- Where do the ants in homes come from?
- Kinds of ants
- Ants disinfestation
- How to properly disinsect?
In whatever country you come, you will definitely meet one of the varieties of ants that are somewhere crawling and necessarily carrying something. Unlike other types of insects, ants are rare visitors in homes and apartments, as they perfectly feel themselves in the natural environment and build their own dwellings, the construction of which is much more complicated than human houses. However, people are constantly changing the world, rebuilding nature for themselves, and labor-ants, deprived of a normal habitat, migrate to where they are not expected - in your home. Treatment from ants is very demanded to date disinfestation procedure, and if you decide to independently remove insects, this process will take you a lot of time and will require you to have great patience.
to the contents ↑Where do the ants in the houses come from?
The number of ants is huge - they make up about 80% of the number of all insects and about 20% of the total biomass of animals. At first glance, ants are not our enemies, and we could live peacefully with them. But some species of ants pose a serious threat, for example, termites can completely destroy wooden structures and eat all the furniture, and the tree is eaten from inside and only the shell remains. Many of their enemies consider the "red" ants, who do not care where to live: in the house, in the suburban area, in the city apartment.
If in your apartment there were a couple of bugs, then of course, there will be no harm from them. But there is a high probability that very soon you will have a whole colony, because innocuous goose bumps with fantastic speed. You should not also ignore the possibility of insects moving, because to find food, they are able to move away from the nest at a distance of up to 200 m. Therefore, if today you noticed uninvited guests, and tomorrow from is already a little more, processing from ants is absolutely necessary.
Places of settlement of ants in the house
We will allocate several necessary conditions for settling the colony of ants:
- Source of constant heat.
- Source of water and food near the nest.
- High humidity level.
- No light. Stealth from the human eyes.
All these conditions are perfectly matched by a variety of angles, cracks, spaces, located behind the furniture.
Important! Most often, the colony settles near sources of food, moisture and heat, that is, in the kitchen or in the bathroom, because the diet of insects is mainly sweet or flour products, as well as meat and fish.
The reasons for the appearance of ants in the house
The reasons for the appearance of ants in your home can be:
- Unsanitary conditions and irregular garbage collection. Goose bumps appear in the room with only one purpose - to find food, and they consider crumbs, dirty dishes and a full trash can as an invitation to a meal.
- Pickling ants from neighbors. These insects are incredibly tenacious and adapt to any conditions of existence. If your neighbors staged a harassment, the scout individuals will find new nest sites and transfer the colony to a safer place( that is, your apartment).To protect yourself from unexpected guests is impossible, since ants crawl even into the most delicate cracks. In this case, only simultaneous treatment from ants will help.
- The onset of cold weather. Since ants are warm-blooded insects, and in warm weather they live in nature, with the onset of cold weather, insects will immediately move to warmer rooms, that is, to your apartment or house.
- Penetration through open doors and windows. More often this variant is observed during active breeding, at the time when adults acquire wings, which means they get an additional opportunity to move.
- Randomness. Larvae of insects can be without food for a long time, which means that you can accidentally bring an infected object into the apartment without even knowing it. This can be clothing, furniture and other household items. Even adults can be brought accidentally to their home, and since ants leave a trace of pheromones, soon their relatives will come from the street, and the colony will quickly grow.
Important! Regardless of what was the main reason for the settlement of insects in your home, you must first put the house in order, remove all garbage and food from free access, and then only the disinsection of ants is performed.
to content ↑Kinds of ants
In nature there are more than 6,000 species of ants and only a few of them prefer to settle near people.
Red ants
The most common species is the "home" or red ant. He was brought to us from the tropics and lived in the wild.
Important! This species is characterized by a small size: the adult specimen reaches 2-2.5 mm in length. The main part of the colony is made up of working individuals. The size of the colony depends on the number of females( 1-200), while working individuals may be about one million.
Red ants have a yellow body color, are populated in inaccessible places:
- Behind the wallpaper and skirting boards.
- In the crevices of the floor and foundation.
- In household appliances.
- Clothes.
An anthill is never located in one place. In the apartment you can find several nests, connected by paths. Because of the nature of the settlement, the sight of the red ants is very difficult to destroy, so if you find a "pharaoh" ant in the house, you will have to process the whole apartment.
Yellow ants
Another species that can live next to you is the "yellow ant-thief".This kind of insects settles, mainly in country houses, preferring basement floors and cellars. Most often, this kind of insects comes from the street.
Young females arrange breeding sites in convenient house crevices, and after a while, the anthill grows, and already adult workers enter all living quarters in search of food.
