- plastic Lead
- disc Holographic sticker( hologram)
- Seals in the form of numbered and non-numbered
- stickers
- plasticine How to make a seal on the counter?
Enterprises supplying the population with gas, water and electricity use sealing of meters to prevent theft. The population, in turn, tries to bypass such protection, trying to open the products "imperceptibly" for the inspecting organizations. The fact that the seal can not be opened is incorrect. The material from which it is made is not so strong. In fact, this is not a lock, but an indicator of hacking. This article is by no means a guide to action, how to remove a seal from a gas meter without damaging it, but rather a review of the "pitfalls" that await the hapless burglar. An experienced professional will be able to determine the damage to the seal if not visually, then tactile. The method of opening the seal depends on the material of its manufacture. Let's consider possible variants.
Important! If you still want to try your luck, remember first how the sealing product was installed. Even better - take a picture of the seal in several angles. After the work is done, it is important to create the effect that the meter has not been touched for a long time( for example, it is possible to dust the dust for greater reliability).
to the contents ↑Plastic
The seal is made in the form of an 8-10 millimeter disk with a thickness of 4 mm. The product is installed on a wire made of copper or a fishing line, and then squeezed by means of a filling. This is done so that the seal can not be moved along the line and, thus, provide access to the meter.
Important! Today, plastic devices are mainly used for seals of electricity and water meters. For people who want to experience fate, it's just a godsend.
Remove the seal and then put it back into place relatively easily:
- Lubricate the wire or line with engine oil, carefully remove the plastic product.
- If the seal is not firm, lower it for a minute in hot water.
- To return the seal to the place it is also possible without difficulty, since in the plastic there are holes for the wire or line. If problems occur with sealing, thread the thinnest guitar string through the holes, string the seal on it and "chase" it. The hole will expand slightly
Important! If the plastic seal is suspended on the thread and there are difficulties with its passing through the holes, lubricate the ends of the threads with PVA glue, allow to dry and act prematurely. You can also use special devices to thread the thread in the eye of the needle.
- For re-sealing, it is advisable to use a new wire or line. Now it remains to pass them through the holes of the plastic product, fix the seal on both sides with plates of plastic or metal and squeeze the pliers. It is important not to overdo it so as not to damage the fragile material.
Important! Unstable plates can not be used for crimping, as a relief pattern remains on the seal.
to the contents ↑Lead disk
The shape and dimensions of the lead seal resemble a plastic seal. But all the complexity is in the material of manufacture. Lead is "clinging" to the line or wire much more than plastic.
How to remove a seal from a gas meter without damaging it?
- First, try to just move a piece of lead. Sometimes such an attempt is successful.
- If not, then cut the seal so that the pieces of wire or line are not visible.
- Clamp the seal in the vice( so that no traces remain, pre-wrap in several layers of matter).
- Drill new holes. With this special problems should not arise, since lead - metal is soft.
- If the resulting hole is too narrow for the wire, you can expand it with a guitar string, as described in the previous paragraph.
- After the lead is put on a thread or wire, press it, but not tight enough that the seal can be removed again without further reaming.
Holographic sticker( hologram)
Such seals have become widespread. To gently unseal the meter, you can proceed as follows:
- Take an ordinary three-liter jar. Wrap it in an old towel or jacket to provide thermal insulation.
- Make two holes in the cover, located at the maximum distance from each other. Insert into the holes two hoses 1.5 cm in diameter, one meter long. In this case, the hoses must end about one centimeter under the lid.
- Fill the cylinder with boiling water for ¾.Fill the jar slowly so that the glass does not burst.
- Close the jar with the lid and go to the seal.
- Cover the seal with cellophane. Put one tube on cellophane, and in the other - start to blow intensively. You can use a car pump or a device for inflating swimming equipment( boats, mattresses, etc.).
Important! The essence of the method is that the adhesive layer softens with such an effect, and it will not be difficult to remove the seal. It will be easy to return it to its place, since the adhesive properties of the substance remain very good.
Some "craftsmen" act even easier: just wash off the sticker with hot water and detergent. So to say, did the repair, stained the counter, and then overdo it with washing. Simply, like all ingenious, but risky enough. On what checker you will narveshsya.
to the contents ↑Seals in the form of numbered and non-numbered
stickers. The removal of labels is exactly the same as the method just described. You can act even easier. The fact is that the sticker is a piece of plain paper with the seal of the corresponding organization and the signature of the inspector, pasted with usual PVA-glue.
Proceed in this order:
- Remove the paper with the utmost care.
- Stick it on another sheet.
- Scan and print on a color printer( of course, with the highest print quality).
- Before you paste a printed and cut out leaf, sprinkle it with water from the spray gun to "age" the paper.
It is easy to remove such a seal. You can just remove the clay, and then stick it back, pre-melting a little.
to the contents ↑How to make a seal on a counter?
- For greater certainty, to make a seal, make a plaster cast beforehand.
- So that the gypsum leaves no residue, sprinkle it with hairspray.
If you do not know how to do something like that, it does not matter. In extreme cases, we can say that the seal has deteriorated from the heat or strong heating of the electrical shield. Maybe it will pass. Or maybe not.
As you can see, for the craftsman there is nothing impossible, and the question of how to remove the water meter without damaging the seal has a positive answer. However, do not forget about the responsibility for such acts. And many times think: do you want it?