The toilet is leaking after flushing the tank: causes and solutions to the problem without calling the wizard

We are accustomed to the comfort that civilization gives us. And no one can imagine life without what is called "comfort". Plumbing, sewerage, lighting - all this is sure to be in modern housing, regardless of whether it is a private house or a high-rise building. And since we are talking about this, the toilet is one of the most important inventions of mankind, even if you are uncomfortable admitting it for some reason. So, you live for yourself, do not grieve, use the benefits of civilization - and suddenly there is a problem: the toilet bowl flows after flushing. Causes and solutions to the problem - that's what we'll talk about today, why not call the master for every little thing?

Read in the article

  • 1 How does a toilet flush work?
  • 2 Why do leaks appear
  • 3 How to understand that the tank is not working properly
  • 4 What to do if water continues to flow after flushing
  • 5 Preventive measures for the cistern

How does a toilet flush work?

The flush mechanism of the toilet cistern is not such a complicated design, so understanding it is as easy as shelling pears. But it is he who is the most common cause of leakage. Sometimes the problem may not even be in a breakdown, but in setting up the mechanism, and it will take only a couple of minutes to fix it.

In order for the tank to work normally, all its components must interact in a harmonious manner. Water enters through the inlet, or, as it is also called, the filling valve. This is a pipe that is tightly inserted into a special hole in the tank. The pipe is equipped with a locking mechanism that blocks the flow of water when a certain level is reached. A rocker connected to a shut-off valve reacts to the water level. At one end of the rocker is a float that raises the lever when the water rises. A float is an ordinary sealed plastic ball with air inside.

The toilet is leaking after flushing the tank: causes and solutions
To start draining the water, a button or lever is provided in the mechanism. When pressed, the drain valve rises, blocking the hole

The tank mechanism can consist of one whole complex or of separate drain and fill devices. In modern plumbing, there are predominantly models in which the mechanism is one common. On the one hand, it works much more efficiently, but on the other hand, all issues related to leakage become more complicated.

The principle of operation of the cistern mechanism is quite simple: water fills the cistern through the filling valve. When the water reaches a critical level, the raised float shuts off the flow. When it is necessary to use the device, the user presses a button or lever, opening the shut-off valve. Modern devices are equipped with two buttons: one of them opens the locking mechanism for a while to save water, the second allows you to flush the entire container at once.

As soon as the water level drops and the float is released down, the inlet valve automatically opens and the water runs back into the tank.

If we compare tanks with a side or bottom filling valve, then the latter are preferable because they do not make unnecessary sounds. But connecting them is more difficult than with a side connection.

If you choose between a button and a lever, then it should be noted that lever models are considered obsolete. Modern push systems with two buttons have completely replaced the rods and levers.

The drain mechanism in modern plumbing is represented by a piston device that moves in a horizontal plane with pressure on the button. Water leakage is eliminated by means of a rubber or silicone membrane pressed by a piston mechanism
The drain mechanism in modern plumbing is represented by a piston device that moves in a horizontal plane with pressure on the button. Water leakage is eliminated by means of a rubber or silicone membrane pressed by a piston mechanism

The membrane mechanism has its weak point - it is very picky about the purity of water. If impurities are present in it, the valve may fail. The problem is solved by installing an additional filter.

In premium plumbing models, drain systems are made of brass or bronze. Such structures are immune to corrosion, aggressive chemicals and mechanical stress.

In simpler models, metal parts are used only for valves.

Budget plumbing includes plastic drain systems made of durable plastic. These systems are easily changed during repairs, and it doesn’t even make sense to repair any components in them, because replacing the entire glass is much easier and very inexpensive.

Why do leaks appear

A leak in the toilet bowl can appear for various reasons. The float may fail, the drain column break, dirt can get under the membrane. Let's figure out why water is leaking in the toilet.

If water is constantly leaking in a thin stream, it's hard not to notice. If this problem is left unattended for a long time, a “channel” clearly outlined by traces of rust and mineral sediment will appear. In this case, the problem lies in the contents of the tank. In most cases, the problem is solved at the stage of visual inspection. It is possible that the valve simply did not fall into place after pressing too hard or repeatedly. To carry out a visual inspection, you need to unscrew the drain button and remove the tank cap.

