- How to properly clean the oyster mushrooms?
- Tips for the final( basic) processing of the
- vernal Advantages and disadvantages of the
cherry mushrooms Mushrooms are a very useful and tasty product. From them prepare the most various meal - sauces, soups, salads, the second dishes. The most popular in use in food are oyster mushrooms. They are collected in the forest from tree trunks, and also grown at home on sawdust or husks of sunflower seeds. Before cooking the mushroom, it should be rinsed well. But is it necessary and how to clean the oyster mushrooms before cooking?- This is a question that many housewives ask. Of course, in order for the prepared dish to be delicious, the products should be pretreated, and the inedible parts should be removed. We'll go into more detail in this article.
Important! This kind of mushrooms has become popular due to the fact that they can not be poisoned in any way, as there are no harmful poisonous substances in their composition. Therefore, even if the cooked product is damp, it will not affect your health.
to the contents ↑How to clean oyster mushrooms?
If the mushrooms do not accumulate a huge amount of dirt, debris, they still have to be washed. Under the mushroom cap a huge number of microbes accumulate, which adversely affect the human body.
If you have collected or bought a large amount, then you need to clean the oyster mushrooms as follows:
- Fill mushrooms with cold water.
- We leave them in this state for half an hour.
- Mix with hands, take large rubbish.
- Rinse mushrooms under running water.
Important! If you decide to cook a small amount of mushrooms, then they need to be rinsed portionwise. Put the oyster mushrooms in a colander, rinse them with cold running water. This way will save your products from debris, dust.
The process of processing mushrooms involves not only washing with water, but also cutting inedible, spoiled parts. Dry areas are cut with a knife, and the place of the cut is wiped with a dry napkin.
Important! Dry cleaning is necessary in order. Especially if you plan to freeze oyster mushrooms.
Step-by-step cleaning instruction for
As this type of mushrooms grows only on tree trunks, on old hemp, the risk of contamination is small. But nevertheless, it is necessary to be reinsured and how it is necessary to clean mushrooms-oyster mushrooms.
Important! They can be marinated, salted, fried, added to meat or vegetable dishes.
Let's take a few simple steps to clean the cherry:
- For processing, you will need a sieve or colander, a foam rubber sponge and a knife.
- We wipe the leg and the mushroom cap with a foam sponge, gently cleaning the small debris and dust.
- Cut the contaminated bottom of the stem and cut off the damaged and dry areas.
- Rinse the mushrooms under a stream of cold water, previously placing them in a strainer or colander.
- Cut the mushrooms on a paper towel.
Important! All manipulations need to be done very carefully, since oyster is a fairly fragile product. At the slightest sharp movement, it is possible to damage the mushroom cap.
Following this simple algorithm of actions, you can qualitatively prepare mushrooms for cooking.
to the table of contents ↑Tips for the final( basic) treatment of the
chickens. Let's look at a few recommendations for cleaning mushrooms from experienced mushroom pickers:
- Boiling - place the mushrooms in a pan of cold water and bring to a boil, slightly pouring water. After boiling, this is maintained for 15-30 minutes. Then throw the vegetables in a colander and rinse with cold water.
- Boiling - place the mushrooms in a container of water and bring them to a boil as quickly as possible. As soon as the water boils, immediately turn off the fire and leave to cool, without taking out the mushrooms. After cooling, the products are placed in a tissue bag for drying.
- Blanching - mushrooms are placed in a sieve and dosed with steep boiling water. After - put them for a few seconds in boiling water or hold over the steam. After such heat treatment, the fungi become more durable and do not break down. Carrying out this manipulation is typical for picking mushrooms.
Important! When boiling and boiling, in no case can not squeeze the mushrooms, since later the mass of valuable substances is lost.
to the table of contents ↑Advantages and disadvantages of the
vesel This type of mushroom contains a lot of useful substances for the human body. That's why they are very often used for food.
Consider the main advantages of this product:
- Have very low calorie content. But if used in large numbers, then they can satisfy hunger.
- They contain such minerals as potassium, iron, calcium and iodine.
- Promotes the breakdown of fats.
- Enriched with vitamins: C, D2, B, E and PP.Thanks to them, the product is very similar to meat.
- Derive radioactive substances from the body.
- Decrease cholesterol.
Important! As a result of the use of this product in food, the development of E. coli in the human body is prevented. Also, the resistance of the human body to radiation increases.
When preparing such a product, it is recommended to treat it, since it contains chitin, which a person can not digest. In order to remove chitin, the mushrooms must be cut very finely and well fried.
Important! One of the most important drawbacks is not a very pronounced mushroom smell. In addition, this type of vegetable products is not resistant to infection with viral diseases. In addition, they are rather difficult to transport, as the fruit body is very fragile and unstable.
In this article, we told you about all the ways how to clean the oyster mushrooms and prepare them for use. We hope, now you have not had any difficulties with the preparation of the fungus and your dishes have acquired a new pleasant flavor and aroma.