- Rules for the care of copper objects
- How to clean copper utensils at home?
- How can I clean the copper turkey from the outside?
- How to wash a Turk inside?
- Useful advices:
Articles from copper have long been recognized as connoisseurs of quality and reliable things. In modern life there are many items based on copper alloy. This - dishes, figurines, coins, decorative items, jewelry. All these products not only look elegant, but also durable enough. In addition, copper objects have a positive effect on the state of human health. However, over time, a wide variety of contaminants can appear on copper products - a coating of green, brown or yellow. Users of the Turks are very familiar with this problem. Today we will tell you how to clean the copper turk at home with maximum efficiency and minimum costs.
to the contents ↑Rules for the care of copper objects
Our ancestors also used copper basins for jam making. It was believed that in this dish the product is more saturated and more useful. And today, many housewives prefer to have copper alloy cookware in the kitchen, since the heat-conducting qualities of copper help to prepare food faster and tastier.
Important! It's no secret that copper products have a positive effect on people's health. For example, people with severe cardiac diseases are recommended to wear copper bracelets that normalize blood pressure and improve well-being. But all items of copper require the care of
To ensure that the products always look clean and luxurious, observe the simple rules:
- Do not use abrasives while cleaning items made of copper alloys.
- Use only a soft cloth or sponge when cleaning.
- Polish the objects more often. This will help to increase their service life.
- Do not store products in copper containers, as this leads to oxidation of the alloy and shortening the life of the product.
- Store items from copper in a dry place. Moisture provokes oxidation of the metal.
- After using the Turks, always let it cool down. Never pour more hot dishes with cold water, as this damages the metal.
- After using any method of cleaning, rinse the dishes or boil them and dry them dry.
Important! Do not use copper utensils without getting rid of oxide. This is harmful to health.
to the contents ↑How to clean copper utensils at home?
In order to return the product from copper the original gloss and excellent appearance, you can use two main types of cleaning:
- Acid.
- Abrasive.
There are time-tested tools for each type of cleaning. Today we will tell not only about the general methods of cleaning copper items, but also share tips for caring for the Turks.
If you regularly use a Turkish coffee maker, you often have to remove accumulated contaminants from its surface. Inside - a coffee coating, and outside - a deposit from the flame of a gas stove. And if the deposit on the external surface does not spoil the taste of coffee, the inner coating can change the smell of the drink. Next, we will show how to clean the copper turkey from the outside and inside, while maintaining the integrity of the coating.
to the contents ↑Than to clean the copper turkey from the outside?
The most popular and affordable home remedies for the acid cleaning method are:
- Lemon and citric acid.
- Vinegar.
- Ammonium alcohol.
- Brine.
- Milk whey.
- Ketchup.
Important! Do not use extreme agents for acid cleaning such as, for example, oxalic acid or hydrochloric acid. Avoid acting with such potent means, especially if you do not have the necessary experience.
For the abrasive method, the following soft abrasives are suitable:
- Crushed chalk.
- Wholemeal.
- Talcum and sawdust.
- Soda.
- GOI paste.
Important! All soft abrasives are applied equally: apply to the flannel napkin and polish the surface of the dishes in a circular motion. After the cleaning procedure, rinse the product and wipe it dry.
We offer you several time-proven methods of cleaning dishes made of copper with the use of improvised tools.
Blackened from time dishes can easily be cleaned with lemon, and not in one way.
Option 1
Proceed as follows:
- Cut the lemon into 2 parts.
- Dry the turkite over the entire surface of the lemon. For best effect, half a citrus can be sprinkled with fine salt.
- Leave the dishes for a couple of minutes.
- Gently squeeze the lemon juice on the surface with a brush.
- Flush the product under running water.
- Wipe the surface thoroughly with a linen cloth.
- Polish the product with a soft cloth.
Option 2
Fresh lemon can be replaced with a solution of citric acid. Dilute 2 teaspoons of acid in 200 ml of warm water. With a mortar, clean the outer surface of the turkey. After - rinse the dishes and wipe thoroughly.
Important! Do not leave the turk in a lemon solution for a long time, since the acid can form dark spots on copper during prolonged exposure.
Option 3
You can clean the copper with lemon juice and fine salt. Squeeze the juice of one lemon and add salt until a mushy consistency is formed. With a soft sponge and mixture, clean the surface of the turkey. Rinse the product with warm water and wipe with a soft cloth.
It is also possible to clean the copper turkey from the outside at home with this tool in different ways.
Option 1
Remove the dark coating from the pot with a scrub of vinegar and salt:
- In a tablespoon of salt, add 2 tbsp.spoonful of vinegar.
- With a soft cloth, apply a scrub to the surface of the dishes.
- Use circular motions to rub the surface with a medium.
- Emboss the relief patterns on a Turk with a toothbrush.
- Rinse the turkey with warm water.
- Wipe the appliance dry with a soft cloth and polish.
Option 2
If a dark spot appears on the copper object, boil the product in a weak solution of vinegar and salt:
- In a deep saucepan, pour 1 cup of vinegar and add 1 tbsp.spoon of salt.
- Pour the ingredients with water and place the turkey in the solution.
- Place the container on the stove and turn on the fire.
- Bring water to a boil.
- Boil the product until the oxides dissolve( 10-30 minutes).