If it was not possible to immediately solve the problem, you need to dismantle the valves in the tank. In any case, before starting work, you need to turn off the water supply. It is possible that the valves can simply be cleaned of debris, and they will work again in normal mode.PHOTO:
If it was not possible to immediately solve the problem, you need to dismantle the valves in the tank. In any case, before starting work, you need to turn off the water supply. It is possible that the valves can simply be cleaned of debris, and they will work again in normal mode.

A specific cause of failure may be a malfunction with the float mechanism. What to do if it breaks - the float does not rise when water is drawn in and does not shut off the supply, and this is already fraught with serious flooding. In modern models, an overflow protection system is installed, and water, fortunately, does not pour over the edge of the tank, but drains through the overflow into the toilet. This is also bad, because the consumption of water at the present time is a matter fraught with serious costs.

The float is a replaceable element, it can be bought at a specialized plumbing store, but for this it is necessary to show a sample to the seller, not all floats are universal.

When changing the float, the drain mechanism should work normally, but in any case, you should not leave the tank unattended at least for the first time.

Another cause of leakage may be a problem in the silicone or rubber drain seal. All the debris contained in the water settles on it, and precipitation can also be deposited. The membrane can even simply wear out from prolonged use. If normal cleaning does not help, the membrane can be replaced by again presenting a sample to the sales consultant.

To remove and clean the membrane, you need to remove the drain mechanism from the tank. To do this, simply turn it counterclockwise half a turn until it clicks.PHOTO:
To remove and clean the membrane, you need to remove the drain mechanism from the tank. To do this, simply turn it counterclockwise half a turn until it clicks.

Carefully inspect the O-ring after dismantling. If, in addition to dirt, you notice cracks, deformation, small tears on it, it is better to change it completely, otherwise the leak will again await you in the foreseeable future.

If a leak is observed after flushing, that is, water does not flow when draining after emptying the tank and continues with a small flow until the tank is filled again, then the cause may be several factors.

Sometimes a leak occurs due to a defective valve in the mechanism, a skewed drain column, a clogged drain valve, or a defect in one of the drain valves is possible. To determine the causes, it will be necessary to dismantle the system.

When the drain is skewed, the button sinks down - everything is more or less clear here. Valve defects at the factory manufacturing stage can be detected by visual inspection of the mechanism. We have already talked about cleaning the membrane above.

A little advice: for a snug fit of the membrane until the tank is completely filled, the craftsmen advise to load it with lead solder, which will ensure tightness even when the tank is half empty. This improvement will extend the life of the membrane even with minor wear.

How to understand that the tank is not working properly

If you have doubts about the regular operation of the siphon, pay attention to the following points.

First of all - the work of the drain button. If it sinks down, remains below and does not return to its place, this is already wrong.

If water flows into the toilet without pressing the button or after the main flush has occurred, this is also a sign of a malfunction of the mechanism.PHOTO:
If water flows into the toilet without pressing the button or after the main flush has occurred, this is also a sign of a malfunction of the mechanism.

Pay attention if you constantly hear the murmur of water in the toilet. The leakage flow may be very small, but the endless supply to the filling valve can be heard.

If rusty smudges and lime deposits appear at the drain site, it is necessary to check the integrity of the drain membrane.

The abnormal operation of the flush is also characterized by a weak and long process, and not by bursts, as expected.

Even if your tank fills silently and visually you do not see the flow of flowing water, the operation of the water meter should be a cause for concern, even with the taps completely closed.

What to do if water continues to flow after flushing

To fix the drain tank, you will need a minimum set of tools and materials. To restore the tightness, an acid-based or neutral-based plumbing sealant is useful.

Tip: there are ready-made compounds with resins, with which it is easy to repair a crack in the ceramic construction of the tank - this is plumbing "cold welding".

You can clean up lime deposits and prepare the surface for applying sealant using sandpaper. In addition, a screwdriver, pliers and an adjustable wrench may be required to dismantle the mechanism.

