- Best diapers - what are they?
- Types of
- How many diapers can I need for a newborn?
- What are the diaper sizes?
Many mothers notice that the swaddled child sleeps better, so do not rush to say goodbye to such a convenient accessory as a diaper, despite the fact that for newborn children there are many different clothes that can be worn on a diaper. Diapers are also useful for bedding them on a changing table, a crib or a stroller.
Now on the market a huge selection of such accessories for newborns - from the "classics of the genre", that is, cotton and flannel sheets, and ending with such innovations as disposable, knitted diapers or models with Velcro. We will deal with all this in this article.
to the contents ↑The best diapers - what are they?
First you need to figure out what qualities a good product should have, which diapers are best for a newborn baby. Of course, this accessory for the baby should be made of natural material. In addition, the quality model should:
- Excellent absorb moisture, so as not to create a "greenhouse effect."
- Be gentle and soft to the touch, so as not to rub the delicate skin of the baby.
- Keep the child's body temperature, avoid supercooling, or vice versa - overheating.
- To be strong in quality, to "go through" multiple washing and ironing, without losing its qualities.
- The edges of the sheet must be well processed, preferably an overlock, so as not to rub the baby's skin, in addition, it should not have ruffles, rough seams or any decorations.
- The color of the product should not be very bright, as it is harmful to the eye of the baby, in addition, such coloring over time begins to irritate the parents, and even the baby.
Important! Such baby care items are best purchased in specialized stores, where they sell baby products and show products of companies with a good reputation. In the market, you should not buy diapers sewn from fabrics with an unknown composition, for example from mixed materials - they may contain synthetics, which is unacceptable for the newborn.
to the contents ↑Types of
Let's now consider what types of fabrics and principle of application there are in order to understand what are better - knitted diapers or accessories for newborns from other materials.
These are thin, lightweight materials made from 100% cotton reusable. In addition to swaddling, they can be used instead of sheets in a baby crib, and as a towel.
Important! In the cold season, cotton cloth is placed on the flannel when swaddling, creating a double layer, which will be both warm and soft.
Made of "fluffy" cotton fibers, very pleasant and soft to the touch. They perfectly absorb moisture, keep warm, do not give the baby body supercooling, even when wet, do not create a "greenhouse" effect.
Important! They can be used for swaddling, as well as for sheets or towels.
This kind of accessories appeared relatively recently, but it has already gained popularity with many mothers. In the summer, knitted diapers can be used as basic, and in the cold season, they are usually placed over flannel.
Important! The advantage of these diapers is that they do not tighten the body of your baby, but take any form, allowing the child to move handles and legs.
When choosing knitted diapers, special attention should be paid to the composition, it must be completely natural. In their composition, such fabrics are different:
- Kulirka are the thinnest and lightest products, they dry faster than others, so they are convenient to use instead of bibs, suitable for swaddling in the hot season. It can be said that this is a modern analog of calico varieties.
- Interlok - medium in thickness, they stretch well, while retaining their shape for a long time. Well absorb moisture, ideal for wide swaddling. Use them at any temperature.
- Futer - the thickest and warmest, outperform even flannel products in heat. To the touch are soft, designed to care for children in cold weather, you can use them as a blanket. Their only drawback is that they dry for a long time.
Very popular to date, such models. They are multifunctional - they are convenient to take on the road or when you visit a doctor. If the child describes the canvas, it absorbs moisture like a diaper. But they can not completely replace these diapers, and at a very high price.
Important! When buying, you need to pay attention to the composition - there should be cellulose and cotton.
From the name it is clear that these are winter models. Many models can be transformed into an envelope, which is very convenient for walking. In addition, they can be used as a blanket or a play mat for your baby.
Important! Such products should be made only from natural wool and have a certificate of hypoallergenicity.
On Velcro
These modern diapers will help you quickly and without problems to swaddle your baby, without creating unnecessary folds and not pulling the body of the child. They can be disposable and reusable, made of natural fabrics and easily washed.
Reusable waterproof
On the one hand they have a pleasant velvety or mahr surface, and on the other hand - a thin oilcloth. Protect from leaks and perfectly wash after use.
Important! Often they have a special impregnation, which is antibacterial, anti-allergic, and creates an additional barrier for bacteria and microbes.
to content ↑How many diapers can I need for a newborn?
With the advent of disposable diapers the need to purchase a large number of diapers has disappeared, but some amount you still need. Focus on such standards:
- Flannel - 5 pieces.
- Printed cotton - 5 pieces.
- Knitted diapers - 5 pieces. Although, if you do not plan to wrap your baby after birth "in a cocoon", they can be abandoned.
- Products with Velcro - you can buy 2-3 pieces.
- Disposable - it is advisable to buy 10 pieces, later the parents themselves decide whether they need to buy.
What are the diaper sizes?
On sale there are similar accessories of different sizes, but there are certain standards:
- 80x95 cm is a convenient size for the baby in the first months of his life. Then they can be used as a towel to wash the child.
- 95x100 cm - used when the child has already turned 2-3 months old.
- 110х110 cm - the most convenient for a child 3-4 months.
- 120x120 cm - the biggest, but its minus is that these diapers are the most expensive.
From this article, you learned the difference between knitted diapers and other options, and also got other useful information on swaddling the newborns. We hope you were able to correctly determine both the quantity and quality of such accessories, so caring for the baby is not difficult for you.