- What do experts say?
- How to clean gold from someone else's energy?- Determine with the tool
- Do I need to remove the negative from the rings and other ornaments and why?
- Methods of cleaning gold
- Antique jewelry, removing negative energy and ancient damage
The world around us is filled with energy flows, it is present inside of us and is inherent in all subjects without exception. A powerful energy power is possessed by jewelry, especially those made of gold. This is due to the popularity of this precious metal when creating jewelry. We daily contact them: we wear earrings, rings, chains. With such a constant and close relationship, energy is undoubtedly "absorbed" in gold jewelry. And if you did not buy new ornaments, and you were presented to them or left as an inheritance, you will have to ask how to purify gold from foreign energy. With all the nuances of this procedure, we will understand this article.
to the contents ↑What do experts say?
Sometimes gold jewelry we do not buy new ones in the store, and they get to us from someone else. For example, a family heirloom passed down from generation to generation. It happens that we exchange rings or earrings. So, often mom and daughter lend each other some kind of embellishments.
How can I clean a gold ring from someone else's energy?- Specialists in this field are strongly advised to clean gold items even after purchase, and even more so - received from another person. This simple process takes just a little of your time.
Important! Do not forget to clean up your own jewelry from the accumulated negative energy. At a minimum, you need to clean it once a year, or more often.
to the contents ↑How to clean gold from foreign energy?- Determine with the
tool Which tools are suitable for the cleaning process? The whole negative is easily removed:
- with the help of running water, the force of fire;
- in the fight against negative energy is very effective salt.
There are other ways.
How to understand that the procedures performed were successful? Very easy! Put on your jewelry and, closing your eyes, listen to yourself, your feelings.
Important! If you feel calm and positive emotions, then - the ritual of purifying gold from foreign energy has been effective.
to the contents ↑Do I need to remove the negative from the rings and other ornaments and why?
It's not just necessary to clean the gold ring from someone else's energy, but it's a must!
Why should this be done? Jewelry is able to accumulate energy from past owners for many years. Going with their owners a way of life, jewelry is adjusted for them.
Important! Gold jewelry has an exceptionally powerful energy force, especially if the product is with precious stones.
However, this does not mean that buying a new ring in a jewelry store, you are immune from any negative consequences:
- You can not even imagine who tried it before you. Perhaps a person could not buy it, and the product "printed" a bitter feeling of vexation or even envy of who can afford it.
- Also a jeweler! Carrying out such concentrated and painstaking work, the jeweler unconsciously directs his emotions and energy to decorate. And if at the same time he has a bad mood because of difficult problems? And all this will "settle" on the product.
Clean, clean and clean again!
Negative energy can appear in decorations from human envy or anger. Another source can serve as a situation in which you participated and you were wearing gold. For example, a quarrel, an accident, visiting unfavorable and sinister places.
Important! The most dangerous in this regard are the ancient precious ornaments and treasures. Especially, extracted from ancient tombs and tombs. Believe me, being several centuries next to human remains, such objects bear not only a negative, but an extreme danger!
How to understand that you need to clean gold from foreign energy? Pay attention to the appearance of such emotional symptoms: loss of strength, bad mood, apathy, etc.
to the contents ↑Methods for cleaning gold
So, you decided to purify gold from negative energy at home. Let's look at which of the many ways will prove to be suitable. The main forces in the fight against the negative aura have always been four terrestrial elements, but not only they can help you.
Fire has a huge cleansing power:
- Hold the object over the fire for a few seconds. You can use incense.
- Another option is to light a candle and observe the flame for two minutes. At the same time, your eyes will retain the image of fire.
- After this, take the product and imagine how the fire absorbs it and burns all the negative energy.
Important! Ash, as a derivative of the action of fire, also copes well with purging gold. It is enough to put jewelry in it or rub it.
If such simple methods do not manage to derive negative energy, then it is probably worth attributing the thing to melting.
Wash the jewelry under running water.
The power of the earth will effectively purify gold from foreign energy. Bury the required item for a week, and you will get rid of it.
Take the glass and pour salt,null, put the ring and top up with salt. After a day you can get the object, and the salt should be buried in the ground or thrown into the river.
Salt can be used as a cookery or sea salt. Also, the use of a saline solution will be effective.
Important! To extract an ornament is better with the help of a stick, a spoon or a pencil.
The Church of
Believers often find solutions to problems with its help. To do this, use holy water and church candles. Put on the table a gold decoration, a burning candle, make circular movements counter-clockwise.
Important! The number of turns is interconnected with your feelings. As soon as you feel that the jewelry has cleared, you can stop manipulation.
Sound vibration is a rather unusual method, how to clear gold from negative energy. You can play them using a gong, a simple or church bell, loud music. Concentrate and imagine how sound waves pervade jewelry, penetrate into it, clearing of negative energy.
Important! Try to apply the sound of the mantra "Om" by producing it yourself or through the player.
Sunny and moonlight
Place the jewelery in the place where it hits direct sunlight or moonlight. It can be a window sill, a balcony. Leave for 7-8 hours. Make sure that this time interval will not be cloudy.
If the product is decorated with jewels, be careful, as some of them can burn out in the sun. For example, amethyst, citrine, yellow topaz.
Important! If you decide to use moonlight, be sure to pay attention to the phase of the moon. All actions are conducted only on the growing moon.
to the contents ↑Antique ornaments, removal of negative energy and ancient spoiling
The old antique objects are most full of dark energy. How to clear gold from negative energy in such cases?
Antiques are quite ancient things, their age ranges from fifty years to several hundred centuries. More "young" jewelry is estimated 20-50 years, they are also called shabby. Thoughts, ideas and emotions of former owners are very firmly imprinted on metals, especially gold. And such precious stone as amber strongly attracts curses.
Important! The older the object, the more negative energy it contains.
You can clear antiques and antiquities from foreign energy using the above methods.
We have studied in detail why it is so important to clean jewelry from foreign energy and where it appears in gold jewelry. You can choose an effective way to protect yourself from negative consequences and emotions. Carrying out regularly simple procedures, your self-awareness will be in harmony and tranquility.