- Advantages of liquid wallpaper
- How to remove liquid wallpaper?
- How to remove a liquid wallpaper with a spatula?
- How to remove liquid wallpaper from a wall using a grinder?
- How to remove liquid wallpaper with an industrial hair dryer?
- How to remove liquid wallpaper from a wall with a steam generator?
- How to do without removing liquid wallpaper?
Liquid wallpaper recently appeared on sale in construction stores. But we can say with confidence that such a decor is one of the main competitors to other types of wall coverings, as they are often used for finishing walls - both private buildings and office buildings. With the application everything is clear after reading the instructions, but how to remove the liquid wallpaper from the wall, if you need to change the design concept in the room? You will learn about this from this article.
to the table of contents ↑Advantages of liquid wallpaper
Thanks to its technical characteristics, this wall decor has several advantages:
- The wallpaper is very strong.
- High wear resistance.
- Wide range of colors.
- Some types can be coated with varnish.
- Eco-friendly product.
But despite all the advantages of this product, it, like every item, has its lifespan. And if you decided to radically change the design of your housing, the information on how to remove liquid wallpaper from the wall, while spending a small amount of time and physical strength on your part, will be very useful.
to the table of contents ↑How to remove liquid wallpaper?
It is almost impossible to remove the worn coating from the wall in a dry form. You will spend a lot of effort, and the result will be minimal. But if you correctly approach the solution of this issue, prepare the necessary inventory, the canvas itself will practically disappear. You will just have to help a little with a spatula.
Required inventory for the work of
Before you start directly to clean the walls of wallpaper, you must prepare all the necessary tools in advance and do some preparations:
- Glue the plinths with paint tape so that garbage from the walls does not get behind the plinth.
- Seal the sockets and switches to prevent moisture from entering them.
- If you are using power tools, cover furniture and other interior details with oilcloth or move them to another room.
- Prepare a wall cleaning tool: spatula, building hair dryer or grinder.
- To soften the liquid wallpaper, prepare a basin and warm water.
How to remove a liquid wallpaper with a spatula?
This method of cleaning the walls from the old coating is the most difficult. It is very time-consuming and time-consuming. It is recommended to use it if the wallpaper remains on the surface without additional coating with paint or other means.
Important! If your wall covering is based on viscose fibers, the process will be slightly easier, which can not be said for a mixture like plaster.
In order to liquid softened wallpaper and quickly lag behind the walls, you must use one of the following solutions.
Option number 1:
- In the basin with warm water, add dishwashing liquid.
- Observe the proportion of the solution: 50 ml of the preparation for one liter of water.
- Thoroughly foams and apply to a small area of the wall.
Option number 2
Get a special tool for removing liquid wallpaper, for example: Henkel Metylan, Zinsser.
Important! Such liquids can also be used to remove vinyl, washable and paper types of wallpaper.
The remedy is very effective and quick to remove the old coating layer, are harmless to human health and have no smell.
Important! Before use, read the instructions, observe the recommended proportions for the preparation of the solution.
Option # 3
If you are not looking for easy ways and want to make a dismantling sparingly, the means for softening the wallpaper can be prepared independently at home. All the necessary components are easily found in your kitchen cupboard.
- In 5 liters of warm water, add two tablespoons of 9% vinegar, mix.
- Add 2 tablespoons of conditioner to the received liquid.
- The resulting solution is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
- Prepare one of the suggested solutions for removing wallpaper.
- Apply a thick brush on a small area of the wall.
Important! Moisten the wall in parts so that until the moment of scraping the wallpaper it does not have time to dry completely.
- Apply the product until the coating softens.
- Wait a while for the liquid wallpaper on the walls to swell. When they are completely saturated with moisture and become elastic, the removal process will be greatly facilitated.
- With a prepared spatula or trowel, scrape off the soaked wallpaper.
Important! There is a kind of wall covering that can be reused. Such wallpaper is dried in pieces on a flat surface and folded into a bag or box for further use.
There are times when masters put wallpaper on the surface with the help of high-quality glue, in this situation they are so tightly adhered to the wall that, by usual maceration, unfortunately, they can not be removed. How to remove liquid wallpaper from the walls in this situation? For further work, you will need one of the following tools.
Important! If there is none in the home, there are organizations that provide the tool for rent.
to the table of contents ↑How to remove liquid wallpaper from a wall with a grinder?
Despite the heavy physical work in working with a special tool, you several times accelerate the process of cleaning the walls and will be able to remove liquid wallpaper of absolutely any density.
Important! The only disadvantage of this method is that a lot of dust is formed during the cleaning process, so cover the furniture with oilcloth or a damp coverlet.
Cleaning method:
- Firmly grind the grinder to the surface that you plan to clean.
- Scratch the old wallpaper with slow, smooth movements.
Important! To protect the respiratory tract and mucous membranes, wear a respirator and goggles.
As an alternative to the grinder, the Bulgarian is also suitable for use. To do this, you need to fix a special circle on its base. To prevent the removal of the concrete layer along with the wallpaper, there are nozzles that limit the deep removal of the finish from the walls.
Important! When using an electric tool, make sure that the casing is made of durable material, and the machine has a high power. Observe the safety rules during operation.
to the contents ↑How to remove liquid wallpaper with an industrial hair dryer?
All attempts to clean the wall from the wallpaper with a simple spatula did not bring the desired result? Do not despair, it is easy to cope with these difficulties if you apply an industrial hair dryer.
Important! The only drawback of this method is that the cleaning process is rather long, and the building hair dryer consumes a large amount of electricity, so this method can "fly you in a pretty penny."
How to use:
- Prepare one of the means for softening the wallpaper.
- Apply liquid to the wall.
- Turn on the hair dryer and wash the wetted cover. A warm layer along with the liquid will penetrate to the very base of the wall, and the liquid wallpaper will easily depart from the wall.
- All you have to do is scrape off the swollen wallpaper with a spatula.
Important! The layer of paint that was under the wallpaper, will lag along with the old coating, so in the future they will not be applied again.
to the contents ↑How to remove liquid wallpaper from a wall with a steam generator?
By means of such a device, you can also remove liquid wallpaper from the walls, as they will be provided with additional thermal and humidity effects. This will speed up the entire surface cleaning process.
Important! Before using the steam generator, it is necessary to seal the switches and sockets so that steam does not fall into them.
- Connect the device to the mains and direct a stream of warm air to the wall.
- Under the influence of steam, the wallpaper becomes more elastic, so the removal process will be much easier.
- Remove the exfoliated liquid wallpaper with a scraper or trowel.
Important! The steam has a sufficiently high temperature, so wear protective gloves and observe safety rules.
to the contents ↑How to do without removing liquid wallpaper?
If your liquid wallpaper is firmly on the wall, there are no swollen spaces or chips, there is a way to cover the wall over the old layer.
- Take the sandpaper and sand the old wallpaper, so to speak, remove the relief.
- Cover the smooth smooth wall with a primer.
- Apply the putty and evenly stretch it over the wall.
- Leave for a while to allow the prepared wall to dry.
- Your wall is ready for a new finish.
Important! If you decide to cover the walls with liquid wallpaper, before applying, scratch them with a wallpaper tiger or knife. So applied solutions or steam, the temperature will quickly act and reduce the strength of the blade.
Many of us may encounter repair difficulties from the very beginning of the process, when we have to remove old liquid wallpaper from the walls. The methods given in this article will help to make the entire procedure quick, easy and high-quality, having spent thus a minimum amount of time and putting some effort on your part. To improve the efficiency of the work, you can combine the methods with each other.