- Than to wash a chandelier?
- What is the washing algorithm?
- How to clean a chandelier?
- Useful advices
Chandelier is an important and integral part of every home and care of it should be regular and correct. Cleaning chandeliers should be selected individually, depending on the type of product, since there are made lighting fixtures from different materials and the degree of their contamination can be different.
to the contents ↑Than to wash a chandelier?
In order to clean the chandeliers at home most efficiently, select and apply the most suitable remedy for you from the following:
- vinegar;
- table salt;
- baking soda;
- soap;
- specialized means for washing chandeliers from crystal;
- tooth powder;
- liquid ammonia;
- antistatic brush "Daster";
- microfibre cloth;
- cotton gloves;
- rag.
What is the washing algorithm?
To clean the chandelier as little as possible, proceed as follows:
- Unplug the lamp from the power supply.
- Remove if possible from the ceiling.
- Place any absorbent under the appliance so that the applied product does not stain the floor or carpeting.
- Work in a ventilated area.
- Apply the cleaning agent to the surface.
- Clean all parts.
- Wash the cleanser with water.
- Dry with a soft, but not lint-free cloth.
How to wash a chandelier?
There are different ways to clean the lighting fixtures and give them an original shine. Select and apply the most suitable for you to easily solve the problem of how to wash a chandelier is not very much and heavily soiled.
Method 1
If your chandelier of crystal is not heavily soiled, remove dust from the surface as follows:
- Wear cotton gloves so that there are no fingerprints on the crystal.
- Take an antistatic "Duster" brush.
- Sweep dust from top to bottom with a brush so that the cleaned suspension does not touch each other. Otherwise, there may be scratches.
Method 2
If the crystal is dirty enough and noticeably faded, clean it as follows:
- Fill the basin with cold water.
- Wet a microfibre cloth in water.
- Wipe the contaminated surface, then wipe it with a dry, clean cloth.
- Wear cotton gloves.
- Apply a special cleaning agent to the crystal pendants.
- Rub them with a clean, dry microfiber cloth.
Important! Crystal can not be washed with hot water, because from this it fades and loses its luster.
Method 3
If you do not have a special tool for cleaning chandeliers from crystal, you can cook it using improvised means, at home. To do this:
- Take ammonia.
- Dissolve the agent in lukewarm water in a 1: 3 ratio.
- Pour the solution into a light and convenient container.
- Immerse in this solution every crystal suspension.
Method 4
Clean the dirty cover with the following solution:
- Pour 1 liter of water.
- Add 0.5 tbsp.salt and 1 tbsp.vinegar.
- Wash contaminated dome in the solution obtained.
- Rinse with clean water.
- Rub dry with a dry cloth.
Method 5
Washing a chandelier or lamp from glass or plastic can be done as follows:
- Pour water into the basin.
- Add a dishwashing detergent.
- Dampen a cloth in a soapy solution.
- Wipe the glass.
- Wash with clean water using a sponge.
- Dry the surface with a soft cloth.
Useful advices
- Do not switch on the light immediately after cleaning - wait until it dries completely.
- Clean the corrugated surface and clean it with a medium-hard pile.
- Do not apply a soap solution when wet cleaning the crystal - it gives a greasy shine.
- You can remove the yellow shade on the crystal by rubbing the surface with cut potatoes and rinsing in a weak solution of blue.
- Crystal can not be washed with calcined and ordinary soda - abrasive powders contribute to the appearance of scratches.
- Remove traces from flies on plafonds, wiping them with alcohol or vodka.
Now you know how to effectively wash your lighting fixtures and return them to their original appearance. We hope that our tips helped you to finish cleaning quickly.