- Forwards dogs
- Why and in what cases is an attack of dogs?
- Kinds of animal attacks
- Types of bites
- How should behave when you collide with an aggressive dog?
- Dog protection
- Mechanism of action in the case of a dog bite
- Means for repelling domesticated dogs
The undeniable fact is the statement that the dog is a man's friend, but sometimes it happens that from a friend it turns into an enemy. How to recognize this moment, and what means of protection against dogs exist - it is necessary to know everyone, because such situations are unpredictable, and getting into it, the person's reaction should be lightning fast.
to content ↑Striker dogs
Dogs that can attack can be conditionally divided into two categories: stray dogs and pets.
Among domestic breeds, service dogs and fighting dogs are especially dangerous in this regard. The safest are decorative breeds and hunting dogs.
Stray dogs, as a rule, attack in packs, the number from five individuals, but cases of a single attack are also possible. Among the stray dogs there are different breeds and their mixtures, as well as yard mongrel individuals.
Important! The most dangerous, without exaggeration, are dogs infected with rabies, regardless of whether the animal is accustomed to domestic conditions or street conditions. Since no one can be sure that he will not have to meet with an infected animal, what kind of protection against dogs can be used, one must have a concept for everyone.
Kinds of dogs
Given the features of the build, animals can be divided into three categories:
- Heavy. This type includes St. Bernards, Great Danes, Black Terriers, Rottweilers.
- Medium. This type of dog is represented by the following breeds: Eastern European and German Shepherds, Dobermanns, Laika and Riesen Schnauzers.
- Lightweight. This type is represented by pit bull terriers, airedale terriers, boxers.
Important! Depending on the belonging to a particular type, the attacking animal is characterized by the strength and tactics of attack.
to the contents ↑Why and in what cases is the attack of dogs?
There are a number of reasons that provoke dogs to attack:
- A person can, without even knowing it, invade the territory that he guards and considers his dog. It can be the apartment where he lives, the nearby landing, the yard, where the dog often walks.
- Unfortunately, there are situations when the owner of his wrestling dogs sets on other people's pets and their owners and, thus, has fun.
- A dog can attack if gestures or movements of a person's body are considered threatening to themselves. Thus, runners and drunken people enter the risk zone.
- A Psyna, guarding her master, can attack a person who threatens him or makes sharp moves in his direction.
In each case, the means of protection against dogs can be different.
Important! Rabies turns an animal, whether it's homemade or stray, into a very aggressive creature that can rush at anything that moves for no reason.
to content ↑Kinds of animal attack
An aggressive dog, depending on the type of attack, acts as follows:
- Assault from the front. With such an attack, all dogs behave, by and large, the same. They try to dodge the defensive strikes of a man and try to get to the side and a little behind him. When the animal succeeds, it strives to bite the leg, hand or object that the victim defends.
- Assault from the rear. Such an attack of the animal is characteristic when the victim runs off to him. In this attack, different types of dogs act differently:
- Dogs of a heavy type, after catching a victim, bite their teeth in her foot or in a torso and bring it down to the ground;
- Medium-sized dogs do not bring down their victim, but are knocked down. To do this, they, having reached the runner close, jump on it and strike the whole body in the lower back. Also, such dogs can hit their heads under their knees.
- Dogs of a light type without much difficulty jump to the victim on his back and, clinging to the neck or shoulder with his teeth, hang on it.
Types of bites
Any aggressively tuned dog will try to float his teeth, so they quickly disable the opponent and force him to stop any type of resistance. The bite can be divided into three stages:
- Hvat. The first stage of the bite. From its depth depends the strength and damage from subsequent stages.
- Compression. The strength of this stage of the bite depends not only on the depth of grasp, but also on the size of the seized portion of the body and the strength of the jaws of the attacking animal.
- Trepov is the most dangerous action of a dog. After all, it is at this stage of the bite that ligaments and muscles are injured. It occurs in 0,5-1 second after the grip.
How should behave when you collide with an aggressive dog?
To be able to use the means for repelling dogs or other ways of protection against them, take these rules of conduct:
- Accustom yourself not to be afraid of even the most terrible and terrible looking dogs. Animals always feel fear and are not afraid to attack such people. Learn to perceive an aggressive dog not as an animal, but as a small person's height. Considering the dog at such an angle, you can immediately see that its capabilities are much smaller than yours.
- Keep clarity, speed and logical thinking, because this is the key to success in any extreme situations. Even if you can not avoid being bitten by an animal, you must overcome pain and think soberly.
- Do not try to escape from the dog. Do not turn your back to it and do not let it come in from behind or from the side. If there is an object nearby that will help you close your back, use it to secure the rear. You can use wood, a wall, a car, a fence for this purpose.
- Dogs that did not respond to training become insecure and less aggressive if they move away from the protected area or lose sight of the host. Therefore, it is worth trying to retreat from the territory of the dog, turning around the corner of the house or going into the entrance.
- Dogs do not like and are afraid of sudden movements, loud noises, when something is thrown at them. You can try to bite your teeth and growl at the dog. No matter how ridiculous it may seem from the outside, remember that you are saving yourself. If you're going to shout at her, it's best to lower your voice and do it as closely as possible with an animal growl.