- Remove product and allow to cool.
- Wash the turkey with soap in running water and wipe dry.
Option 3
Clean the copper turkey with vinegar and a mixture of wood shavings with talc:
- Mix the sawdust with talcum powder in a 2: 1 ratio and dilute the mixture with vinegar until the consistency of the paste.
- Apply the product to the turkey surface with a sponge.
- Wait until completely dry, polish with a dry cloth.
Important! When working with vinegar, protect hands with gloves, so that the acid does not irritate the skin.
Option 4
To avoid excessive oxidation of the metal with acid, use the old recipe for vinegar test:
- Mix 1 tbsp.a spoonful of salt and 1 cup of vinegar.
- Gradually add flour to the mixture until a mellow consistency is formed.
- Apply the prepared paste to the dirty areas of the dishes.
- Leave the turkey until it dries( 15-40 minutes).
- Thoroughly clean the paste with a dry brush - you can use an old toothbrush.
- Rinse the dishes and wipe dry.
Important! Vinegar dough is effective for Turks, which has engraving or embossing, since it removes dirt well in the most inaccessible grooves.
Milk whey
This method has repeatedly helped our grandmothers, he is still relevant today.
Instructions for use:
- Dissolve in 1 cup of milk whey 1 tbsp.spoon of table salt.
- Apply the mixture on a flannel cloth.
- Thoroughly clean the surface with a damp cloth.
- Cover heavily soiled areas with a tissue, leave for 3-4 minutes.
- Wipe the entire surface of the cookware again.
- Rinse the turkey with warm water.
- Wipe thoroughly and polish with a soft cloth.
Important! For a solution it is better to take a salt of fine or medium grinding, so that it dissolves well. Take care not to leave on the napkin insoluble salt grains, capable of spoiling the surface.
The product includes citric acid and tomato paste, rich in natural acids. Therefore, if the ketchup is left in the refrigerator, use it to clean the copper turkey:
- Squeeze some of the product into a deep bowl.
- Place the copper product in the tomato ketchup.
- Hold the object in ketchup for 10 minutes.
- Clean the product with a sponge or cloth.
- Remove the object and wash the ketchup with running warm water.
- Dry with a soft cloth.
Important! Use the cheapest ketchup. You can apply and the product expired. Ketchup will not only purify the Turk, but will restore its bright, copper color.
Use for the procedure you can any brine - from sauerkraut, cucumbers:
- Brine put on the dishes and leave for 3 minutes.
- Rinse with warm water and wipe the product dry.
Ammonium alcohol
Ammonia is a very active chemical compound, therefore it is necessary to work with it very carefully, without forgetting about safety measures. Ammonia alcohol is perfectly suitable for removing deep and old contaminants, for fighting green spots.
Option 1:
- Dilute the ammonia with water in a ratio of 1: 2.
- Dampen the napkin with a solution.
- Wipe the outer surface of the dishes with a napkin.
- Rinse the Turk with warm water and soap.
- Wipe the dishes dry with a soft cloth.
Option 2:
- To clean the brown coating on copper, lower the product for 2 minutes in a solution of ammonia.
- Then rinse with water and wipe the product.
Important! When working with this tool, consider these tips:
- Be sure to rinse ammonia with warm water and soap, since ammonia binds oxidation products and contaminants, forming an ammonia complex.
- Work with ammonia only in a well-ventilated area and in gloves, since ammonia is very dangerous and has a sharp odor.
Option 3
Brassware can be cleaned with a mixture of ammonia, crushed chalk and water:
- Mix the ingredients in a ratio of 3: 1: 6.
- Mixture Shake well.
- Apply the solution to the surface of the dish using a sponge.
- Gently clean the surface of dirt.
- Rinse with warm water.
- Wipe the product thoroughly and polish.
Important! All the above cleaning methods should be used only after preliminary testing on a small surface of the product in order to reveal the nature of the reaction of copper to the agent. If no change has occurred, use a cleanser on the entire surface of the object.
to the contents ↑How to wash the Turk inside?
To maintain the integrity of the coating and remove the dark coating on the inside of the turkey, use mild cleaning methods. This can be done with the help of conventional baking soda.
Proceed as follows:
- Pick up a large pan so that it can be fully immersed in the turkey.
- Fill the container with the soda solution. For 1 liter of water - 1 tbsp.a spoonful of soda.
- Immerse the coffee pot in the solution.
- Put the saucepan on the stove, bring the water to a boil.
- Leave the dishes on low heat for 30 minutes. Regularly pour new water as it boils, so that the coffee pot is completely immersed in the solution.
- Turn off the fire.
- Clean the inner surface of the turkey with a brush with a long handle. In order not to burn your hands, hold the coffee pot by its handle.
- Remove the Turk from the pan.
- Wipe the product with a soft cloth and polish it until it shines.
Useful advices:
- If the coffee pot is not glossy after internal cleaning, rub it with a soft toothpaste without abrasive ingredients.
- To return the luster to copper objects will help ordinary black and white newspaper. Fold the newspaper in a small lump and polish the faded product.
We hope that our advice and recommendations helped you to clean the Turk from copper, and at the same time all the items from this metal. Enjoy the taste of coffee and do not forget about the rules of care for the coffee pot!