Before applying the sealant, the surface must be degreased - a solvent - acetone or gasoline is useful herePHOTO:
Before applying the sealant, the surface must be degreased - a solvent - acetone or gasoline is useful here

If it is necessary to replace parts, be sure to dismantle the old ones and select new ones according to their samples.

Algorithm of work to determine the causes of failure:

  • unscrew the drain button by operating the outer ring;
  • remove the toilet lid and carefully put it aside, making sure that it is in a firm and safe position;
  • investigate the location and operation of the float and the mechanism itself with a completely filled tank;
  • drain the water and shut off the filling with a special tap;
  • fill the tank with tinted water and check for leaks;
  • remove the drain and overflow mechanisms and inspect the parts for damage and defects;
  • clean the mechanism and preferably the entire inner surface of the tank from sediment and dirt;
  • assemble the mechanism and check its operation.

If, after removing the cover, you held the float and the leak stopped, then it is possible that the matter will be managed by simply adjusting the position of the module.

Signs of damaged valves are microcracks, signs of corrosion or visual deformationPHOTO:
Signs of damaged valves are microcracks, signs of corrosion or visual deformation

Often, a leak can be fixed by simply sealing the joints with silicone waterproof sealant for plumbing. Surfaces are preliminarily cleaned, dried and wiped with a solvent for degreasing. After installing the parts and keeping in the air until the sealant hardens, you can refill the tank.

If the shut-off valve breaks down, the most reasonable solution would be to replace the entire mechanism. To install a new one, you need to completely drain the tank and carry out installation in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. When replacing the mechanism, both fasteners and all seals change.

Tip: when choosing a flush mechanism for premium and middle-class models, give preference to valves from the toilet manufacturer. They are guaranteed to fit, and you will not have any unforeseen difficulties.

If the tank skips when the float is skewed, the problem can be solved by simply restoring the correct position of the mechanism. But if, after assembly, the skew repeated and the button began to sink again, and water began to flow, you need to carefully inspect the system for hidden damage.

It is very easy to determine the violation of the tightness of the float - there will be water inside it. Floats are usually made of plastic, if a leak is found, you can try to solder it with an ordinary hand-held lighterPHOTO:
It is very easy to determine the violation of the tightness of the float - there will be water inside it. Floats are usually made of plastic, if a leak is found, you can try to solder it with an ordinary hand-held lighter

Leakage may occur due to damage to the supply hose. In this case, the drain valve shuts off the water supply, but it continues to flow due to a leak. Such problems can appear when the eyeliner is bent. In this case, you can find not just a leak in the toilet, but even a leak in the outside of the device.

To eliminate the leak in this case, you need to turn off the water in the house, if it is a private household, or in an apartment. The supply hoses are easy to replace by selecting the type of thread and length of the part.

If a crack appears in the tank itself, water will flow out from the outside. To seal the crack, you can use "cold welding" for ceramics or epoxy glue. Both materials perform well in wet environments. But in any case, before sealing the crack, the tank must be drained and dried. You can speed up the process with a hair dryer.

The polymerization of the composition can take up to a day, so it is better to withstand this time - and only then fill the tank with water.

Tip: Porcelain powder or soda can be used as a filler to seal cracks.

Leakage of water under the toilet can be associated with a violation of the cistern mounts. In this case, you will have to remove the tank and inspect the fasteners. Often, parts wear out and become unusable due to corrosion.

Fasteners simply change to new ones and put them on fresh sealantPHOTO:
Fasteners simply change to new ones and put them on fresh sealant

Tip: when tightening the bolts on the toilet bowl, valves and supply hoses, do not try to apply excessive force, this is fraught with the fact that the attachment point on the ceramic will crack.

Preventive measures for the cistern

In order for the problem with the leak to pass you, you need to follow simple preventive measures. First of all, periodically clean the inside of the tank, removing traces of corrosion and dirt. And not only on the drain mechanism itself, but also on the inner walls.

To prevent debris from entering the tank, additional filters are installed that need to be changed and cleaned periodically.

Make it a habit to check the mechanism at least once a year and change the gaskets if necessary.

And a few more tips from experienced craftsmen - in this video.

What drain systems do you consider the most reliable? Share your opinion in the comments!


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