- Where to bleach hair?
- How to whiten hair - useful advice
- Discoloration by hydropyret
- Bleaching with peroxide
- Home hair dye without peroxide
- How to whiten hair folk remedies?
- Whitening for brunettes
- Whitening henna
Every girl has made the decision to change her image at least once in her life. It is easier, faster and cheaper to do this with a haircut or by changing the color of your hair. You can lighten the hair with the help of paint bought in the store, but it is not always safe, so the question arises, how to lighten hair at home without expensive materials.
to the contents ↑Where to bleach hair?
The decision on whether to lighten hair at home or do it in beauty salons - you must take it yourself. Weigh all the pros and cons. Be prepared for the fact that using the tool for the first time, you most likely will not get the right shade. There is also a danger of dry hair. So, if your hair is already exposed to chemical attack, then lightening them will be very risky.
How to whiten hair - useful recommendations
- When choosing colors during the experiment, we recommend first to try the reaction of the product on a small strand of hair: cut a small strand, color it, wash it and dry it. If you liked the result, then paint your hair on the entire head. It certainly can be done indefinitely, picking up colors, but you can go for advice to a specialist in the hairdresser.
- If you want to lighten a little, it is better to use a shade tonic for blondes.
- If you used to dye your hair, flush the paint with special remedies before the lightening, allowing you to remove the pigment of the hue from the hair. Otherwise, the result will not be the one you expected.
- If you are going to radically change the color from brunette to blonde, then home recipes are powerless. Is it only use hydrogen peroxide. The only advantage of this tool is the result is instantaneous. To the process of clarification was even faster, add ammonia( ammonia) to the peroxide.
Important! Hydrogen peroxide is a very strong substance. It's the only thing that can cope with black hair, but the hair will become dry, like straw. We do not recommend this method, but it needs to be mentioned.
to the table of contents ↑Discoloration by the hydreritis
If you are looking for a way to whiten your hair at home cheaply and simply, this option is exactly right for you - tablets are sold in any pharmacy. Clearly follow the instructions to lighten the curls, so as not to hurt yourself.
The solution is made so: 1 tablet is mixed with 1 ml of water. A 30% solution is obtained. Calculate the amount of the agent and the percentage for your hair type:
- thin - a solution of no more than 7%;
- dark medium thickness - require 7-12% solution;
- thick hair - 12-30%;
If you are a brunette - add a couple drops of ammonia, then the effect will be accelerated. Begin the treatment of the curls, as with normal painting, from the back of the head:
- Apply a soft brush to the full length using a massage brush.
- Leave untreated 2 cm at the roots.
- After complete staining, treat the roots to get a natural result.
- Wash off the product after 20-30 minutes.
Important! This method can lighten the dark curls for a few tones, and if you regularly use the tool, then for several weeks, even the red-haired girl will become a blinding blonde.
to the contents ↑Peroxide whitening
If you still decide to use hydrogen peroxide, then use small secrets for beginners:
- Prepare the solution in a faience, porcelain, glass or plastic bowl. The metal container causes a chemical reaction.
- To reduce the damage caused by the procedure, do not wash hair for a few days before lightening. This is to ensure that they are covered by their own protective layer.
- To avoid burns, apply a thick cream to the scalp.
- Do not use a brush with natural bristles to apply the product. It is better to use a wooden stick with a wadded disk wound on it or use a brush with artificial pile.
- To ensure that the solution does not spread, add a little liquid soap( shampoo will reduce the effectiveness of the procedure).
- It is impossible to wrap the head during this procedure, in order to avoid thermal destruction of the hair.
- After completing the lightening, rinse abundantly with curls of water using non-alkaline soap( do not use shampoo so as not to spoil the resulting color).
- Neutralize hydrogen peroxide will help water, acidified with lemon juice( 25 ml of juice per 1 liter of water).Acidified water will also give a natural shine to the hair.
Home hair color without peroxide
Hair color can be prepared at home. It will be more safe and gentle for your hair and you will be able to whiten hair fast enough.
Take 0.5 liters of apple cider vinegar, 20 grams of chamomile flowers, 20 g of calendula flowers, 30 grams of rhubarb root( beaten or finely chopped), 4 lemons, 50 g of alcohol. Use this mask as a normal paint for clarification.
to the contents ↑How to whiten hair folk remedies?
Home remedies are the best alternative to all chemical dyes. They are suitable as young girls who do not want to expose their beautiful locks to chemical means, as well as to women who naturally have light hair, but would like to have more light. All the recommended recipes are safe for the hair and therefore will be of interest to everyone who follows their health and fashion. Use the recipes below and you can easily whiten your hair at home.
Recipe # 1.Honey clarifying mask
How to use:
- First of all, prepare the hair for painting. They must be thoroughly cleaned. To do this, add a pinch of soda to the shampoo and wash the head( balm or conditioner do not use).
