- What are ants?
- How to get ants out of the house?
- Ant's tools
- Folk remedies for ants
- A few simple anti-ants repelling from home
- Preventing the appearance of "uninvited guests"
If you find an ant in your house, then do not be afraid: maybe he accidentally strayed from the street. But if small red insects with regular consistency are shown in your room, then you need to take control of the situation in your hands and learn how to get rid of ants in the house.
to the contents ↑What are ants?
There are more than 12,000 ants living in large colonies, numbering up to 1,000,000 individuals. Each colony has its own queen and worker-ants, who take care of it, as well as the larvae that it lays. Therefore, worker ants can travel great distances in search of food and water to feed their wards.
You can invade such kinds of ants:
- house ant;
- is Argentinian;
- an ant-thief;
- turf ant;
- tapinoma( odorous house ant).
And if you are completely unlucky and you have wounded ants, woodwormers who build tunnels in wood, including wooden houses, then you urgently need to turn to a professional disinfectant.
Tiny house ants, although they look harmless, but very quickly multiply. Soon enough you will find them in bread-bins, drawers of a table, a bathroom and even a bed. On their paws, they can carry dirt and pathogens of dangerous diseases. Not everyone will like it when during rest, sleep or dinner, a crowd of small bugs will walk around it, that's why the question "How to get rid of ants in the house?" Arises.
Important! Ants are unfairly considered to be pests, since most of them are useful for the environment: they feed on the larvae of bedbugs, flies, fleas, spiders, moths and scales, so a more appropriate approach in combating the invasion of ants will be to contain the insect population and protect food in the housewith the help of folk natural means.
to the contents ↑How to get ants out of the house?
To fight with ants, you need to consider some of the characteristics of their lives. The heart of the colony of ants is the nest, where females live - ant queens, which produce more and more "workers".Females do not leave the nests, therefore, in order to permanently get rid of ants in an apartment or house, you need to find nests sitting in which the uterus lays eggs. After all, only destroying the heart of the colony, you can cope with the invasion of these insects.
If there are redheads in the apartment, then you need to get rid of such ants in the house very quickly. Remember that if you live in an apartment, then you can overcome arthropod migrants only together with other tenants at home. It is necessary to unite the efforts of as many residents as possible, so that in any apartment no nest has a chance to survive.
Find a nest in the apartment is very difficult. Usually, it is hidden in a small cavity in the floor or in the wall. If even you are lucky, and you find an ant trail, do not rush to tile the tile or remove the parquet. Try through the working ants "treat" the females and larvae with a prepared poisonous potion.
to the table of contents ↑Antids from
There are a variety of ways to get rid of insect infestation. Some of them are fast, but laborious, while others are easier to implement, but they take time. Finally, you can get rid of ants in the house quickly and easily, but the option will cost a lot of money. We recommend using the following methods and means of varying degrees of financial cost, speed of action and labor intensity.
Calling the disinfestation team
This is the most reliable way to get rid of small ants in your home, because the experts are well aware of what means you need to conduct processing, skillfully find nests of insects and provide a total sweep of any room.
The team is fighting in several stages:
- The territory is carefully examined for detection of nests and based on the results of the survey, a treatment plan is drawn up.
- With the help of special mechanical devices - steam, water, low temperatures, pesticides or special biological means, the processing of the habitats of house ants is carried out: tiles, cracks, pipes, heating batteries, skirting boards.
- After the treatment, the room is inspected.
Important! The result of the work of the special brigade is 100%, but the only negative is the high cost of this method.
Self-use of insecticidal aerosols
This method of how to get rid of ants in the house, apply in the event that the invasion is not catastrophic, and the apartment is only occasionally looked at by red or red ants.
You can use any means from ants from household chemicals, for example, Front Line, Combat, Raid, and others. Using aerosol formulations is easy, but you need to do it carefully and adhere to the following recommendations:
- Remove all tenants from the premises.
- Take out the linen, breadbox, all other things chosen by insects on the balcony or free space.
- Hide the dishes.
- Wear a medical mask or respirator.
- Spray the product over skirting boards, cracks and all ant trails.
Important! If you can not identify the location of the nest with the uterus, then fighting even the most effective aerosol can be useless, since the nests can be out of the room and the invasion will continue.
Using special
gels If the nest of bugs is not in sight and it is not clear even where - in the apartment or in another place, then in this situation it is better to use insecticidal gels. The main advantage of such drugs is that they act not only on worker ants, but also on the entire colony. A strong gel contains poison, which is the bait. Insects eat it, but do not die right away, but about a day later. During this time they manage to bring the gel into the nest and poison the entire colony, possibly the uterus. With the correct use of the gel, you can get rid of ants in 3-4 weeks.
