Top-5 innovative energy-saving curtains

Window blinds are traditionally designed to protect the room from the light of the sun on a hot day. However, in recent years there have been innovative curtains, which, in addition to their traditional functions, help in saving energy. The principle of operation of most of these curtains is the same: the solar cells that are built into these blinds, accumulate and conserve energy, so that it can be used at night for lighting.


  • Energy Curtain
  • Curtains SunTiles
  • Solar Modules
  • Solar Curtain
  • Ecological Sheet - Sunshade

Energy Curtain

Such curtains were developed by industrial designers Johan Redstrom, Linda Vorbin, Carolina Müller and Moago Jacobs. Thanks to the built-in solar cells throughout the day, such a curtain accumulates the energy of the sun, preventing the room from overheating, and at night the same curtain begins to glow. Hanging this curtain on the window, turn on the light in the evening is not needed. The room will be illuminated by natural uniform light.

Curtains SunTiles

Curtains SunTilesot, created by designer Astrid Krogh - a whole system that includes a direct curtain and integrated with it photovoltaic cells. Hanging them at home, you can kill 2 rabbits. These filament curtains perform 2 useful functions: they protect the room from the scorching sun day and night from moonlight, and the photovoltaic cells are able to release heat energy, they maintain the optimum temperature indoors.

Solar modules

Vinaccia studio designers have created solar LED modules from ceramic tiles, they can be used as a curtain for house windows. The functions of this device are the same - it reflects sunlight and accumulates energy, but it looks quite original.

Solar Blind

The creators of the "Solar Curtain" concept advanced further than their colleagues - they added another device, namely the charging base, to the curtain that can be used to collect solar energy. It accumulates energy, which can then be used to charge LED lamps, tablets and smartphones.

Eco-sheet - sunshade

This curtain is built in LED lamps, which resemble small leaves in form. The energy that the curtain will store can be enough for lighting an apartment in the evening or working on an LCD TV.Moreover, as befits real leaves, this curtain reduces the volume of carbon dioxide inside the room.