- Dry the hair lightly with a towel.
- Apply honey on them( preferably acacia).
- Cover the head with a film, and on top with a thin kerchief.
- Walk around the house with this mask for 9-10 hours.
Important! Do not overeat the head when applying the mask, as at a high temperature honey brightens worse. The action of the mask is based on the property of honey to emit a whitening agent, similar to hydrogen peroxide. Honey mask has a double effect on the hair: nourishes them and gives a beautiful, golden hue. After such a mask, the hair will look healthy and shiny.
Recipe No.2.Broth of onion husks
Infusion of onion husk has a slight clarifying effect. It is used to treat secant, weakened hair, and also gives the locks a pleasant, golden color.
Preparation of decoction:
- Fill 0.5 l pot with onion peel and pour boiling water.
- Insist until completely cooled down.
- Strain the infusion.
- Rinse after each wash, diluting with water if necessary.
Recipe # 3.Chamomile broth
Camomile is one of the most famous folk remedies. It not only lightens the hair, but also heals them, gives them strength and volume. To achieve maximum effect in solving the issue of how to lighten hair at home using chamomile, the hair should be natural, not colored.
Important! It is especially difficult to brighten the hair after staining with henna or basma.
For broth, take 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers and 2 spoons of nettle for 0.5 liters of water. Instructions for use:
- Mix the mixture of chamomile and nettle with boiling water.
- Let it brew for half an hour.
- Strain the broth.
- Rinse the curls with chamomile every evening.
You can also use chamomile hair masks, and a week later, natural hair will lighten up a few tones.
Important! Chamomile can be used together with the leaves or roots of rhubarb in the proportion of 1 part chamomile flowers to 3 parts rhubarb. If you use rhubarb roots, then brew the mixture in a water bath for 15-20 minutes, and when using leaves - insist until it cools completely. Broths apply on the hair for about half an hour, then rinse with warm water.
Recipe.№ 4 Lemon juice
Beautiful color can be achieved if the hair lighten lemon. The best effect you will get in the warm season, as the reaction is faster. Moisten the curls with the juice and pulp of the fruit several times a day, then dry them naturally, taking air baths or under the sun.
Important! Lemon juice should be diluted as follows: juice of 2 lemons per 1 tbsp.water. This method is more suitable for oily hair, since it has a drying effect.
Recipe # 5.Cinnamon
Cinnamon is a natural dye that will help you become a few shades lighter.
The use of such a tool is also not difficult:
- Prepare the following components: cinnamon powder, 1 tsp.honey, 3 tbsp.l.olive oil.
- Combine the ingredients and add the hair conditioner. Brush the mixture on your hair and leave the mask for 8 hours.
- Cover the head with a package, and you can go to sleep with peace of mind.
- In the morning, carefully wash your hair.
Recipe No.6.Kefir
Kefir is an excellent tool for whitening hair at home, if you use it as follows:
- Mix 100 ml of kefir and 1 yolk of chicken eggs.
- Add the juice of half a lemon, 50 ml of cognac or vodka.
- Add a small amount of shampoo to the prepared mixture( without balm).
- Stir until a uniform consistency is formed and spread over the entire surface of the hair and scalp.
- Wrap the head with cellophane, then towel.
- To keep this mask for 8 hours, so it is better to apply it in the evening before going to bed, and in the morning, rinse the mask with water using balm.
Important! All hairdressers recommend to say goodbye to a dark shade gradually, and after lightening use nourishing masks and take a complex of vitamins for hair and nails. In order to go from a dark chestnut to a light blond color without harming your hair, you need about 6 months.
to the contents ↑Whitening for brunettes
Whitening hair at home can even brunettes. For these purposes, you can use hydrogen peroxide together with chamomile:
- 100 g of chamomile pharmacy pour 300 ml of boiling water.
- Stir and let stand for half an hour.
- Strain the broth.
- Pour 50 ml of 30% hydrogen peroxide.
- For over-dried hair, we recommend adding 30-40 g of glycerin.
- Apply the prepared product to damp hair.
- Wrap your head with polyethylene.
- Keep the mask for 30-40 minutes.
- Rinse the mask off the hair with warm water.
Whitening henna
To brighten the brunette hair, folk remedy - henna will help. To make the chestnut hair lighter:
- Buy a bag of white henna and a clarifier for it( henna will not work without it).
- Prepare a mixture of water and powder of a uniform consistency. The mixture should not be too thick.
- Apply on head for about 40 minutes.
- Wash off the mask with warm water.
Important! Remember that you can bleach dark hair only with regular use of folk remedies.
There are a lot of ways and methods of lightening the hair at home. Which one to use, choose yourself. The main thing is to make you happy, and your hair is still alive, shining and healthy.