detection
To care for and timely lubrication device moving mechanisms permanently there is a need to disassemble the flexible shaft, and the least - a waterproof -tips and motor.
In identifying the motor overheating, the earthing system, the lack of vibration clubs and other problems vibrator versed in the following order:
- armor facing away from the working tip of hose and the engine;
- disengaged from the flexible shaft core mace spindle;
- turns a threaded coupling to the motor rotor;
- switch cover removed;
- cable is disconnected from the contacts of the switching device;
- removed on the motor bearing shields;
- turns head vibrator;
- removed from the mace runner.
With such a dismantling of the device after cleaning contaminants are identified all the problems that are fixed in the home:
- broken or not lubricated bearings on the engine;
- appearance moisture inside the motor;
- a failed or not lubricated bearing -tips;
- broken threaded connections that do not allow to tighten the junction of the flexible shaft to the motor rotor and mace;
- not a tight fit to the conductor circuit breaker contacts;
- getting grease on the working surface of the cone.
If signs of pure stator winding insulation to have housing, and the insulation resistance, nevertheless, reduced (0.5 megohms), then both engine covers are removed, removed rotor and a stator placed on dry. When the mechanical integrity of the insulation resistance after drying should be restored to a level of 50 MW.
Moisture in a waterproof case of the working mechanism of the submerged vibrator or a motor It constitutes a violation of the integrity of the rubber O-rings in the areas of flexible joint shaft.
Bearings on motors vibrators produced by industry, put the standard closed. Therefore, the bearings are purchased in specialty stores and in-store labeling, which is indicated on the product and in the passport equipment.
Difficult to find spare parts for the restoration of serviceable condition -tips. Therefore, the acquisition of spare parts for a particular model vibrator head turning or online stores that specialize in Delivery of spare parts for construction equipment, or the official website of the manufacturer of equipment, or specialized workshops.
Torn wire flexible shaft repair impossible. Therefore, in case of failure of the cable is replaced by a new one.
In domestic apparatuses (power to 2 kW) manufacturers install connectors on the junction of the flexible shaft to the drive unit for quick release sleeves and cleaning and maintenance of the flexible shaft.
Warranty service
On a portable construction equipment and its component parts plants are warranty for 1 (one) year, subject to technical requirements to care for him.
In the event that equipment failure is the result of not proper actions of the consumer, the plant for it is not responsible. For example: the sleeve gap due to solidification of "concrete milk" in his oral evidence that the customer after completion of the concrete compaction did not clean the flexible shaft. For this reason, the manufacturer and is not responsible for this kind of damage.
Multioperator for industrial vehicles (gasoline, diesel, and high-frequency electrical vibrators) and spare parts to the plant gives them the guarantee for a period of 1000 hours of operation for 1 calendar of the year.
But in cases where:
- not satisfy the conditions of storage apparatus (damp room, not cleaned and lubricated moving parts are not permissible kink the flexible shaft ...);
- there was overheating of clubs due to work under anhydrous conditions;
- I went down to the engine due to low voltage in the mains;
- Mace exploited in the clamped between the reinforcing rods state;
- absent rope lubricant flexible shaft and the drive bearings and mace,
and the apparatus is out of order, the manufacturer free of charge recovery of construction equipment to the consumer does not provide.
Manufacturers vibrators
The market of construction machinery is saturated and is able to meet the demands of consumers, who need to in the construction of facilities to improve the properties of concrete and concrete construction method vibro.
For those who are building homes, multi-industrial company:
- Energomash,
- Majak,
- Makita,
- Sturm,
- TSS.
manufactures portable deep one guards vibrators capacity of 0.5 - 2. 2 kW and range of spare parts to meet the construction needs in limited quantities.
Among the line of electrical brand Makita buyer except vibrators find 1.5-kilogram vibroshtangi which can be easily controlled during compaction rubble concrete mixture during the laying foundation suburban houses.
"Storm" is working under the motto "We make power tools for craftsmen of all trades' trade group. Their portable concrete sealers known for quality and reliability in operation.
They are easy to maintain, but are equipped with single-phase 220-volt motor with low productivity and vibrating tips diameter or 28 mm or 38 mm.
Simferopol factory, which produces several models of portable submersible vibrators brands of the TSS, specializes in the production of ship automation systems. Household electrical tools of the factory are equipped with single-phase motors up to 1.1 kW.
Company Belle except for portable power tools manufactures welding machines and professional construction equipment with 3-phase drives with low voltage and petrol engines.
Deep pneumatic vibrators Belle companies used on construction sites of industrial facilities. Flexible shafts plants produce Belle length of 2, 3 and 4 meters with compounds that are not suitable for the mace other manufacturers.
Vibratory mace art for sealing this mark is not produced in standard sizes: 25, 38, 48 and 58 mm in diameter and length from 235 mm to 430 mm.
The International Group of Companies wacker Neuson, Which is headquartered in Munich, specializes in producing powerful professional construction equipment: spray guns, drills, grinders, etc.
At one of its factories produced multioperator vibrators of three types:
- Pneumatic apparatuses with combustion drive motors (petrol, diesel);
- electromechanical devices with internal combustion drive motors (petrol, diesel);
- 3-phase electric apparatus with reduction voltage converters;
- 1-phase electrical devices to reduce the voltage converters.
The company produces powerful drives, and flexible shafts and vibrating tips for them are made standard as in Western Europe, and Russia, the size.