- Advantages of wooden steps
- We will perform the calculations
- Production of parts - preparation
- Installation of parts
- Wooden steps with metal base
- Wooden steps on the concrete ladder
Wooden staircases have long been used in private houses, when decorating the landscape zone, because this material is natural, environmentally friendly, beautiful, and with a competent choice of breeds - also extremely durable. Despite the emergence of new technologies and materials - concrete, composite, metal, wood structures do not lose their popularity and are still used in private houses and cottages. They can be made as a solid board( array), and from a furniture board. In this article, we'll talk about how to make steps for a ladder made of wood with your own hands.
to content ↑Advantages of wooden steps
So, if we are dealing with a concrete or metal ladder, it is recommended to make steps for it from the array. It has many advantages:
- It is easy to create it yourself.
- Poor thermal conductivity. Steps will not be very cool, even if the house is very cold.
- Aesthetic component. This element of wood will give a pleasant feeling for everyone.
- Robust and reliable. If the coating is made qualitatively, then it will last you for decades.
We will perform the calculations of
. Before proceeding to this precise work, it is necessary to carry out a considerable number of calculations, following the saying "Measure seven times, cut once".
Below are the standard sizes, thanks to which you can make wooden steps for the stairs with your own hands:
- Height, that is, the length of the vertical part( or riser).If the ladder is installed inside the room, then its height should be from 15 to 21 cm.
- The width is the distance between the edges of the ladder. It depends on many factors. If this element is installed indoors, then the standard tread width will be 1 m. If it is installed outside the house, the size can be selected by yourself.
- The thickness of the step depends on its width in the ratio 1:20.This means that if the width is 1 m, the thickness will be 5 cm. Note that when applying a step on an existing base of any material, the thickness is reduced by about 1 cm.
- The standard size of the riser should be 18-25 mm.
- Depth, that is the distance from the edge of the tread to the vertical part. It should fully rely on the leg of an adult, which means that its length should be from 25 to 40 cm. In some cases, this parameter may vary.
Important! A slight variation in the size of the treads is possible, but only if the wizard follows the following formula: twice the amount of the riser in the amount of the tear should be at a distance of 60 to 65 cm.
Calculating the tilt angle
In order to make wooden stairs for the staircasehands, you need to correctly choose the angle of the design.
The best angle for a person is between 23 and 37 degrees. The steeper the design, the less space it will occupy.
Important! In case you plan to slope less than 23 degrees, then instead of a ladder it is better to install a flat inclined platform( ramp).If the angle is approximately 45 degrees, it is better to purchase a folding or ladder ladder.
Calculation of the number of stages
In order to obtain the desired number of stages, the following formula should be followed: the height of the floor should be divided by the height of the riser. The resulting number must be rounded to a millimeter.
The height of the floor is the distance from the floor of the first floor to the floor of the second floor. This means that in this interval the thickness of the floor covering is included.
Important! Most likely, there will be an error in the calculations, when you rounded the heights. In this case, you need to distribute one "unsuccessful" step as a frieze, and all the others are made identical.
to the contents ↑Production of parts - preparation
After carrying out all calculations and measurements, you need to start making wooden steps for the stairs with your own hands. For this purpose, you need to choose a worthy material.
Here we focus on such recommendations:
- Most often for such purposes use arrays of their hard trees - maple, oak or beech will do.
- When buying boards, you should pay attention to their evenness to avoid planing.
- If you are planning to produce from raw boards, then first they need to be dried dry. For this, the boards need to be stacked in a suitable place.4-millimeter board will last 4 months, to qualitatively dry to the required state.
- To prevent the appearance of mold, treat the wood with an antiseptic.
- Well-prepared wood chips will not bend, but break off.
- When the work is completed, without fail, apply special coatings on the surface of the components to protect the wood in 3-5 layers. Very often recommend the use of wear-resistant varnish for parquet.
Important! If you do not use a dried tree, then the ladder over the years is heavily deformed and will become unusable.
For the manufacture of wooden steps for the stairs, you will need the following tools with your own hands:
- If the board needs to be scraped, arm yourself with an electric gun.
- A circular saw is used for sawing.
- The machine for grinding.
- Fuser to handle the edges.
Important! After making the templates for the desired size, begin to cut the treads and the vertical part of the steps from the previously prepared boards. Most often there are difficulties with turning steps due to their non-standard form, give them due attention.
to the contents ↑Installation of
parts There are only three ways of fastening wooden steps to each other:
- with Bolts. It is the most difficult option and, at the same time, does not require any complicated skills.
- To the string.
- To the helm.
Let's stop on the last option.
There are a lot of variations of the junction connection with risers. Here are the two most popular:
- Screws.
- In the groove. To do this, at the place in the tread where the riser should be, cut out the groove of the required depth.
Important! Both methods assume that the two parts to be joined will be well glued together.
to the table of contents ↑Wooden steps with metal base
You are wondering how to make steps for a metal ladder? Our answer is made of wood, because the ladder made of metal with exquisite wooden steps emphasizes in itself all the beauty of the materials used.
And here the rules will be as follows:
- With regard to fastening the steps, it is carried out by means of special holes that are made every 15 cm, receding from the edge 1-3 cm
- Any quality of welding of metal parts does not involve inaccuracies or anyheight differences.
- To align this surface, it is necessary to glue the substrate onto the frame with the help of glue. The role of the substrate can be played by plywood 10 mm thick, additionally fixed by means of screws.
- In order to fix the plywood, in no case should you use foam for installation, as it is not designed for such a high load on the part of users.
- On the veneer, using clamps, fix the tread from the tree and fix it using self-tapping screws.
Important! It is recommended to make steps so that they protrude slightly from the base of the metal. Thus, the type of construction will be more attractive, and also it will be able to hide the possibly failed skeleton of the staircase. To ensure that the ends do not form chips, it is recommended to use hardwoods and give them a rounded shape.
to content ↑Wooden steps on concrete staircase
Concrete stairs are famous for their strength and reliability, but at the same time, and not attractive. In order to decorate this structure and make it cozy, you can trim the concrete staircase in the house with the help of wood.
Important! Before you start the skin, you need to make sure that the "bare" design is well dried. Otherwise - it is possible to deform the finished stairs and the rapid crumbling of concrete.
After the structure has been dried for more than 3 months, it's time to start:
- Any coating can have unevenness, so it is recommended to carefully level the surface of concrete using a self-leveling compound or screed.
- Next - clean and primetovat treated surface.
- After that, paste the sheets of plywood to create a moisture barrier layer. Plywood glued with a special mastic and additionally fix dowels.
- Only now install the steps of wood. To do this, connect the treads and risers together, a puzzle is built.
- In order to secure the platform on the floor, it is necessary to screw the end of the bolts in such a way that they protrude approximately 7 cm, then cut off the hats, and on the floor indicate the place where they stand. In these places, drill holes and fill them with a special resin, and only then in it to fix the riser. After fixing it, lay on the early glued plywood, tread with a new riser attached to it.
- Place the load on this stage and wait for the glue to dry.
So, in this article we have told you not only how to make steps for a ladder from a tree with your own hands, but also how to make a metal and concrete wall cladding. Now you must very clearly and accurately act in accordance with the rules to get a reliable lifting system, which will be appropriate to look in the chosen interior.