Another advantage of this drug is its ability to use in any room, even in the kitchen. The composition of the gels contains natural bitterness, which will not allow the dog or curious child to eat a drop of the drug, but do not scare the ants. In addition, after treatment, the gel retains its consistency for a long period of time, so it can take up to 8 months to attract insects. This remedy for ants is easily removed from the walls and skirting and leaves no traces. One such representative is the "Raptor" gel.
Application of pencils from ants and dusts
If for the reasons of high toxicity the use of aerosols and gels is impossible, then you can get rid of house ants with the help of dust( so-called insecticide powders) or a pencil. These funds are more accessible, but require an even longer struggle.
Pencil is easy to use: draw a shallow line wherever insects can pass: along skirting boards, along the edges of kitchen furniture, window sills, etc. For example, you can use the famous chalk "Mashenka", which also proved to be good in fighting cockroaches. The drug does not smell and that is important, does not have a toxic effect on people and pets. As a dust, you can use the Clean House tool.
Important! Get rid of the ants at home with pencils and dusts for a couple of days will not work, it will take at least a couple of weeks.
Domino elimination - use of traps
It is possible to get rid of ants in a private house or apartment using traps only if they are baits with poison. Domestic ants will enter the container, eat poison and feed it to the uterus. The result will be qualitative - the whole colony will die. People and animals will be safe at the same time. For example, the "Raid" traps contain granules that the ants take away in the holes.
Important! Traps with Velcro or electric, powered from the outlet, are absolutely ineffective, as pests will perish in them, but the colony will send more and more foragers in search of food, as the uterus will live.
to the content ↑Folk remedies for ants
You can get rid of any ants - red, red and even black - with the help of popular folk remedies. Consider some of them:
Boric acid
- 1 tsp.stuff pour a glass of water.
- Add 1 tsp.honey or sugar.
- Stir the product and drop it on the pathways along which the insects move.
Important! The ants will cling to the mixture and take it by bit to the "house" of the uterus, destroying themselves and her.
- In a glass of warm water, add the yeast until a viscous mass is obtained.
- In the mixture put a little sugar for sweetness.
- With the resulting paste, treat the ant routes.
This remedy is also effective against ants:
- Mix the same amount of sugar and borax with the same proportions until a uniform mass is formed.
- Sprinkle the mixture along the trails.
Important! You can also use the following mixture: carefully mix in equal proportions glycerin, borax, honey, sugar and water. Arrange a treat in all the places of congestion of uninvited guests. In a week you can forget about these insects.
Corn flour
Corn flour is an effective tool for getting rid of ants in an apartment or a private house. Loosen the product in its pure form along the paths and cracks. The ants will eat the flour, but they will not be able to digest it, because in the stomachs it swells and damages the digestive system. We understand that this is cruel, but effective.
Meat bait
Mix a bit of minced meat with a small amount of borax( 2 tbsp minced meat and ½ tsp ground borax.) The resulting mixture spreads over all places of congestion.
Important: Folk recipes should be used in a dacha or in a room thatfor a long time it is not used, because if animals are in the house, they can use baits and poison.
to the contents ↑A few simple antiphygent antiperscription recipes from the house
There are many kinds of barriers that scare the ants and the gatekeeperthey can be kept away from your house, the barrier can be made no wider than 6.5 mm, but it must be a continuous line. To create an obstacle, you can use:
- activated carbon in powder;
- turmeric;
- citrus oil;
- cinnamon;
- black pepperor chili;
- Vaseline;
- baby powder;
- vinegar;
- cleaning powder;
- leaves of wild mint, wormwood, elderberry, medicinal camomile;
- cloves of garlic( grate the ant path and penetration points with a tooth);
- camphor( this is poison not only for ants, but for a person, so if children are in the house - do not use this substance);
- bay leaf;
- parsley, anise, clove;
- lemon;
- sunflower oil.
Preventing the appearance of "uninvited guests"
Do not wait for the total invasion of insects and the problem of how to get rid of ants in the house. Adhere to the following rules of prevention:
- Observe the cleanliness in the apartment, regularly spend wet cleaning.
- Do not leave dirty dishes, wash immediately after use.
- Do not leave on the tables and open places the remains of food, crumbs, meat pruning. Bread when the insects are found clean in the refrigerator.
- Banks from jam, jam, honey, bottles from sauce and liquor rinse carefully.
- Place dishes with honey and other ant-attractive food on plates with water.
- Do not leave pets food in the open.
- Banks with cereals, sugar, vanilla and other products should be tightly closed.
- Do not leave the trash for the night, throw away food waste daily.
- Bury the slots with the described means to prevent the insects from migrating from neighbors.
If you follow the preventive measures, and every six months to process a pencil door and ventilation shaft, your apartment will turn into an impregnable fortress. Good luck in fighting against uninvited guests!