- Use all the items that fall under your arm as a means of protecting against dogs. Try with their help to keep the dog in the distance, to hammer the dog's mouth, to strike her.
- If the animal grabs you by the hand, do not try to pull it out of its mouth. Thus, you will only inflict great damage on yourself. To avoid this situation, you should direct your forearm down and toward the animal's neck. This action will give you a few seconds, which you can spend on striking the attacking animal legs.
- It is worth remembering the most vulnerable places on the dog's body. Strong blow to the tip of the nose can kill even the biggest dog. The bridge of the nose, the place of transition from the muzzle to the forehead, the middle of the back, the base of the skull, the belly and the solar plexus are also the weak points of the dog. A blow inflicted on these places can lead to the dog's refusal to attack.
- As for the actions that entail fracture of the paws, ribs, tail, ears, and also blows on the sides, they will only bring the dog pain, but will not force it to stop the attack.
- Watch the dog's gaze - it's always directed to the place where the dog is going to grab his teeth. Therefore, even at the time of the jump you can knock him down. Target the area of the scapula, neck or chest. Your movements should be fast and strong.
Important! Never provoke a dog to attack, do not shout and do not make sharp movements towards its owner. Do not stroke other dogs, give them commands. Animals do not understand words, but they are well versed in intonations. Special care should be taken near dogs in muzzles and those who are led on short leashes, because all these measures are taken, as a rule, not in vain.
to the table of contents ↑Dog protection
To protect against four-legged aggressors, you can use all the same tools that are suitable for protection against people with criminal intent:
- Gas cartridge with MPS or OS substances is sufficient - an effective means for protecting against dogs. Such substances as CS and CN absolutely do not work on dogs, so do not try to stop the dog attack with such balloons.
- Gas pistol with pepper cartridges will be an excellent tool for protecting against four-legged enemies. Shooting a revolver or a gas pistol with blank or signal light cartridges is also an effective means of repelling dogs.
Important! Endless weapons will not help you save yourself from attacking a dog, but only make it more angry. Therefore, if the traumatic weapon was in front of you at the time of the attack, you should not use it if you are not sure that you can hit the aggressor exactly in the head.
- If you do well with a knife, it will be an excellent protection against dogs. But it should be remembered that you will be able to injure the animal only with close contact with it, so the likelihood of injuring the defender is also great.
- The pocket type rocket launcher has proven to be an effective means of repelling dogs. By launching a rocket in the direction of a vagrant flock, you will have the strongest psychological effect on it.
- The electric shock, like a knife, is effective only when it comes into close contact with the dog.
- Ultrasonic dog deterrents are a new high-tech tool that, thanks to waves of a certain frequency, scares off dogs in a certain radius from themselves. Stationary scarers can cover a territory of up to 200 square meters, but they are bulky and inconvenient to carry with themselves. Portable scarers have small dimensions, but their range is up to a maximum of 7 m.
Important! It should be noted that in dogs infected with rabies, as well as trained wrestling breeds and deaf or hard of hearing dogs, such a remedy as an ultrasonic repeller does not work.
to the contents ↑Mechanism of action in the case of a dog bite
If in an encounter with an animal you are injured in the form of bites, you should consistently perform such procedures:
- Wash the bite with clean water and soap and, if possible, treat it with a disinfectant.
- Apply a bandage to the site of the bite.
- Get help in the hospital or, in case of serious injuries, call an ambulance.
Important! If you received a bite from a pet, you should always ask the owner of the veterinary book, which indicates the vaccinations made.
If you bite a stray dog in your area of residence, it is advisable to watch the dog from the side for the next week - so that it does not disappear anywhere, does not reveal any further signs of infection with rabies. Otherwise - it is necessary to immediately make preventive vaccinations against this life-threatening, human, including, disease. If the dog disappeared, such a procedure is also mandatory.
to the table of contents ↑Home deterrent remedies
There are times when a dog or a flock should be scared away from a flower bed, garden or garden. In such cases, the following means are used.
Medical alcohol
Isopropyl alcohol is a harmless, but effective way to scare the dogs off the site. Dogs can not stand the smell of alcohol, so the owners of beds and gardens moisten tampons in medical alcohol and leave them on the site.
Hot pepper
This product can cause acute irritation of mucous membranes and respiratory tract in dogs, therefore dogs carefully avoid places where there is pepper. Powdered plots, you will protect them from four-legged animals.
The smell of these fruits also irritates dogs. Wiping the furniture with juice, you will protect it from sharp teeth.
This is another substance, the smell of which can not stand the four-legged friends of a man. Tampons soaked in vinegar and left on the stone will scare them away from the site.
Important! Do not water the ground with vinegar, as this can adversely affect the roots of plants.
The smell of ammonia irritates not only dogs, but also humans, so use it to scare animals should only be outdoors.
Be careful with dogs, regardless of whether they are domestic or not. Always observe the rules of communication with them and do not fall into a situation where physical protection is required.