Important! Treatment from ants of this type is needed as effective as any other type of insect.
Other types of
Less common in houses and apartments can be found "wild" ants. In particular:
- "Red" ants. This species usually comes from the street, but does not stay long, as only in the forest can insects find the necessary amount of food.
- "Woodwormers".Ants of this species can settle in the walls of country houses, but unlike termites, they do not destroy the tree completely, but only spoil it, gnawing out tunnels.
- "Garden".This species of insects needs impressive anthills, and therefore rarely settles near a person. But nevertheless, "garden" ants are able to harm agriculture, planting aphids on the stems and leaves of garden plantings. Therefore, if they have already reached your house, then there are quite a lot of them on the site. In this case, we urgently need to think about how processing from ants would be quick. Otherwise, the harvest will not be the one you planned.
Ants disinfestation
Small ants can cause big problems, because they creep around the house, not only spoil the food and climb into all the cracks, including home appliances. Such insects can be carriers of dangerous bacteria that cause dysentery, tuberculosis, typhoid, plague and other diseases, and the bite of these small insects can cause allergies. So, it's better to let them live in the forest, and not in your house or on the site.
The independent removal of ants does not always lead to the desired result, since insect nests are most often hidden from our eyes and difficult to detect. In addition, ordinary poison and dichlorvos can be useless, since ants quickly get used to poisons, and if the colony you do not destroy completely, then it will quickly regain its strength, and withdraw it will be much more difficult.
High-quality disinsection of ants and is the destruction of the entire colony at once, so if the creeps have settled in a house or apartment, then proceed as follows:
- Learn the routes of moving insects. Watching the "labor-wreckers," trace their paths and calculate where the anthill is.
- Destroy the "enemy bunker".For processing, use chemicals, as well as special equipment that can ensure the ingress of poisons into the most inaccessible places. Just fill the entrance of the anthill or destroy it insufficiently. None of the folk methods, too, will not work, as the anthill has a lot of outlets and tunnels. To destroy the nest, special, very small capsules with poison are needed that can kill not only adults, but also their larvae.
- Handle all the places in an apartment or house to destroy the remaining living insects and protect the home from the repeated intrusion of parasites. To this end, apply insecticides - treat all rooms in an apartment or house at the same time, so that the effect is significant.
Important! For processing from ants in the country, use the same tools and methods. The difference is only in scale, because there may be more than one anthill on the site, but several. In addition, it is necessary to process the soil and trees to fix the result.
Useful advices:
- During the disinsection of ants in an apartment and house there should not be pets and people.
- Disinsection of premises is carried out twice with an interval of several days.
- After treatment, after about a day, do a wet cleaning of the dwelling.
- In addition to chemical preparations for the destruction of ants, boric acid can be used. It corrodes the chitinous cover of insects, thereby destroying them. Treat acid anthill to destroy the uterus.
Important! In the future, for the purpose of prophylaxis, use garlic, peppermint, tansy, wormwood, elderberry and other plants to repel insects.
to the contents ↑How to disinfect?
With a serious opponent, which is an ant, it is better not to fight alone, but to entrust the matter to professionals.
Advantages of professional disinsection:
- Processing is faster and more efficient.
- There is no need to buy chemical products, which means there is no danger to health.
- Disinfestation is carried out by specialists with extensive experience who are familiar with the habits of insects and their way of life, and accordingly - they know what and how to use in a specific situation.
- Availability of special equipment and products that have been certified.
- After processing, you will receive a guarantee that within a year, and maybe two, not one insect will disturb you. Otherwise, the service will conduct an antisusage of ants for free.
- The apartment will not leave any traces after treatment. The wallpaper, furniture or parquet will retain their original appearance.
- There will be no strong smell in the house.
Preparing for the procedure
To secure the tenants, before the arrival of specialists, perform the following procedures:
- Package and clean all products.
- Take out the animals and fish.
- Do preliminary wet cleaning inside the house.
- Remove all obstructing objects and carpeting.
- Leave the room for the duration of treatment.
After house treatment:
- Ventilate all rooms and rooms well.
- Vacuum the apartment.
- Clean the furniture.
- Wash the dishes and wipe the working surfaces of the tables.
- Wet floor cleaning for the second or third day after the treatment room.
You can endlessly watch and admire the diligence of small insects. However, let them live better and work in the open spaces of the forest, and not in our homes, because there is practically no benefit from such neighbors, only harm. Take advantage of our advice and recommendations, entrust pest control to professionals, so that small, but far-reaching insects never bothered you.